In the article, consider the norm of basophils in the blood.
Basophiles are the smallest category of leukocytes. They belong to the granulocytic type of white blood cells that appear and mature in the bone marrow. From there, basophils move and enter the peripheral blood, circulating along the channel for several hours. This is followed by cell migration into the tissues. They are present there for no more than twelve days and fulfill their mission, which is to neutralize harmful and foreign organisms that are undesirable for the human body.

What is the norm of basophils, we will tell below.
Basophil functions
Basophils include granules of histamine, heparin and serotonin, which are biologically active substances. When they come into contact with allergens, degranulation occurs. This allows you to bind allergens. Inflammatory foci are formed, which attract other groups of leukocytes, which have the ability to destroy foreign, and, in addition, uninvitedguests.
Basophiles are prone to chemotaxis, namely to free movement through the tissue. There is a similar movement under the influence of special chemical components. They also have a predisposition to phagocytosis, that is, to the process of absorbing harmful bacteria and organisms. But this is not the main and not natural function for basophils.
Instant Degranulation Process
The only thing that these cells must constantly perform is the process of instantaneous degranulation, which leads to an increase in blood flow, and, in addition, to an increase in vascular permeability and the mobilization of other granulocytes directly in the focus of inflammation. So, the main purpose of basophils is to pacify allergens, limit their action and prevent them from moving through the body.

Normal value
Next, we will find out what is the norm of basophils in adults. For men, it is, as a rule, from 0.5 to 1 percent stably. The average normal basophil count for women is the same. But at different periods of life, the norm of basophils may still fluctuate slightly.

For example, an overestimated figure may indicate an increase in estrogen levels. As a rule, a similar manifestation is observed at the beginning of menstruation and during ovulation.
What is basopenia?
Level less than 0.01109 grams per liter is called basopenia. This is normal during pregnancy. This condition may occur immediately afterrubella or x-ray examination. Permissible fluctuations are from 0 to 0.2109 grams per liter.
There are deviations of basophils from the norm in adults for various reasons. Often this means that a pathological process occurs.
Basophils are produced by the bone marrow. Immediately after entering the body, they circulate for several hours throughout the circulatory system, and then move into the tissues. Once the bodies find the foreign agent, they release histamine from the granules along with serotonin and prostaglandin. Further, the foreign agent is bound by these substances. Additional cells arrive at this focus of inflammation, which also destroy the agents.
The norm of basophils in women at different ages is slightly different. So, for example, in the fair sex, up to twenty-one years old, such cells in the blood are in an amount from 0.6 to 1%. In older women, from 0.5 to 1%.
The norm of basophils in children
As a rule, the level of such blood elements as basophils is fixed as a percentage in relation to the total number of leukocytes. These cells are also measured in absolute units. Their number, as a rule, is unchanged throughout a person's life, starting from childhood. But the proportion of such cells varies, as it is within special limits depending on age:
- In newborns, the norm is 0.75%.
- One-month-olds - 0.5%.
- In children under the age of one year - 0.6%.
- At the age of a child under twelvethis figure is 0.7%.
- And after twelve years, it is from 0.5 to 1%.
This scheme shows that in a baby who has just been born, the proportion of these blood elements is close to one percent. Closer to the age of one year, the level of cells already decreases, and then increases again. With the start of sexual development and in the subsequent period, the optimal content of such cells will be the same as in adults, that is, no more than one percent.
The specific gravity of absolutely all types of leukocytes in infants can fluctuate significantly even within one day. This is the reaction of the body to the peculiarities in the behavior of the child, who cries very often, showing anxiety. In addition, factors such as the introduction of complementary foods, transfer to artificial feeding, changes in temperature and diseases also influence. In this regard, in order to obtain accurate information about the content of basophils in the blood, the results are evaluated according to absolute data.

How can basophils return to normal?
There is no separate therapy that will return basophils in the blood test to normal, as such. But on the other hand, there is a treatment for ailments accompanied by basopenia and basophilia. And yet, when the study reveals an excess of this norm by cells, it does not hurt at all to take care of the patient to increase the content of vitamin B12 in the body, as well as iron. They will certainly help to normalize the processes of hematopoiesis and work.brain.
Natural sources of vitamin B12 should not be neglected for such patients. First of all, the diet should be diversified with products that are of animal origin, that is, meat, eggs and milk. Soy milk along with yeast also contains B12 in the composition. Chicken and veal liver, along with fish and red meat, will help replenish iron stores.

As part of the moderate consumption of dry white wine, the absorption of iron in the body is activated. Orange juice also helps this process, which is not forbidden to drink in unlimited quantities if there are no corresponding contraindications. In order to regulate the level of basophils, it is enough for he althy people to switch to proper nutrition, to remove destructive habits in the form of smoking or addiction to strong drinks. In some situations, basophils return to normal after certain drugs are discontinued, especially antithyroid drugs or those containing estrogen.
Let's consider the absolute content of basophils in the norm.
What does absolute content mean?
The absolute content of these blood elements is an even more accurate indicator that allows you to evaluate the true amount of these cells in human blood. Normally, the absolute indicator, as a rule, is from 0.01 to 0.064109 or 0.3 nanoliters.
Sometimes the number of these cells deviates significantly upwards. What can it say? Let's take a closer look at this issue.
Elevated basophils: what are the causes of this pathology?
The reasons that the number of basophils in the blood increases in an adult are physiological, and, in addition, pathological factors. Among the physiological factors of basophilia, it should be noted:
- The ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle in women. At this time, a large amount of estrogen enters the bloodstream, which provokes basophilia. Also, if a person takes drugs containing estrogen, then this circumstance must be reported to the doctor who ordered the general clinical study of the biomaterial in order to avoid a false interpretation of the result of the analysis.
- Temporary period of convalescence after an infectious disease.
- After an X-ray examination, since small doses of radiation can increase basophils in the blood.

But often the number of basophils increases in people with various diseases, and, in addition, against the background of pathological conditions, for example:
- With hypothyroidism.
- Against the background of immediate allergic reactions.
- In case of chronic myelogenous leukemia.
- Against the background of polycythemia and with the development of acute leukemia.
- In case of Hodgkin's disease and acute viral infection.
- On the background of Hodgkin's lymphoma.
- For chronic intestinal inflammation.
- On the background of Crohn's disease and chronic dermatitis.
- When the patient has anemia due to hemolysis of red blood cells.
- For chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
- After spleen removal surgery.
- In the presence of radiation sickness, and, in addition, against the background of taking drugs that depress thyroid function.
- Against the background of hyperestrogenemia.

Thus, basophils are a special kind of leukocytes that secrete biologically active components in inflammatory and allergic processes in the body. Since these blood components are responsible for the implementation of allergic reactions, they are often elevated in adults with anaphylactic shock, hay fever, asthma, as well as against the background of bee stings, poisonous snakes and wasps.
We reviewed the rate of basophils in men, women and children.