Vulvovaginitis: treatment for women and girls

Vulvovaginitis: treatment for women and girls
Vulvovaginitis: treatment for women and girls

In the article, consider the symptoms of treatment of vulvovaginitis.

It is classified as a gynecological disease, it is characterized by inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the vulva and vagina. This pathology occurs as a result of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. Because of this, infection of the genital organ with pathogenic flora occurs. It is not difficult to identify vulvovaginitis, it is enough just to recognize its symptoms in time and start treatment. Next, we will find out what this disease is, and also find out how vulvovaginitis is treated in girls and adult women.

treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls
treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls

Main causes of disease

Lead to an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa, and in addition, on the surface of the genital organs, the following reasons:

  • Failure to observe generally accepted hygiene rules.
  • Prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, especially corticosteroids and cytostatics.
  • Too frequent washing withusing soap products.
  • Frequent douching of the vaginal walls.
  • Uncomfortable and tight clothes.
  • Injury caused by the introduction of any object into the vaginal area.
  • The presence of chronic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus along with obesity, helminthiases, diseases of the genitourinary system and so on. All of them lead to a decrease in local immunity.
  • The appearance of diaper rash as a result of insufficient air entering the genitals.
  • Incorrect use of tampons.
  • The appearance of disturbances in the blood flow of the vaginal walls and genital organs in women who are over fifty.
  • Occurrence of allergic manifestations to drugs, and in addition to contraceptives, lubricants and condoms.
  • Decreased immune functions.
  • Development of hypovitaminosis and beriberi.
  • The result of hypothermia.

Infection with the following microorganisms is a direct factor in the development of this disease:

treatment of vulvovaginitis in children
treatment of vulvovaginitis in children
  • Infection with various bacteria, for example, streptococci, staphylococci, hemophilic and E. coli or enterococci. Also, vulvovaginitis can develop in women due to infection with bacteria that are transmitted through sexual contact. These include, first of all, gonococci with chlamydia.
  • Infection is very often due to viruses that cause genital herpes.
  • Also, this disease can occur due tohuman papillomavirus infection.
  • Candida can also be the cause.
  • Infection with protozoa: Trichomonas and amoebas.
  • Infection with helminths: pinworms and roundworms.

Before talking about the treatment of vulvovaginitis, let's figure out what symptoms accompany this pathology.

Symptoms of disease

Against the background of pathology, the patient is likely to have the following complaints:

  • The appearance of burning and itching in the genital area.
  • Observation of abnormal vaginal discharge. Such secretions can be yellow, green, brown or cheesy.

This disease is often accompanied by various secretions. In the event that the disease was caused by bacteria, then the vaginal secretion will be very thick, heterogeneous and purulent. Against the background of vulvovaginitis caused by Trichomonas, the discharge will have a purulent and foamy character with an extremely unpleasant and fetid odor. Fungal infections are characterized by secretions of a curdled consistency. Treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasis will also be presented.

During the examination, the doctor usually pays attention to the following signs:

  • The presence of swelling and redness of the mucosa. Such a change can affect the labia, the area of the vestibule of the vagina, and in addition, the vaginal walls.
  • The occurrence of erosion. This symptom is characteristic of the herpetic and diphtheria type of vulvovaginitis.
  • The presence of bubbles filled inside with a clear liquid. This symptom is especiallycharacteristic of herpes.
  • The presence of synechia between the labia minora. Often this symptom is manifested among younger girls. The cause is the presence of chronic vulvovaginitis. Treatment should be mandatory.
  • treatment of chronic vulvovaginitis
    treatment of chronic vulvovaginitis

Acute vulvovaginitis can present with general symptoms, especially in girls who are in preschool age. Against this background, the child can become capricious, extremely whiny and will get tired very quickly. In the event that the patient is already sexually active, she will experience symptoms in the form of a decrease in sexual desire, and in addition, there will be pain during sexual intercourse.

How vulvovaginitis manifests itself in girls

Vulvovaginitis is a disease of bacterial origin. Its causative agent, as noted earlier, can be all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. In some situations, vulvovaginitis is a manifestation of allergic reactions of the child's body. Against the background of this disease, girls, as a rule, experience symptoms in the form of pain in the genital area, and in addition, itching and burning sensation are possible.

As well as in adult women, in girls against the background of this disease, the occurrence of mucous and purulent discharges is not excluded. They may be scanty or abundant, but most often have a strange and unpleasant odor with blood in them.

If girls develop the above symptoms, parents should seekmedical help. In the absence of proper treatment, this disease can become chronic. Subsequently, the disease can lead to the occurrence of synechia (this term refers to the fusion of the labia), which will prevent urination. Because of this factor, sexual life may be difficult in the future.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis in women will be discussed below.

Main types of vulvovaginitis

In medicine, it is customary to divide this disease into several of the following types:

  • Bacterial type of vaginitis.
  • Fungal form of the disease.
  • Viral form.
  • Atrophic type of vaginitis.
  • vulvovaginitis treatment with folk remedies
    vulvovaginitis treatment with folk remedies

Specific vulvovaginitis is isolated separately, which is caused by parasites such as chlamydia, gonococci, Trichomonas and other pathogens.

As for bacterial vulvovaginitis, it occurs as a result of infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria. During the examination, women have signs in the form of swelling and redness of the vulva and vaginal walls. Bacterial infections are characterized by moderate itching along with burning and discharge of a cloudy nature with an extremely unpleasant odor. Fungal vulvovaginitis usually manifests itself as a result of the reproduction of candidal fungus. The following two variants of the course of this pathology are possible:

  • The acute form of vulvovaginal candidiasis is characterized by pronounced symptoms, which are manifested by swelling and hyperemia of the labia. Also canthere is hyperemia of the vestibule of the vagina and its walls. At the same time, patients have severe itching and burning, and the discharge is cheesy.
  • The chronic form of pathology is characterized by a rather weak severity of symptoms. There may be a slight discharge.

Against the background of trichomonas vulvovaginitis, patients show signs such as itching, redness, burning of the genital organs, yellowish discharge, which has an extremely unpleasant odor. There may also be pain during intercourse. Pain is also likely to occur during urination if the disease is still accompanied by urethritis.

Vulvovaginitis can occur without showing any symptoms or, on the contrary, with an increase during menstrual cycles. Chlamydial vulvovaginitis is classified as a sexually transmitted infection. This type of pathology is characterized by signs in the form of pain in the abdomen and back. In addition, there may be discharge with blood particles. Probably asymptomatic course of the disease. Often the only sign of chlamydia is infertility.

Against the background of atrophic vulvovaginitis, there may be a decrease in the secretion of vaginal mucus, while active reproduction of bacteria will be observed on the surface of the labia. This type of vulvovaginitis occurs mainly in women who are over fifty years old. This is due to the decrease in estrogen levels during menopause.

vulvovaginitis in women treatment
vulvovaginitis in women treatment

Diagnosis of disease

Only a doctor will tell you how to deal with vulvovaginitis and how to cure this unpleasant pathology. The specialist will first interview the patient about the presence of symptoms. After that, a gynecological examination of the vagina will be carried out on a special chair. At the end of the examination, the doctor will take a smear for subsequent bacteriological examination.

If necessary, the patient will be prescribed provocative tests. To identify the causative agent of this disease, polymerase reaction is currently actively used along with enzyme immunoassay. In childhood, doctors prescribe an examination of the body for the presence of helminths to patients. To do this, you need to donate feces, which is done three times. Scraping is also taken for enterobiasis. In the event that there is a need for further research, serological blood tests are prescribed for the presence of helminths.

In order to assess the condition of the vaginal wall in girls, the examination is carried out as carefully as possible to preserve the hymen. During the examination of the child, mirrors are not used. An informative diagnostic method is the use of a vaginoscope equipped with a camera and a light bulb.

In the event that a woman has vulvovaginitis, the doctor additionally assesses the condition of the cervix, as well as some other organs. When indicated, a colposcopy is recommended along with an ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages using abdominal or vaginal probes.

Next, we will find out howtreatment of this disease in women and girls.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis

The treatment process, first of all, consists in the elimination of the main cause of the disease, that is, in the relief of inflammatory processes. It is important to alleviate the symptoms that appear. The treatment regimen in each case is selected individually. Treatment can be done at home. It usually involves taking antibiotics in the form of suppositories or vaginal tablets. Special medicated creams may also be prescribed. As a rule, women are prescribed the following therapeutic measures:

  • The most convenient means for therapy are suppositories with vaginal tablets. In most cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. In addition, antiseptics are used. In order to restore the vaginal microflora after a course of antibacterial treatment, it is recommended to use special products - probiotics.
  • Also, the treatment course includes the use of vaginal baths. In the role of solutions, hydrogen peroxide can be used along with preparations in the form of "Furacilin", "Chlorhexidine" and "Lysozyme". In order to avoid burns of the mucosa, experts advise to strictly observe the dosage.
  • As part of anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of vulvovaginitis, decoctions based on sage, eucalyptus, calendula or chamomile are used. It is important not to forget that folk methods will not help to completely cure the problem. This treatment option only applies to additional activities.
  • Also for patientsphysiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed in the form of ultraviolet irradiation of the perineum, electrophoresis and electrotherapy. Physiotherapy techniques can reduce the duration of treatment by acting on the deep layers of the affected tissue.
  • Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory treatment of bacterial vulvovaginitis is supplemented by taking a vitamin complex and immunostimulating drugs. If necessary, the doctor prescribes drugs to eliminate estrogen deficiency, and, in addition, remedies for worms. Sanitation of foci of chronic infection is also carried out. The most popular drugs for the treatment of vulvovaginitis will help you choose a doctor.
treatment of bacterial vulvovaginitis
treatment of bacterial vulvovaginitis

Most often these are antibacterial suppositories:

  • Hexicon.
  • McMiror.
  • Neo-penotran.
  • Terzhinan.

Medicines used to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis:

  • Miconazole.
  • Thioconazole.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Pimafucin.
  • Nystatin.
  • Butoconazole.

Patients must refrain from sexual intercourse. Resuming intimacy is possible only when the treatment is completed.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls

In order to get rid of this disease, the therapy of vulvovaginitis in girls should consist in the mandatory intake of drugs based on antibiotics and drugs designed to correct vaginal dysbiosis.

Suppositories along with vaginal tablets fortreatment of vulvovaginitis in children is not prescribed, so creams are preferred. Local procedures have proven themselves excellently. These include, first of all, baths with the addition of medicinal plants, and in addition, antiseptic solutions. Among other things, for the treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls, ultraviolet irradiation of the perineum is performed. We continue to understand.

What else does the treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls involve?

In the event that a child has a tendency to masturbate and introduce various objects into the vaginal area, then a mandatory consultation with specialists such as a psychologist, neurologist and psychiatrist will be required. In some cases, specialists prescribe medications designed to prevent the neurotic and behavioral disorder. Doctors teach parents of girls the basic rules of children's hygiene and give recommendations regarding the choice of linen for children and chemical detergents.

In addition to the treatment of vulvovaginitis in children, it is imperative to follow preventive measures.


You can prevent the development of vulvovaginitis if you follow the following important recommendations. So, these are:

  • Everyday hygiene measures for the intimate area.
  • Wearing only the finest quality underwear that contains only natural materials.
  • Totally avoid wearing tight or tight clothing.
  • Refusing antibiotic treatment for no good reason.
  • Exceptionfrequent use of pads.

Vulvovaginitis is not considered a serious condition, but it can be quite uncomfortable. In the case of timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the pathology passes quickly enough. But in no case should you self-medicate, since you can only aggravate your condition more. Against the background of the first symptoms of vulvovaginitis, women and girls should see a doctor.

Vulvovaginitis is also treated with folk remedies.

Folk methods

Vulvovaginitis can be treated with traditional recipes:

  • St. John's wort, common thyme, coltsfoot leaves, nettle, buckthorn bark, calamus rhizome. A tincture is prepared from a mixture of these herbs, in a ratio of 1:2:2:1:1:2. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a vessel, poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted for 12 hours. Taken 3 times a day.
  • Common chamomile, mallow flowers, sage, walnut leaves, oak bark, the proportion is 5:2:3:5:2. 2 tbsp pour one liter of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 30 minutes, squeeze. Use douches and intravaginal tampons. Alternative treatment of vulvovaginitis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
  • Cultural flax grass, white mistletoe, St. John's wort, shepherd's purse, water pepper grass, oak bark, willow bark, stinging nettle, medicinal comfrey, earth mountaineer, calendula, chamomile, in a ratio of 1: 1, 2 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured, aged in a water bath for 20 minutes, filtered. Used for douching.
  • Sage officinalis - 20 g, rosemary - 20 g, oak bark - 45 g, yarrow - 20 g, mix and pour 3 liters of boiling water. Apply as a douche 2 times a day.
  • vulvovaginitis symptoms treatment
    vulvovaginitis symptoms treatment

Consider also reviews on the treatment of vulvovaginitis.


This disease periodically worries many women and girls. Reviews about this abound. If you see a doctor in a timely manner and undergo treatment, then you can quickly get rid of the symptoms.

Judging by the reviews, antibacterial suppositories and topical solutions help well. Also, folk recipes are effective if used in combination.
