Preparations aimed at increasing human height have become widespread in sports practice and therapy. However, they guarantee a positive result only if they are used correctly.
Today, two analogues of natural growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland are produced. We are talking about recombinant somatropin - a drug for growth with the same number of amino acids - 191, as well as synthetic somatrem, which has 192 amino acids in the structural formula.

What is the function of the pituitary gland?
The pituitary gland is responsible for the synthesis of growth hormone - somatotropin, which is needed for a full life. Its functioning is cyclical.
The highest concentration of growth hormone is observed in the developing fetus. Then it reaches maximum values in babies up to a year and adolescents, when intensive growth occurs. The pituitary gland reduces the supply of growth hormone by about 20 years of age. Then there is a gradual decrease in its amount by about 10–15% every 10years.
Somatropin takes part in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, without it normal bone growth and development of tissues and fibers is impossible. However, throughout the day, the pituitary gland does not constantly synthesize growth hormone. The greatest intensity is observed 2 hours after falling asleep. Therefore, it is so important not to break the daily routine. The concentration of somatropin increases in another case - during exercise. Then the pituitary gland begins to work hard.
Of all the synthetic growth hormones, recombinant somatropin has won great popularity. It has become the main active ingredient in most height-enhancing drugs.
Effect of drugs for human growth
Effective drugs that are targeted for human growth have the following characteristics:
- they quickly stimulate the growth of bones, muscles, help to increase muscle mass;
- reduce fat deposits;
- positively affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair, which even outwardly become he althier;
- increase vitality and protective functions of the body.
How to increase height? There are many medicines on the market. When choosing a drug aimed at increasing growth, you need to proceed from the following parameters:
- maximum train safety;
- no side effects;
- well established manufacturer.
What do I need to do before I start taking?
How to increase height, grow?It is not difficult to purchase the medicine, but in no case should you make a decision on admission on your own. This should be done exclusively by an endocrinologist.
Before prescribing any drug, he suggests taking the following tests:
- blood glucose;
- cholesterol level;
- uric acid test, which allows you to determine whether there are inflammatory processes in the body;
- tumor markers.

A person needs to undergo such studies not only at the beginning of a course of therapy. Tests will be required after completion of the human growth medication.
Drug names
Many firms are engaged in the production of drugs that enhance human growth today. Here are some of the most popular remedies:
- Growth Hormone GL HGH 191. Produced by Genetic Lab Corporation. The drug is indicated for use by athletes. Gives excellent results in the absence of side effects and compliance with all recommendations for use. The course can be from 2 to 3 months. It is selected individually.
- Neotropin Height Increase Medicine from Neo Laboratories Ltd. With the help of this drug, you can get rid of excess weight and improve your shape as safely as possible for he alth.
- Growth hormone "Somatropin SMT-h". This analogue of getropin is produced by the Russian LLC Inffarm Consulting. The drug in its formula contains practically no third-party additives. Therefore, the occurrence of side effects from its administration is minimized. According tonumerous reviews, after the first course of taking the drug, unnecessary fat deposits begin to melt, muscle mass increases. For three weeks, 5 units of the hormone are similarly injected every day. Further, the amount of the drug increases - 5 units in 2 doses. The general course of therapy is from 3 to 6 months. The remedy is contraindicated for people with problems of the endocrine system, high blood pressure, in the presence of cancer, during childbearing and lactation.
- Among the best drugs for growth is the Wachtim hormone from a German manufacturer. It is now the number one in sales. It is distinguished from analogues by a high degree of purification, as well as the availability of a complete set for the procedure. The drug contains vials with the active ingredient, ampoules containing bactericidal water and insulin syringes for hormone injection.
- The medicine for growth "Somatropin" is sold in a pharmacy only by prescription. The drug is prescribed by a doctor only for medical reasons. It activates the fat burning process and accelerates human growth. It should be used strictly following the instructions.
- Recently, another synthetic growth hormone has appeared on the market. It is manufactured by the Chinese company Novartis Bio.
- The Moldovan company Vermodje produces the drug "Vermotropin". Before taking it, you need to get expert advice. When using the product, side effects are often observed.
- Nanotrop has quickly gained popularity among people who want to enhance growth. Highquality.

The manufacturer of the product is the Chinese company Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co. This high quality recombinant growth hormone is an analogue of endogenous somatropin produced by the human body. Quite popular in the Russian market.
Growth hormone medicine contains 191 amino acids. It is used in medicine for violations of developmental processes in childhood, as well as if there is a lack of somatropin, which is produced by the pituitary gland, in adults.
The product uses recombinant DNR technology. This makes it as safe as possible, unlike Somatrem, its synthetic counterpart.
In the instructions for use of the drug for growth, it is indicated that the features of taking the drug depend on the purpose of its use:
- for the healing of tissues and joints after all kinds of injuries, the dosage is 5-10 units. per day;
- for the prevention of injuries and healing of ligaments - 4-6 units. per day;
- prevention of age-related changes - 5 units. per day;
- fat burning - start with 5 units. per day, the maximum allowable dosage is 20 units. per day;
- set of muscle mass - 10-15 units. per day.

Hygetropin reviews
You can find a lot of reviews about the drug. Users often mention that this tool allows you to add strength, improve your conditionjoints and ligaments. They also note the burning of body fat without the use of any diet and the increase in muscle mass.
There are very few negative reviews about the drug. They are mainly due to the fact that buyers run into a fake and face the problem of side effects (redness at the injection site, swelling). Also the negative feedback is caused by the high price.
This drug based on recombinant somatropin is in demand among people who play various sports. Growth hormone helps to get rid of body fat and the formation of a relief body. The tool gives the figure an attractive and taut appearance. Before taking the drug, you must always consult a doctor.
To achieve maximum results, the recommendations received regarding diet and exercise must be strictly followed. At the beginning of the course, the dosage should be no more than 5 units. per day. Then the daily amount of the drug is brought to 16 units, which are divided into several injections.
This approach allows you to build muscle mass and not face complications. The course of admission is 3 months. At a dosage of 16 units. parallel intake of insulin is carried out - before meals, 16 units each.
Reviews about ZPtropin
Buyers of the drug in their reviews indicate that the tool does an excellent job of restoring joints and ligaments. They note that the effect of the application can be seen already in the second month of the course. For some individuals, the fat-burning and tonic effect turned out to be especially pronounced.the effect of the drug.

Swiss drug Saizen
The drug from the Swiss manufacturer is designed to increase growth. Recombinant somatropin is available in powder form.
8 mg contains 5.83 mg of synthetic hormone. Among the auxiliary components, you can see sucrose, phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide. The package of the drug is equipped with solvent cartridges.
Doctors prescribe Saizen to both adults and children who have a hormone deficiency. The course of taking the medicine for the growth of a person in height takes place under the supervision of a doctor.
The drug is capable of provoking an anabolic effect, muscle growth, reduction of fat layer, speedy recovery from injuries. These properties are especially attractive to athletes.
The dosage regimen is selected based on the patient's body weight. The drug should be administered in the evening:
- with growth retardation in children - 0.7-1 mg per day;
- in violation of the growth function in girls with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - from 1.4 mg per day;
- with growth retardation in adolescence due to kidney failure - from 1.4 mg per day.

Reviews about growth hormone Saizen
On the thematic forums you can find various reviews about the Saizen preparation. For the most part, they are positive and confirm the effectiveness of the drug in violation of the secretion of endogenous hormone with growth retardation, as well as Turner's syndrome.
Among the shortcomings of the medicine, it is necessary to highlight:
- with each subsequent injection, it is necessary to change the place of its introduction;
- possible side effects in the form of general weakness, headache, abdominal discomfort, nausea.
With extreme caution, people who have problems with the endocrine system, diagnosed with diabetes, should take medicines for bone growth. These drugs can affect blood pressure, so during the course of therapy it should be monitored.

In case of an overdose, an excess of glucose in the blood is possible. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.