Unfortunately, gynecological diseases are getting younger lately. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the examination of children by a gynecologist. Such a procedure is necessary, first of all, for the girl herself, in order to identify "female" diseases in time and begin adequate treatment. Pediatric gynecologists today work at almost every clinic.
How do gynecologists check girls? How to prepare for the procedure? What should parents know? What are the questions and procedures for the child? Is it possible to refuse them? We will answer all these questions further.
Rights of the child and parents
How do gynecologists check girls? Important features of the procedure can be found in the Order of the Ministry of He alth No. 1346n (2012) "On the procedure for passing medical examinations by minors":
- The official document says that an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist is recommended at certain periods of life, but the girl's parents have every right to refuse it.
- So, as part of preventive medical examinations, an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist at 3, 7, 12, 14 years and then annually is recommended. As for the registration of the child in a new educational institution, here an examination by a gynecologist is always required.
- But parents should remember that examination of their child by a gynecologist is possible only with their consent, documented. It is impossible to refuse medical intervention only when the child suffers from diseases dangerous to society, or his life is in danger.
- Parents have the right to prohibit the examination of the child by a gynecologist as part of a preventive medical examination. However, this may be followed by a refusal to attend, enroll in an educational institution under the Federal Law "on education".
- It is important to note that a child under 15 should only be examined by a gynecologist in the presence of a parent or guardian.
- Child should only be examined by a pediatric gynecologist. It is illegal to refer a girl under 16 to an adult antenatal clinic.

When should I plan my first visit?
Specialists say that the first examination of a girl by a gynecologist should be carried out after the start of the first menstruation. Since organisms are individual, it is impossible to give a general age here. For some, it's 10 years, and for others, it's 15. After a girl's menstrual cycle begins, she should get used to the fact that a preventive visit to the gynecologist should be planned at least once a year.
If the girl is worried about problems from the outsidegenitourinary system, then, of course, you can make an appointment with a gynecologist at any age.
How is the appointment going?
Girls and their parents are concerned about how a virgin is examined by a gynecologist. As a rule, if the procedure is carried out by a competent specialist, it does not cause discomfort. But the psychological preparation of the girl is important: the mother must explain why it is important to honestly answer the doctor's "uncomfortable questions", why you need to take off your underwear for an examination, why these procedures are necessary for he alth.
Examination of a virgin by a gynecologist begins with a questioning of the patient about her state of he alth. If the girl complained, then a visual examination of the genitals, mammary glands is carried out. The doctor may apply some pressure on the chest to make sure there are no lumps, on the lower abdomen to check the condition of the uterus and ovaries.

Are virgins examined?
How do gynecologists check girls? In some cases, you need to check the elasticity of the vagina. This is done through the anus. The procedure is unpleasant, even painful. Therefore, it is carried out in relation to children only if there is a suspicion of the development of the disease.
Examination of a virgin by a gynecologist often takes place as part of a medical commission. This may require an additional procedure - taking a smear. To do this, the specialist takes a long cotton swab, gently runs it along the vaginal mucosa. The collected material is sent to the laboratory for analysis.
Like schoolDo gynecologists check girls? Often the procedure is reduced to only one survey. The girl needs to answer whether her menstruation began, when the last discharge was, what is the frequency of menstruation, their intensity. The questions are simple, but so that they do not embarrass the child, you still need to prepare answers with your mother in advance.

Gynecologist checks virginity or not?
How does a gynecologist check girls for virginity? Unfortunately, the fear of both girls and even adult women in front of the gynecologist's office is primarily due to the fact that an outsider needs to be initiated into the details of intimate life. Girls are embarrassed both by the fact that they are virgins and by the fact that they are sexually active. Here, again, a conversation with mom is very important.
It is necessary to convey to the child that the gynecologist checks not virginity, but the state of the reproductive system. Clarifying questions about sexual life are needed here in order to prevent he alth problems in time. For example, if a girl has a delay in menstruation and she is sexually active, this may indicate the beginning of pregnancy. While a virgin may have a different problem.
On the condition of the hymen
How is the hymen checked? There are no special procedures. It is enough for a girl to say that she does not live a sexual life. According to the external state of the genitals, the vagina, the specialist will not determine in any way whether the girl is a virgin. Unless, of course, there are bruises, bruises, scars, abrasions, which already indicatesforced sexual intercourse.
The "hymen" itself is a rather controversial confirmation of virginity. People who are far from gynecology have an idea that this is a continuous film that "blocks" the entrance to the vagina. In fact, the hymen can be porous, "perforated", visually be almost invisible. And all this is natural, and does not indicate the beginning of sexual activity.

Why is examining virgins different?
Reception of a virgin at the gynecologist is more gentle and cautious, not because the specialist is afraid to "break" the hymen, but because the doctor understands how uncomfortable, painful the procedure for examining the vagina for a girl who does not live sexually.
This fold of fabric, called the hymen, is quite elastic. With a careful examination of the vagina by a doctor, it is quite difficult to "break" it. By the way, therefore, the hymen is not always damaged during sexual intercourse, which is why it cannot be considered a confirmation of virginity (that is, the fact that a person does not live sexually).
Mom needs to tell her daughter how a gynecologist checks virgins. And, of course, choose a competent specialist to examine your child. Since the fear of the gynecologist's office often arises due to the lack of professionalism of individual doctors, their careless attitude towards the patient.
If a girl is sexually active?
We have already noted that the integrity of the hymen is a rather controversial evidencelack of sexual activity. Far from always, its presence proves that the girl did not have sexual partners. And not always a damaged or missing hymen indicates the beginning of sexual activity. Therefore, the gynecologist primarily focuses on the words of the patient herself.
And here again, the assistance of parents is important. A girl should not be afraid to tell her mother or gynecologist about the beginning of sexual activity. And this is possible if she feels that she will be supported, answered to disturbing questions, and will not be scolded, shamed, frightened by the consequences. It is important for parents that the child trusts them: after all, the sooner you turn to a specialist about problems in the intimate sphere, the sooner the necessary help will be received.
It is also important to choose a responsible specialist. It's no secret that there are incompetent gynecologists who condemn and sometimes humiliate young patients for the early onset of sexual activity. And this is fraught with the fact that in the future the girl will delay contacting the gynecologist about an important problem, which will result in serious and sometimes irreversible consequences for her he alth. Therefore, parents should approach the choice of the first gynecologist for a teenager with a still very vulnerable psyche very responsibly.

Examination of a non-virgin girl
If a teenage girl told her mother that she is sexually active, then you need to plan a visit to the gynecologist. It is important to correctly convey to the daughter that adult life involves responsibility for one's actions. Sexual life requires careful monitoring of he alth. Therefore, it is necessaryvisits to the gynecologist - to diagnose an anomaly, infection, pathology at an early stage.
Examining a sexually active girl is not much different from examining a virgin. It also begins with asking the patient about her state of he alth. In addition, the doctor will ask if the girl is sexually active and uses contraceptives.
Differences in inspection. If the examination of virgins is visual, palpation of the abdomen and mammary glands, then here the examination will be instrumental. A small device with a mirror is inserted into the girl's vagina by 2-3 cm, slightly expanding it. With it, the doctor can examine the walls of the vagina, cervix. Time to notice their pathological changes. The procedure is painless, but rather unpleasant.

Why do these questions?
It is important for parents to convey to their daughter that questions about intimate life, the number of sexual partners are not asked in order to make the patient feel uncomfortable. If a girl has a sexual partner, has changed, and contraceptives have not been used, there is a risk of not only an unwanted pregnancy, but also an infectious infection. Therefore, she will be given referrals for tests.
These laboratory studies are important in that they help to identify sexually transmitted infection even at a very early stage of development. When the disease can be cured at that stage, rock it will not cause significant harm to the body.
Gynecologist and parents
Many people know such a thing as "medical confidentiality". Is a gynecologist required to inform parentsgirls the fact that she is not a virgin? Yes, if the patient is under 15 years old. If the girl is older, then at her request, the doctor should not divulge the secret. However, there is an exception: if the gynecologist suspects that the sexual intercourse with the patient was violent, he is obliged to tell her parents about it.
A child can visit a gynecologist without the consent of the parents. The only exception is abortion. If the girl is under 18 years of age, the written consent of the parents is required for the abortion. Otherwise, it will be considered criminal and prosecuted.

Now you know how gynecologists check girls. If this procedure is carried out by a competent specialist, it is not at all traumatic for the child. But it is important that parents are able to properly prepare the girl for her psychologically.