Many have heard the word "manic", but have no idea what it is. Often the concept is found in psychology. So, mania is sickness. Now let's take a closer look at this concept.
Manic state, symptoms
It can manifest itself in different ways, based on this, there are several stages. A manic state is a special psychological state of a person, while three signs occur together:
- quick speech;
- hyperexcitability;
- very cheerful mood.

Is it a disease? Yes, which requires attention, but at first glance it may not be noticeable. Mania is a condition that can manifest itself both as a normal human condition and as a pathological syndrome. But it is absolutely not scary and curable.
How to recognize the disease
Signs of mania vary, but the most common are:
- Megalomania.
- Crazy ideas.
- Reassessing your abilities.
- Obsession to protect yourself.
- Sexy increases.
- Growing upappetite.
- Distractibility appears.

Manic is a mental disorder that requires special attention. Whether you are susceptible to this disease will help you understand a psychological test that can be done at home.
Manic. Test
You can pass it with an experienced psychologist, but a simplified (home) version is also possible. Do not worry too much before passing the test, manic thinking is a kind of deviation from the norm, if it does not go beyond the limits of the permissible, then you should not focus on this.
What questions can you get on this test? Examples are as follows:
- Has my mind sharpened like never before?
- Did sleep become much shorter than usual?
- Was there a distraction due to the mass of ideas that endlessly came to my mind?
- Am I in constant need of fellowship?
- Did I feel boundless happiness?
- Has my activity been boosted?

These are not all possible questions. It is worth considering the fact that when answering, you need to take into account the whole week, and not some last two or three hours. Mania is not a sentence, this disease is completely curable.
Who will help?
There are several degrees of the disease, the mildest of them is called "hypomania". People with this diagnosis are often considered very active, active, sociable, often the syndrome does not evennotice. The thing is that only an experienced specialist can give an assessment, so as not to accuse an innocent person of anything.
People with manic syndrome often look much younger than they actually are, this effect is created:
- lively facial expressions;
- quick speech;
- sharp movements;
- sociability;
- activity.
If the syndrome is not recognized at this stage, then it can be replaced by severe depression or all symptoms are much deeper, megalomania appears.
After a manic syndrome has been diagnosed, the psychologist suggests acting in a complex way, using psychotherapy and medications. Another nuance of this disease is to eliminate the causes of occurrence. As a rule, diseases are accompanied by several more. Possible:
- psychosis;
- neuroses;
- depression;
- obsessive fears.
These are far from all the problems that can accompany a manic syndrome.
Why does it occur?
Two factors come into play here:
- genetic predisposition;
- constitutional factor.
People with manic syndrome often have high self-esteem, self-esteem. They often overestimate their talents and abilities. Some of them can be persuaded by setting their own example, but many stand firm.

Varieties of manic syndrome
As mentioned earlier, the disease hasdegree of complexity, variety. There are the following types:
- Manic-paranoid.
- Oneiroid mania.
- Crazy option.
- Joyful mania.
- Angry mania.
If the last three points are somewhat clear to the average reader, the first two require explanation.
- The manic-paranoid degree manifests itself in relationships. Such people are able to pursue the object of their passion, crazy ideas appear in relation to their partner.
- Oneiric mania. At the peak of the syndrome, hallucinations occur, a very serious and severe degree of manic syndrome, but, like all others, is treatable.
If we consider the delusional option, then the patient builds a logical sequence of delusional ideas, as a rule, all this concerns the professional level.
The next two types are the exact opposite, in the first case there is increased activity, in the second - irascibility, anger, conflict.