Inhalation with essential oils: choice of oil, doctor's prescription, procedure rules, time required, indications and contraindications

Inhalation with essential oils: choice of oil, doctor's prescription, procedure rules, time required, indications and contraindications
Inhalation with essential oils: choice of oil, doctor's prescription, procedure rules, time required, indications and contraindications

Inhalation with essential oils is the best way to get rid of respiratory diseases. They allow you to quickly and effectively improve your mood, ease breathing difficulties, and eliminate all pathogenic microbes from the body. It also prevents the occurrence of epileptic seizures. About what properties they still have and how to carry out the procedure at home, read on.

Useful properties

The action of steam inhalations with essential oils is based on the ability of the components of these solutions to kill pathogenic organisms, thin sputum, reduce swelling of the mucosa, as well as their rapid penetration into various organs of the body and instant absorption. Many doctors approve of this procedure. They prescribe inhalations for colds, SARS, insomnia, stress and depression.

Gest alt psychologists say that essential oils that fall intoin the form of steam into the body, help get rid of negative thoughts and open the door to pure consciousness. And cosmetologists say that when inhaled, oil esters, getting on the skin of the face, significantly improve its condition.

inhalation with essential oils at home
inhalation with essential oils at home

Indications for use

Except for the above diseases, inhalations with essential oils for children and adults are prescribed for laryngitis, nasal infections, tracheitis, bronchitis, mucosal edema, increased sputum viscosity, and circulatory disorders. Some folk healers also advise to perform the procedure for pleurisy and tuberculosis, but doctors do not recommend doing this because it is useless. Tuberculosis bacillus is too resistant to be destroyed by essential oils, and solutions simply will not reach the site of pleurisy.

The right choice of oil

Before inhaling essential oils at home, they must also be chosen correctly. This should be done depending on the disease. For example, cedar perfectly helps with severe inflammation of the bronchi, and thyme - relieves inflammation of the trachea and throat. Lavender is recommended to be used to relieve congestion, and eucalyptus essential oil for inhalation with adenoids and swelling of the mucosa. Peppermint mixed with melaleuca and eucalyptus can help with a mild runny nose, pine, lavender or chamomile can help with chronic ones.

Other essential oils also have effective healing properties:

  • anise - helps reduce pathogenic microbes on the skin;
  • basil is a powerful antibacterial agent;
  • lavender - has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body;
  • bergamot - helps to get rid of stress and depression;
  • juniper - reduces swelling of the mucosa;
  • tea tree - promotes tissue regeneration, has a positive effect on mental activity;
  • sea buckthorn oil - has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • tuevoe - allows you to quickly get rid of sinusitis.

What effect does this or that remedy have on the body, you can also see from the following table:

what essential oils for inhalation
what essential oils for inhalation

To find out which essential oil for inhalation is best to use, you need to pay attention to the desired effect and aroma. Do not forget that the procedure can be carried out not only to eliminate a cold, but also to improve the general condition of your body.


The procedure can be done in several ways. So, sometimes it is enough to drop a few drops of oil on a piece of foam rubber or a slightly damp sponge and bring it to the nose, breathe from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on how rich the aroma is of the ether. Or lay out moistened pieces of cotton wool around the entire perimeter of the room. In this case, not only you, but also your loved ones will be able to breathe aromas to improve the body.

For inhalation with essential oils at home, you can still use an aroma stone, you need to carry it with you or keep it on the table. As well as aroma pendant - stylish andat the same time a useful decoration that is usually worn around the neck. A similar device was used in ancient times for smelling s alts.

Of all nebulizers, only compression nebulizers can be used for the procedure. Ultrasonic preparations are not suitable, since only special solutions are suitable for refilling them.

steam inhalation with essential oils
steam inhalation with essential oils

Using a nebulizer

For inhalation with essential oils, in this case, you need to take a saline solution and drop a few drops of the selected agent into it. Sit up straight and breathe without speaking. After the procedure, the nebulizer must be thoroughly rinsed with water so that there is no bacterial contamination, and dried. If the solution still remains after inhalation, it must be removed in a dark, cool place until the next time.

It is strictly forbidden to drink, eat and smoke for an hour after the procedure. And what is very important: you can use the nebulizer only for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, take note of this.

Using an aroma lamp

For inhalation with essential oils using an aroma lamp (as an option - an aroma lamp), you need to take this vessel, pour warm water into the upper part and drop a couple of drops of the product into it. Then light the candle located in the lower arch and wait for the bottom of the bowl to heat up. The procedure time is from 20 to 180 minutes. But it should increase gradually, day by day. And one more thing: it is recommended to do inhalation indoors (no drafts!).

how to do inhalationessential oils
how to do inhalationessential oils

Using essential oils for inhalation

To get rid of colds, you can create the following compositions for inhalation:

  1. For acute bronchitis: 3 drops of lavender oil, 2 each of bergamot and eucalyptus per 0.5 liter of water.
  2. For laryngitis and pharyngitis: oil of thyme, lavender and sandalwood at the rate of 3:2:1, respectively. Dilute in a liter of liquid.
  3. For SARS, flu and severe dry cough: 3 drops of eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree oil per 1 liter of water.
  4. For a mild cold: 2 drops of mint, tea tree, eucalyptus and thyme per 1 liter of liquid.
  5. For dry cough: 3 drops of eucalyptus and chamomile per 1 liter of water.
  6. For thick sputum: 3 drops of tea tree and eucalyptus per 1 liter of liquid.
  7. For inflammation of the tonsils: 2-3 drops of juniper, lavender and fir oil per 1 liter of water.

For the procedure, you can use a steam inhaler, a teapot with a narrow spout or a saucepan. Process time - up to 10 minutes.

inhalation with essential oils at home
inhalation with essential oils at home


Before using any oil, check if you are allergic to it. To do this, you can:

  1. Smell the remedy. If you like the smell and do not irritate the nasal mucosa, you can use the oil. Testing time - 10 minutes.
  2. Drip the product on the wrist. If after 10-20 minutes a rash does not appear on it, the oil is suitable for use.

To be sure, you should use both of theseway at the same time. After choosing an oil, it must be diluted in water or saline. As mentioned above, it should not be more than 5% in the composition of the solution.

Please note that oil therapy should not be carried out immediately after physical exertion (work, exercise, etc.). You must first calm down, sit quietly or lie down for at least 20-30 minutes, and after that proceed with the procedure. To achieve the maximum effect from inhalations with essential oils, also try to adhere to the following rules:

  • between the meal and the procedure should be at least 1 hour, more is better;
  • with severe nasal congestion, inhale vapors only through the mouth;
  • in case of disease of the bronchi, oral cavity or pharynx, this should be done through the nose.

After inhalation, it is very important to sit or lie still for at least 20 minutes. Otherwise, there will be practically no effect.

eucalyptus essential oil for inhalation
eucalyptus essential oil for inhalation


Like any other medical procedure, steam inhalation with essential oils has its contraindications. You should not do it with hypersensitivity to the components, the presence of various types of allergies and purulent inflammation in the mouth, respiratory or heart failure, transient disorders of the brain. And also with a tendency to pulmonary bleeding, strokes, elevated body temperature (over 38 degrees), the appearance of blood from the nose, the “ability” of the mucosa to quickly swell or suppurate. Another contraindication is age. Children are allowed to do inhalation only from the age of 2, not earlier. At the same time, if the condition of an adult or a small person during the procedure worsened significantly, and did not improve, it must be stopped immediately.

what essential oils for inhalation
what essential oils for inhalation

This is important

Before doing home inhalation with essential oils, you should consult your doctor. Especially if you are pregnant or have any chronic illness. This will avoid various complications and deterioration of the condition. Take care of your he alth, success!
