Toothache is a nuisance that many people have to deal with from time to time. It is not always possible to immediately contact a dentist. Fortunately, there are methods by which you can cope with pain at home. Of course, this will only be a temporary solution to the problem. So, what do doctors advise to do in such a situation?
Where to start
How to get rid of a toothache? There are methods by which you can make your life easier before going to the dental clinic. First you need to make sure that the pain is not associated with food stuck in the teeth. Its decay leads to the mass reproduction of bacteria. They affect the internal tissues of the tooth, including the nerves located in the pulp. This causes severe pain. Food should be removed as soon as possible.

Cold and warm
Toothache is often associated with cold. This problem occurs, for example, whena person enjoys ice cream or drinks chilled drinks. It must be remembered that the aching tooth should never be heated. Any warming lotions and compresses only activate the inflammatory process, the consequences of which can be severe.

There is an opinion that you can get rid of discomfort with a piece of ice applied to a sore spot. Doctors strongly object to the use of this method, as it has a negative effect on the nerve.
All of the above does not mean that the cold is not able to defeat the pain. A piece of ice should not be applied to the cheek. Instead, use it to rub the area between your thumb and forefinger. The sensations that a person will experience at the same time will force out the pain. Unfortunately, this measure provides only a temporary effect.
You don't have to jump straight into the drugs. Get rid of a toothache at home will help massage. Rhythmic pressure on the earlobe will allow you to achieve quick results. Particular attention should be paid to the side on which the diseased tooth is located. The massage should last at least three to five minutes. It should be understood that this dulls the pain only for a short time.
You can also press on the temples with the fingers of both hands. It is important to regulate the pressing force, it should be moderate. This action should be performed within a minute, it will help eliminate pain.
Soda solution
Soda solution is anothereffective remedy for toothache. Preparing it at home is quite easy. A teaspoon of ordinary baking soda should be dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Be sure to wait until the solution cools down a bit. After that, you can start rinsing your mouth. The procedure continues until the solution in the glass is finished. It is advisable to take small sips.

Also, s alt and soda can be used to prepare the solution. A teaspoon of baking soda should be dissolved in a glass of water, then the same amount of s alt (table, sea) is added. The solution should cool, after which you can rinse your mouth. To enhance the effect, you can add three drops of iodine.
What are the toothache pills? Without a doctor's prescription, drugs should be taken with caution. Many of them are suitable only for adults, such funds should not be taken by persons under 15 years of age. There are also restrictions for expectant mothers, for people with chronic kidney and liver diseases, who have problems with the cardiovascular system.
Also, we must not forget that drugs are categorically not combined with alcohol.
What are cheap toothache pills? Analgin is a drug whose existence is known to almost all people. You can buy it at any pharmacy, no prescription is required.
Treatment should start with half a tablet of analgin. If after half an hour the paindoes not subside, you can drink the second half. This product should not be used during lactation.
"Nurofen" - popular pills with which you can solve various problems, including coping with toothache. Malfunctions of the kidneys and heart, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcers, hearing and vision impairments - all this is a contraindication.
How many pills can I take during the day? Doctors say no more than five or six.
Listing effective toothache pills, one cannot ignore "Ketanov". This drug contains the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketorolac, which is able to cope with pain of various nature.

The advantages of this remedy are that it does not change the composition of the blood, does not disrupt the work of the heart, does not affect psychomotor functions and does not create a feeling of "slowdown". However, it cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, with all forms of renal failure, duodenal and stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma. A more detailed list of restrictions can be found in the instructions that come with the drug.
Other pills
What other pills will help get rid of a toothache? An effective remedy is "Baralgin". This drug is affordable in terms of cost, shows better results than Analgin. However, it is strictly not recommended to use it during the periodpregnancy and feeding baby.
What other drugs will help relieve pain? "Tempalgin", "Sedalgin", "Nise" - all these means will alleviate the suffering of a person who does not have the opportunity to immediately visit a dentist. "Aspirin" - pills that are better to refuse. They do not provide a pronounced analgesic effect, they can be harmful to he alth if a person accidentally exceeds the dose.
Immediately before a visit to the dentist, painkillers will have to be abandoned. Their use may lead to the fact that the doctor will make an erroneous diagnosis.
Folk recipes
How to get rid of a toothache at least for a while? Painkillers don't have to be pills. You can resort to one of the recipes discussed below. Doctors approve of each of them, but only on the condition that the person considers their use a temporary measure.

- Propolis tincture will help get rid of pain. Rinse your mouth three times a day. Propolis will not only numb the pain, but also have a healing effect on the gums. You can not rinse your mouth, but apply a cotton swab dipped in tincture to the tooth.
- Decoctions made from medicinal herbs will also help to get rid of pain for a while. They will relieve soreness, relieve swelling, and have a devastating effect on bacteria. You can prepare a decoction based on lemon balm, chamomile, oak bark, sage.
- Garlic- Another tool whose effectiveness has not been proven by the first generation. One clove must be peeled, passed through a press, and then mixed with a pinch of s alt. Next, apply the mixture to the tooth.
- Onion is a food that is famous for its ability to kill germs. It is also famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. With it, you can temporarily forget about toothache. The onion must be peeled and cut into small pieces, and then chewed.
For kids
What helps children with toothache? Medicines for babies should be chosen with care. Many "adult" means categorically do not suit them. In addition, it is not easy to make a child swallow a large and tasteless pill, especially if he is very small.
Painkillers for children often come in syrup form. "Ibufen", "Bofen", "Nurofen", "Panadol" - drugs that will help relieve pain. It is important to remember that they can not be used for more than three days. Otherwise, there is a high chance of side effects.
For the treatment of a child, in no case should you use recipes with ice. This can lead to nerve inflammation. But it is allowed to resort to folk recipes. For example, rinsing with herbal decoctions will have a healing effect. Melissa, oak bark, sage, chamomile - you can prepare a medicinal tincture based on them. It is also allowed to rinse the mouth with propolis tincture.
Non-standard method
How to relieve a toothache if it is not possible immediatelygo to the dentist's office? You can take about 20-30 ml of vodka in your mouth and hold it for a while. Alcohol will quickly be absorbed into the gums, and will begin to affect the nerve. As a result, such a “lotion” will lead to a slight numbness of the tooth, and the pain will disappear. Drink can be spit out or swallowed.
Obviously, this method is only suitable for adults.
Helpful tips
What to do and not to do when suffering from severe toothache? Doctors' advice is listed below.

- Putting a pill on an aching tooth is not recommended. The components of the drug will have a destructive effect on the enamel. Also, do not apply drugs to the cheek, this can lead to a burn.
- A person who is in pain should not lie down. Instead, he must sit or walk. This is due to the fact that the horizontal position contributes to the rush of blood to the painful areas. This only adds to the discomfort.
- If your tooth hurts, don't talk. This can lead to more pain.
- Be sure to try to distract yourself. You can work, read, watch TV and so on. The more one thinks about pain, the more intense it becomes.
- You can't touch the sore spot with your hands. This will only increase the discomfort. In addition, there is a risk of infection. Also, do not touch this place with your tongue.
- Smoking can also increase the pain. It is worth abstaining from cigarettes at least until the moment when the discomfort goes away.
Obviously, toothache is easier to prevent than to try to manage it. The simple advice of dentists below will help in this.
- Getting out of bad habits is the first thing to do. Smoking, drinking alcohol - all this has a destructive effect.
- Teeth should be brushed twice a day. In the morning, it is recommended to do this after a meal, while in the evening the procedure is performed before bedtime.
- It is important to spend enough time brushing your teeth. The procedure should last at least two to three minutes. It is desirable to complete it with a mouth rinse with a special tool.
- After eating, it is advisable to use toothpicks. With their help, you can get rid of leftover food. Food bits encourage the spread of bacteria.
- Instead of a toothpick, you can use dental floss.
- Brush and paste must be chosen correctly. It is important to consider the condition of the teeth, the sensitivity of the gums and your own tastes.
- Inventory must be cleaned after use. Store your brush in a clean and dry condition. It is also important to change this device every two to three months.
According to reviews, the easiest way to deal with a toothache is with pills. Ketanov receives the best recommendations, a large number of people prefer this drug. Other tablets are also effective - Nurofen, Sedalgin, Nise, Tempalgin.

Manypeople prefer to deal with toothache at home with the help of improvised means. Rinse with soda solution invariably retains leadership. Also good reviews are received by decoctions prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. Sage, chamomile, oak bark - such tinctures will help temporarily get rid of pain.
Finally, many speak positively about propolis tincture, which is used in the treatment of adults and children.