Exercises for osteoporosis: a set of exercises, rules for preparing for classes, time, indications, contraindications

Exercises for osteoporosis: a set of exercises, rules for preparing for classes, time, indications, contraindications
Exercises for osteoporosis: a set of exercises, rules for preparing for classes, time, indications, contraindications

Doctors speak positively about the sets of exercises that are recommended for patients with osteoporosis. Proper physical activity is one of the best conservative methods of treating the disease. As a result of the competent use of recreational gymnastics in patients, the process of bone tissue regeneration is significantly accelerated. Patients who perform the recommended sets of exercises for osteoporosis are less likely to suffer fractures. But not all movements are useful for patients, so you can select a physical activity program only after consulting a doctor.

Development of osteoporosis

Pathology is systemic. It causes gradual destruction of bone tissue and subsequent disability of a person. Osteoporosis most commonly affects the limbs and spine. Due to the disease, the bones become very fragile, often quite weakimpact, so that the patient has a fracture. The disease is especially dangerous for the elderly.

When a person develops osteoporosis, the following complications develop:

  • Deformation of the spinal column.
  • Muscle wasting.
  • Reducing the height of the patient.
  • Frequent dislocations.
  • Increased risk of fractures.

The first symptom of illness is pain. Most often, a person feels it in the region of the spinal column. The patient begins to feel that the mobility of his body has decreased. Such unpleasant sensations disturb him more and more often. A person may experience weakness and unwillingness to do anything. When these signs appear, the patient should consult a specialist, undergo a diagnosis and begin treatment. What exercises for osteoporosis should a person do? The complex, useful for the patient, will be selected by the attending physician during an internal examination.

bending the arms
bending the arms

The influence of therapeutic exercises

If a patient is engaged in a he alth-improving complex recommended by a doctor, then he has an increase in bone tissue by 3-5 percent. Physical exercises well strengthen the ligaments and muscles, which increases their mobility and improves the well-being of a person. The musculoskeletal system becomes stronger due to moderate physical activity. The patient will notice positive changes within six months after the start of systematic training.

Regular implementation of a set of exercises recommended by a doctor for osteoporosis will have a beneficial effect on the human body. Positive effects that will soon appear in the patient:

  • More complete assimilation of vitamins and trace elements.
  • Formation of new bone tissue.
  • Improve metabolism.

In order for the therapeutic effect to be more pronounced, the patient must follow the diet prescribed by the doctor, as well as take medication. Osteoporosis is a serious disease. Its treatment should be approached comprehensively.

Exercise for osteoporosis
Exercise for osteoporosis

Preparing for classes

The choice of load should begin with a visit to the attending physician. The disease is more common in women. Physical exercises for osteoporosis should be less intense than in men. At the initial stage, the selection of the load must be approached very carefully. If it is difficult for the patient to perform exercises, then the intensity of the complex should be adjusted by the doctor.

Features of physical activity in osteoprosis:

  1. Every workout should start with a light warm-up. Increase the level of the load gradually, do not overload your body.
  2. In the summer it will be good to move classes to the forest or to the park. Any place is suitable for training, the main thing is that the patient is comfortable.
  3. If during the performance of any exercise a person felt a sharp pain, then it is no longer necessary to perform it. The patient should definitely see a doctor and tell him about his feelings.
  4. You can practice only in comfortable shoes and clothes that will not restrict movement.
  5. If during the execution of the complex the patient's condition worsened, then the session should be stopped immediately.

Programshould consist of a variety of exercises that will improve the physical well-being of a person. After a few months of classes, the complex must be corrected, as the level of preparation of the patient has changed.

Who can do exercises for osteoporosis
Who can do exercises for osteoporosis

Charging time

Physical exercises for osteoprosis can be carried out at any time of the day convenient for the patient. The main thing is that the load is daily. You need to increase it gradually, an unprepared person is not recommended to try to set records.

Perform the complex developed by the doctor, preferably every day. If this is not possible, then classes are held at least 3 times a week. In this case, you can visit the pool on your free days, as swimming has a beneficial effect on the he alth of patients with osteoporosis.

A set of exercises according to Bubnovsky

With bone diseases, a person should not completely deprive himself of movement. What exercises to do with osteoporosis? A complex according to Bubnovsky is suitable. Usually, doctors especially recommend the following exercises to perform:

  1. The person gets on all fours and pulls the torso forward, trying not to bend the lower back. Then he begins to perform light bends, keeping his balance.
  2. The man kneels. On inspiration, he gently bends his back, on exhalation he returns to his original position.
  3. The man gets on all fours. On exhalation, he gently tilts the body to the floor, on inspiration, he returns to its original position.

If the effect of exerciseaccording to Bubnovsky is absent, then another complex is recommended to the patient. But a quick result from physical activity should not be expected, the body will need time to recover.

Exercises for osteoporosis torso
Exercises for osteoporosis torso

Complex of exercises for the hip joint

In hip osteoporosis, any physical activity should be agreed with your doctor. Your doctor may recommend the following exercises:

  1. The man lies down on the floor. He lifts his straight legs and crosses each other, and then returns them to their original position. Run 12 times.
  2. The person lies on the floor and bends his knees. He lifts his buttocks off the floor, and then returns to his original position. Run 12 times.
  3. The man lies on his side on the floor. He bends one leg at the knee, and raises the other up. Perform 10 swings with each leg.

These exercises for osteoporosis are very effective, but it is advisable to discuss them with your doctor before starting classes.

back exercises for osteoporosis
back exercises for osteoporosis

Complex of exercises for the spine

Physical activity helps to normalize the functioning of the joints, and in some cases, the patient, thanks to the exercises, manages to avoid a wheelchair. Exercises for osteoporosis of the spine recommended by doctors:

  1. The man lies on his side on the floor. He simultaneously raises 2 legs up, and then lowers. Run 8 times on each side.
  2. The man lies on his back. It flexes and extends the legs at the knee joints. Run 20times.
  3. The person lies on the floor, hands are placed along the body, and legs are bent at the knees. He lifts the pelvis up, and after 6 seconds returns to its original position. Do 10 times.

The patient should not experience discomfort during exercise. If during physical activity a person feels any discomfort that increases with each movement, then the exercise must be stopped.

exercise with dumbbells
exercise with dumbbells

Complex of exercises for hands

With the help of therapeutic exercises, you can develop the upper limbs, which is very important for osteoporosis. Before physical activity, you need to do a light exercise, this is necessary to warm up the muscles. Exercises for osteoporosis of the hands recommended by doctors:

  1. The person stands up straight with his hands at his sides. Then he starts swinging his forelimbs.
  2. The person stands up straight, hands clasped in front of him. He starts pressing one limb against the other.
  3. The person stands up straight and rotates his arms.
  4. Exercise with dumbbells is very useful. They can be performed even while sitting on a chair.

This set of exercises should be performed daily, after a few months the patient will see the first results.

sitting exercises
sitting exercises


Exercise for osteoporosis in the last stage is unacceptable. This is due to the fact that in such patients the bones are practically destroyed, and their mobility is limited. Patients can easily get fractures, bruises, sprains. Also undesirableinvolve people with unstable mentality in physical activities.

Exercise for osteoporosis is contraindicated in cancer patients. The condition of such patients is not always stable, so this type of rehabilitation can harm them.

It is undesirable to prescribe physical exercises to patients with cardiovascular pathologies.

Doctor's recommendation

If the patient decided to treat osteoporosis with physical activity, then the classes should be systematic. It is important to perform movements very carefully, especially in the early stages. The duration of the set of exercises should not exceed 30 minutes.
