CP is a disorder in which posture and motor skills are impaired due to

brain injury. Cerebral palsy causes dysfunction in the muscles of the limbs, trunk, neck, or head. There are several forms of the disease: from barely noticeable to severe, leading to disability. In some cases, sick children may lose their hearing, vision, and speech. The disease can also affect the intelligence of the child. Cerebral palsy does not lead to death, but significantly reduces life expectancy.
Causes of disease
Cerebral palsy-like conditions can occur at any age after an infectious disease, stroke, or trauma to the skull. Damage to the fetal brain during pregnancy or childbirth causes cerebral palsy. The causes of occurrence in many cases are unknown. During pregnancy, the expectant mother could injure the fetus, having received any injury, or receive a dose of radiation. Toxicosis, diabetes mellitus, incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the blood of the child - all this can also be the cause. Cerebral palsy is not a hereditary disease. Not a single child is immune from it. Also, early / late births or abnormal births, as a result of which the headbaby injured.
Types of cerebral palsy

ICP is a persistent lesion of the central nervous system. There are five forms of motor dysfunction:
- Trembling of limbs (tremor).
- Frequent voluntary movements (athetosis).
- Impaired balance (ataxia).
- Tension in muscles that resists passive movement (rigidity).
- Increased muscle tone, decreasing with movement (spasticity).
Four groups are distinguished by location:
1. Monoplegic - one limb.
2. Diplegic - dysfunction of two limbs (either upper or lower).
3. Hemiplegic - partial or complete dysfunction on one side of the body of two limbs.4. Quadriplegic - partial or complete dysfunction of all limbs.
Treatment of cerebral palsy
Diagnosis of cerebral palsy is carried out, as a rule. within two years of the baby's birth.

For many people cerebral palsy is a death sentence. After all, a child with such a disease actually has no future. Families in which such children are born often break up. Few parents continue to raise a child, often giving him or her to homes for the disabled or to be raised by grandparents. However, the condition of a child with cerebral palsy can be improved through training, which is primarily aimed at improving muscle performance. A comprehensive program that includes constant stress on the muscles, psychological and speech therapyassistance that can make life easier for parents and children. Until the age of three, only conservative treatment is used, without surgical intervention. This period of life for parents is the most difficult, since the disease affects not only the physical, but also in 50% of cases the intellectual development of the child. After three years, surgical treatment in a complex of procedures will help to normalize the musculoskeletal system, up to the point that the child will be able to sit, walk and even take care of himself, but, nevertheless, it will not be possible to completely cure the disease.