In this article, let's look at the benefits of brewer's yeast for children.
They are a natural remedy consisting of specific fungi (a subspecies of Saccharomycetes) that are used in beer production. But due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, this protein-vitamin substance is used to prevent and treat many childhood diseases, and is also used for violations in protein-carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, with a deficiency of nutrients in the body.
Many parents wonder if their child can drink brewer's yeast. More on that below.

Benefit and scope
The preparations based on brewer's yeast contain many vitamins (E, the whole group B, etc.), minerals (iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, calcium, manganese, silicon, etc.), the most important amino acids that are necessary for a growing organism, enzymes (protein, peptidase, etc.). Mineralsand vitamins are contained in protein complexes, so they are released gradually in the body. The unique composition of such natural products contributes to the development of resistance to various adverse factors (overwork, stressful situations), increases activity and mental performance in children, normalizes sleep and relieves irritability.
Protein in composition
Beer yeast has a large amount of protein: 30 g of its content is 17 g. All essential amino acids, from the compounds of which protein is synthesized in the body, are present in brewer's yeast (with the exception of methionine, which is less meat). Sorbents and enzymes in the composition of such preparations contribute to the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients, and the elimination of toxins. Stimulation of digestion processes, removal of toxins from the body (products of decomposition of nutrients), cleansing of the intestinal walls from fecal stones, prevention of constipation in children, improvement of the structures of the mucous membranes are the main actions of yeast on the digestive tract system.
Participating in metabolic processes, by means of brewer's yeast, the functioning of the liver and pancreas improves. Another important effect of their action is that they promote the growth of beneficial flora in the intestine, which suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora. In the cleaned intestinal walls, the protective functions of lymphoid formations are activated - the production of immune cells.

It is also known to use brewer's yeast forchildren from 5 years of age with the development of diabetes mellitus. Only 10-15 g of such a product is equal to 7-10 units of insulin. The significant amount of chromium contained in brewer's yeast helps to maintain the functionality of the pancreas so that the child's body can properly process glucose.
The use of the drug as an immunomodulatory and vitamin supplement, a general tonic in the event of skin diseases, pathologies of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract is approved by experts from all over the world. Enriched brewer's yeast is currently being produced, which is distinguished by an increased amount of useful microelements. For example, enrichment with succinic acid increases the tolerance of children to physical activity, increases muscle elasticity. Increases protein synthesis by adding magnesium, as a result, the body's energy reserves increase.
Beer yeast, which is enriched with zinc, helps speed up the recovery process from colds and in the fight against psycho-emotional overload in childhood. Selenium in the composition of yeast increases immunity, the body's resistance to infections. It prevents the occurrence of cancer. Iron-fortified yeast is considered an effective anemia preventative.
So, when is brewer's yeast indicated for children?
Indications for use
Indications for this product in children include:
- prevention of hypovitaminosis (especially group B);
- violation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
- unbalancedfood;
- increased stress in children (neurological or physical);
- exposure to chemical toxic substances and radiation;
- recovery period after infections;
- diabetes mellitus;
- neuralgia;
- anemia;
- skin diseases (eczema, dermatosis, psoriasis, furunculosis, acne in adolescents);
- correction of weight in children (with obesity or malnutrition);
- angular stomatitis (damage to the mucous membrane and skin in the corners of the mouth);
- nails, skin, hair are healed.

Side effects of drugs
Like any pharmaceutical drug, brewer's yeast can cause allergic reactions in children. Individual intolerance is associated with the enzymatic system of the child and its characteristics. It can be manifested by a pronounced loosening of the stool, bloating. Live yeast sometimes provoke dysbacteriosis phenomena. At the slightest sign of an allergic reaction or intolerance, the use of the product must be discontinued.
When is it better not to use them?
Beer yeast tablets are contraindicated for children in the presence of diseases in which there is a need to limit the use of extractives and proteins: gout (occurs in children in rare cases). In addition, yeast is contraindicated in chronic renal failure, in the presence of fungal diseases, including candidal dysbacteriosis, with individual intolerance.
Allowedfor the use of brewer's yeast for children from 3 years. At an earlier age, they are contraindicated.
Issue Forms
Most pharmaceutical companies produce brewer's yeast in tablets, but there is such a dosage form as a powder. Algae, mummy, succinic acid, wheat germ and other components can be added to the preparations. Purified medical pubs are considered the most common.
Can children have brewer's yeast with sulfur? The following are remedies that can be used for young patients.
Types of drugs
On the Russian pharmacological market there are some of the most popular drugs based on brewer's yeast. These include:
- "Evisent with sulfur" - produced in tablets.
- "Nagipol" - a remedy that has several varieties ("Nagipol Junior", "Nagipol Antioxidant") - in tablets.
- ECCO-PLUS tablets.

Usage and dosage rules
Before you start giving brewer's yeast to children, you need to find out whether they are in the form of an extract or live. Store such products should be in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 4–11 ° C (avoid freezing). Brewer's yeast extracts, which are produced in tablets, should be taken after meals. Dosages of the drug in tablets for prevention, approved for admission in childhood, are:
- 0.25g twice daily for children ages 3-7;
- 0.5g twice daily for ages 7-12;
- 1gtwice a day for children over 12.
For prevention, they should be drunk for at least one month. If it is necessary to repeat the course (upon agreement with the doctor), brewer's yeast can be given to children after 2-3 months. For therapeutic purposes, dosages are prescribed twice as high. With significant emotional and mental stress, the daily dose is selected at the rate of 0.3–0.5 g per 1 kg of the child's body weight. If a child drinks brewer's yeast in the form of a powder or liquid, then the dosage for a child under 5 years of age is determined by a specialist. Children from 5 to 12 years old should be given 1 teaspoon of yeast, which should be diluted in 100 ml of boiled water 3 times a day, those over 12 years old - 1 tablespoon.
Live yeast taken half an hour before meals. To improve the taste of the drug, you can add sugar, honey, fruit juices to the solution. Yeast can also be added to prepared meals. Live product must be stored in the refrigerator for a week, unused leftovers must be disposed of.

Drug Interactions
Brewer's yeast is advisable to use with magnesium preparations, since this chemical element is involved in metabolism. It should not be combined with diuretics, as this will adversely affect the concentration of nutrients. With concomitant use with medications "Cycloserine" and "Isoniazid" (anti-tuberculosis drugs), as well as with antibiotics of the penicillin series and "Theophylline", the daily dosage of brewer's yeast should beslightly enlarged (selected by a doctor).
Beer yeast weight gain for kids
There is an opinion that yeast contributes to a rapid increase in body weight. However, this statement is just a myth. In fact, the product contributes to the normalization of weight: thin children gain weight, and overweight ones, on the contrary, lose it.
Beer yeast can certainly provoke weight gain in children, but according to scientific research, this is not a fact. If the child is too thin, parents should not try to self-treat him with brewer's yeast. Before starting a therapeutic course, it is necessary to consult a specialist, to identify the root cause of the violation of the metabolic process and the baby's lagging behind in weight. In addition, it is necessary to exclude diseases in which such phenomena can be observed (for example, with increased thyroid function). It would be useful to consult a dietitian who will help you choose an adequate diet and diet for your child. Yeast for weight gain, as a rule, is prescribed to children for a course of three months, after which additional preventive courses can be carried out with an unstable weight of the child and a tendency to reduce it.

If the child has dry hair that grows slowly, you can use brewer's yeast with sulfur and zinc. In addition to oral administration, they are used externally in the form of masks: 2 tablets are crushed, diluted with water and applied to the scalp. You can add vegetable or fruit juice, honey, castor or burdock oil to the mask.
Howcan you still use baby brewer's yeast as directed?
Acne is common in children during adolescence. At this age, hormonal changes and disorders in the digestive system can provoke its appearance. Enzymes, useful trace elements (phosphorus, zinc, sulfur) that are part of the preparations have a direct effect on the digestive processes. In addition, yeast helps to normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands, which most often cause skin problems in adolescents. They contribute to the stabilization of hormonal balance, strengthening the body. The beneficial effect is explained by the combination of useful substances in them, which reduce the manifestations of inflammatory processes, improve blood microcirculation and increase the elasticity of the skin.
In order to combat teenage acne, experts recommend the remedy "Evisent with sulfur" or yeast with zinc in the form of a powder or tablets. Yeast can also be used in the form of cosmetic masks.
Beer yeast for children is very popular among parents, as it is believed that this product helps with many childhood diseases. Most often they are used for low weight in children. Parents say that the body weight of the child increases gradually, with long-term use of yeast.

Means, judging by the reviews, is well tolerated by children, does not cause side effects. In addition, there is a large amount of information on their use in the fight against acne in adolescents. In reviewspeople say that the effect of yeast is very good.