To runny nose, which arose on the background of an allergic reaction, many are not serious. Apparently, these people do not know that this disease can lead to a number of complications, such as sinusitis, bronchial asthma and chronic atopic dermatitis. Drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis will help to avoid this kind of trouble, while strict adherence to medical prescriptions is important.
Advice for patients
To cure an allergic rhinitis in an adult or a child, it is important not only to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor, but also to comply with certain conditions. First of all, care should be taken to eliminate the allergen, otherwise taking even the most effective drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis becomes meaningless. Also important:
- avoid food allergens;
- regularly make wethousekeeping;
- ventilate the room in the morning and evening;
- take regular walks outdoors in the evenings and after rain;
- maintain normal air humidity at 55-65%;
- monitor the air temperature, which should not rise above 19 °C.
These recommendations are of particular importance for people suffering from hay fever during the flowering season of plants. To facilitate nasal breathing, it is better to resort to the use of hypoallergenic cosmetics, household chemicals. At the same time, it is desirable to remove away sources of accumulation of dust and irritating substances (carpets, soft toys, decorative and aromatic pillows, exotic indoor plants).
The task of antiallergic drugs
Distinguishing an allergic rhinitis from a cold is not difficult - these are transparent and copious discharge from the nose, accompanied by congestion, swelling. In general, such rhinitis does not affect general well-being, proceeds without an increase in body temperature, unlike respiratory infectious diseases.

Against the background of an allergic reaction in the human body, the active production of histamine is launched. In simple terms, we can say that this is a substance that occurs as a result of an immune response to an irritant. Because of it, there is discharge from the nose, swelling of the mucous membrane, sneezing. To reduce the level of histamine, take special antihistamines that prevent the secretion of this substance. Preparations forAllergic rhinitis treatments are available in various forms - tablets, syrup, drops, sprays. The last two forms are considered more preferable for a runny nose, however, in some cases, their use is contraindicated and then only the oral method of stopping allergies remains.
You should not choose antihistamines for allergic rhinitis on your own. Without harm to he alth, only an allergist, therapist or ENT doctor can do this. For example, for children under two years of age, it is advisable to use drugs against allergic rhinitis in the form of drops, since the spray can cause an inflammatory process in the middle ear. At the same time, for adults, it is the spray form that is considered more preferable due to the possibility of more voluminous irrigation of the nasal cavity at the minimum dosage provided by the installed dispenser. When choosing a dosage form and dosage of a drug, specialists start from the age and body weight of the patient.
Drops and sprays from the common cold with allergies
Many antihistamine nasal preparations are sold in pharmacies today. The most effective and common are medicines such as:
- Zyrtec. A drug that reduces the severity of allergic components, eliminates mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. The active ingredient in the composition is cetirizine dihydrochloride, which is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation and in children under six years of age.
- "Allergodil". Unlike some other drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, this one canuse for a long period (up to six months). Children under six years of age should not be used. The active ingredient is azelastine hydrochloride.
- "Tizin Alerji". Antihistamine spray, the effect of which, according to patients, occurs in minutes. The drug helps to relieve swelling, restore normal nasal breathing. The main substance is levocabastine. Age restrictions are the same as for previous products.

"Kromoheksal". This drug for the treatment of allergic rhinitis is available in over-the-counter form. It is used only in direct contact with the irritant, as a prophylactic spray and drops "Kromoheksal" is ineffective. Sodium cromoglycate as part of the drug can be prescribed to children over five years of age
Each of these medicines has some limitations. To avoid overdose and side effects, any of them should be prescribed by a specialist.
For oral use
Compared to the antihistamines of past generations, the current pharmacological products are of higher quality and minimal risk of side effects. It is impossible to do without oral drugs for allergic rhinitis if the disease is severe, accompanied by asthma, skin rashes, conjunctivitis.
Tablets, suspensions, syrups, drops for oral administration have a pronounced sedative effect, so they must be used with caution becausewhose professional activity requires an increased concentration of attention. That is why second and third generation drugs are more preferable for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Tablets from the common cold are prescribed for adults, syrup and drops - for children. Most often doctors prescribe:
- "Suprastin". This is a first generation antihistamine that stops the manifestations of allergies. It is usually prescribed in tablet form, but at the risk of developing an asthma attack, it can be used in injection form. Suitable for treating children older than one month.
- "Tavegil". Unlike "Suprastin", this drug has a less pronounced sedative effect. Can be given to children over 6 years of age. Available in the form of tablets, syrup for children and injectable solution.
- "Loratadine". An effective drug for allergic rhinitis of the second generation. It is prescribed for adults and children over two years old. The likelihood of side effects is minimal. The active substance of the same name acts during the day. Sold in the form of tablets and liquid suspension.
- "Cetirizine". Refers to the latest medicines for any allergic manifestations. Not addictive. For tangible relief, one tablet per day is enough. In the form of drops, it is prescribed for children after six months, in the form of a syrup - for babies from 2 years old, in tablets - for adults.
- "Telfast". A third-generation antihistamine that can only be taken by adults.

Vasoconstrictors for the common cold
A complex of drugs for the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis or a year-round form of the disease rarely does without representatives of this drug group. Effective vasoconstrictor drugs include:
- Otrivin.
- Oxymetazoline.
- Naphthyzin.
- "Phenylephrine".
Unlike antihistamines, these do not affect the production of histamine and do not neutralize the irritation from the allergen. The principle of action of vasoconstrictor drugs is clear from their name: they constrict blood vessels, which makes it easier to breathe through the nose and relieve swelling.
What drugs for allergic rhinitis can be bought without a prescription? Any remedy from this group is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, but improper self-use can significantly harm and become addictive. The optimal duration of the use of vasoconstrictor drops is no more than five days.

The best vasoconstrictor nasal drops
Also, this pharmacological group is characterized by a pronounced "withdrawal syndrome", which is manifested by severe swelling of the nasal mucosa. Such drugs are especially dangerous for children. That is why in childhood it is recommended to use combined agents that, in addition to vasoconstriction, have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. One of the best drugs for allergic rhinitis for adults and babies over 12 months old is Vibrocil. Alsoappoint "Sinupret", "Sanorin Analergin".
Why take enterosorbents?
In addition to an impressive list of tablets, drops and sprays, with allergies, you need to drink enterosorbents. These drugs help cleanse the body of allergens, toxic substances, their decay products and everything else that causes general intoxication of the body. Many people think that drugs from this group are prescribed only for food poisoning, but this is not so. Enterosorbents act indiscriminately, absorbing any kind of harmful substances and leaving the body with them.
If you take sorbents after the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, it will be possible to prevent further deterioration of he alth and prevent the appearance of concomitant symptoms. Such funds are prescribed not only for adults, they are suitable for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children. Preparations of this group ("Enterosgel", "Smecta", "Atoxil", "Polysorb", "Multisorb", activated carbon) cleanse the body of pathogenic substances, but at the same time wash out the beneficial intestinal microflora, therefore, doctors recommend taking probiotics in parallel with sorbents, vitamin-mineral complexes, drink enough fluids and monitor your diet.
In order for enterosorbents to work as efficiently as possible, they must be taken correctly:
- you need to drink the medicine on an empty stomach (a couple of hours before a meal);
- respect the intervals between taking antihistamines and sorbents (optimally 2 hours);
- treatment should not be more than a week;
- before usebe sure to read the annotation to the drug.
Corticosteroids for severe rhinitis
If the allergic reaction is severe or moderate, hormonal drugs are connected to antihistamine therapy. With allergic rhinitis, they relieve inflammation. Children, as a rule, nasal corticosteroids are not prescribed due to the large number of side effects. It is worth noting that the latest generation of medicines are tolerated by adult patients much easier. Sometimes they are prescribed to children older than two years. At the same time, it is extremely important not to neglect the doctor's recommendations on dosage, since such drugs are quickly addictive, and if used for a long time, they can provoke bleeding, the formation of benign tumors.

In addition, glucocorticosteroids reduce the sensitivity of the immune system to potentially dangerous allergenic substances, which has been proven in numerous studies. They are prescribed for severe pollinosis, hay fever. The expected therapeutic effect usually occurs after 10-12 hours. When using hormonal drops and sprays, it is advisable to adhere to a strict schedule so that the active substances enter the body at the same frequency. Among the hormonal nose drops for allergies, it is worth noting the first generation dexamethasone drugs (Mometasone) and more modern drugs (Fluticasone, Flixonase, Nasonex, Sintaris, Alcedin, Cyclesonide) that act softer and do not penetrate into the bloodstream.
Reviews on drugs against allergic rhinitis
Doctors adhere to a unified approach in the treatment of allergic rhinitis with drugs. According to reviews, this problem occurs quite often in adults. In each case, doctors select medicines taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. After analyzing user comments about drugs that are used to treat allergic rhinitis, we can come to the following conclusions.
The most popular and effective remedy is considered by many to be hormonal sprays Nasonex and Flixonase. They are available in pharmacies without a prescription, so some patients, unaware of the dangers of uncontrolled use of corticosteroid drops, use them on their own, without medical advice. In their reviews, they note a longer effect in comparison with antihistamine tablets. Among the side effects in patients is dryness of the nasal mucosa.

According to user feedback, many struggle with allergic rhinitis with a simple home remedy - saline solution. Rinsing the nose gives, though not long-lasting, but tangible relief and does not give adverse reactions. But doctors do not advise abusing vasoconstrictor drops: they quickly cause drug addiction and hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa, which in severe cases is treated only surgically.
What else you need to know about treating allergies
To the category of radical methods of treatment of allergicrunny nose refers to allergen-specific therapy, which is carried out by specialists in a hospital. The essence of the treatment is repeated injection of the allergen with a gradual increase in dose. The result of such manipulations is the formation of the body's resistance to allergens.
Drug treatment is aimed more at neutralizing the consequences of contact with the allergen. The most effective preventive measure is the complete elimination of allergic components from your environment. Therefore, drugs are popular in the treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults and children, which act like a barrier, minimizing contact with the irritant in the air. One of these medicines is Nazaval. It forms a protective layer in the nasal cavity and is safe for all ages, pregnant and lactating women, because it does not penetrate the bloodstream and does not interact with other medicines.

Before using drops and sprays in the nose for allergies, it is advisable to carry out a preliminary sanitation of the nasal cavity with a saline solution. Thus, it is possible to relieve inflammation, improve nasal breathing, and get rid of inhaled allergens.