The main signs of depression in women

The main signs of depression in women
The main signs of depression in women

Every girl or woman has suffered from depression at least once in her life. But how to determine the disease? What is hidden under this term? And is the disease treatable?


The word "depression" means the suppression of any needs, desires, in this case a person experiences negative emotions, deeply worries. Motivation suddenly disappears somewhere, you don’t want anything, passive behavior, despair arise. The problems seem to have no solutions and there is no way out. A person becomes indifferent to everything that happens around, there is a lack of initiative, a feeling of guilt for the events of the past and present, a feeling of lack of prospects for the future.

Signs of depression in women are the same as all of the above. The matter is further complicated by the fact that the female sex is famous for vulnerability, sensitivity, and emotionality. It is generally accepted that men are the stronger sex, and women are the weaker. Therefore, the latter and worse endure the depressive state, which is increasingly observed in people of various strata of society. Signs of depression in women have become companions of their modern life. And mental imbalance itself is called the disease of the twenty-first century.


Main signs of depression in women

  1. Hormonal background. As you know, in women, the level of hormones in the body constantly “jumps”. This may be due to apathy and depression.
  2. Nervous system. In the fair sex, depression can occur due to various disorders of the nervous system, such as fatigue, decreased attention, anxiety and tension.
  3. Antidepressants. Although a group of such drugs should reduce signs of depression in women, if used incorrectly, the opposite effect can occur. Do not forget that these drugs should be prescribed only by a specialist, self-medication in this case can be dangerous. There is no need to be irresponsible about the use of antidepressants.
  4. Mood. Signs of depression in women can include a bad mood. But it must be distinguished from a disorder of the nervous system. A bad mood arises periodically, changing to a good one. With depression, this does not happen, a person lives in constant despondency.
  5. Family problems. Signs of deep depression: poor relationship with her husband, problems with a child, dissatisfaction with family life. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, she is closely connected with the family, therefore domestic troubles have such a negative impact.

How to get rid of this condition


First of all, a woman should realize what problems she has and what signs of depression she has. If you cannot cope with the disease yourself, it is better to consult a psychologist,which will definitely help a woman overcome the disease. Treating major depression is not only possible, but necessary! Try to do things that lift your mood, do not make important decisions on your own, do not overload yourself with work. Do not drink a lot of coffee, studies have long confirmed its negative effect on the nervous system. It is very important that you feel better.

Don't let depression take you captive!

