Blood test for mononucleosis in children: indicators, symptoms and treatment

Blood test for mononucleosis in children: indicators, symptoms and treatment
Blood test for mononucleosis in children: indicators, symptoms and treatment

Mononucleosis is a viral disease. Statistics show that the virus is most common in childhood. This is due to a weakened immune system. Reactivation of the infection occurs in a child under five years of age and during puberty.

Transfer in progress:

  • airborne;
  • in direct contact with a sick person;
  • from mother to child (in utero);
  • with blood transfusion.

A blood test is required for symptoms of mononucleosis in children.


When performing a general blood test for mononucleosis in children, it is possible to diagnose physiological and pathological factors that arise due to the development of the disease. The indicators in the analysis will report on the work of the hematopoietic system. She takes an active part in the protective functions and types of metabolism.

clinical blood test for mononucleosis in children
clinical blood test for mononucleosis in children

When a virus is detected, manifestations of angina are observed, lymph nodes are enlarged, growth of the liver and spleen, fever. Analysis indicatorsblood for mononucleosis in children can determine any other type of disease.

They come in:

  • Epstein-Barr virus (infection caused by gamma herpetic virus);
  • DNA containing cytomegalovirus;
  • unspecified type of infection (Q27.9).

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of a blood test in children with infectious mononucleosis in the peripheral system will show:

  • increased SOE (erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood);
  • moderate leukocytosis (increased white blood cell count);
  • leukopenia (decrease in leukocytes per unit volume of blood).

T-cells and B-lymphocytes appear at an early stage. They contain atypical mononuclear cells and immunoglobulin in the cytoplasm. The quantitative presence of white cells similar to monocytes is about 5% to 50%. The number of lymphocytes will also be increased. With an exacerbation of the disease, antibodies of immunoglobulin M, G can be detected.

Changes will also be revealed.

In the complete blood count:

  • level of atypical cells - mononuclear cells - will exceed 10%;
  • monocytes will be more than 40%;
  • the level of lymphocytes in the blood will also be increased - over 10%;
  • the total number of monocytes and lymphocytes will be 80-90% of the total number of leukocytes;
  • neutrophil cells with a C-shaped nucleus will be more than 6%;
  • if there are consequences, then erythrocyte counts will be within 2.8 × 1012 per liter, and platelet counts will be less than 150×109 per liter.

Decodingblood test for mononucleosis in children (biochemistry):

  • aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels will be exceeded by 2-3 times;
  • alkaline phosphatase will be over 90 units per liter;
  • an increase in indirect bilirubin occurs up to 0.005 (and above) mmol/l;
  • increase in direct bilirubin will be above 0.0154 mmol/L.


There are clinical signs of the disease that confirm the pathology with the help of symptoms. Although the main diagnostic value is a blood test that detects antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus. The anamnesis will indicate specific antibodies. That is, the doctor determines the signs of mononucleosis in children by a blood test.

mononucleosis in children
mononucleosis in children

Instrumental tests are important for therapy. They determine the exact condition of the patient. These types of research include:

  • clinical blood test for mononucleosis in children;
  • biochemical;
  • abdominal ultrasound.

Effectiveness of therapy is shown in practice when proper diagnosis is made. The hemoglobin content in the blood system should be assessed and the leukogram should be considered.

Ultrasound examination will clearly show whether the spleen and liver are enlarged.

Routes of infection

You can get infected through direct contact. People with or without severe symptoms become a source of infection.

Contact occurs with saliva particles. In children, this is most likelyinfection. Boys are more likely to develop the disease during periods of reactivation of the disease. It is especially necessary to be wary of exacerbation in the cool season, when the immune system is weakened and there is more contact with people indoors. To do this, in kindergartens and schools, rooms should be constantly ventilated and disinfected. In other words, the virus is not stable and dies when it dries out. Therefore, you need to fight it, using ultraviolet rays and constant treatment of a room where there are a lot of children.

mononucleosis: symptoms
mononucleosis: symptoms

If infection has occurred, treatment should be started immediately. A full course of medication should be completed, otherwise relapses may occur, since the immune system is less active during therapy. Or aggravated by chronic diseases that are not cured.

Attention is paid to the condition of the lymph nodes and nasopharynx. Maintain a he althy lifestyle, rest regularly when tired, and prevent immunodeficiency.


Some signs that often appear with the disease can be mild or pronounced. Their manifestation depends on the protective forces of the whole organism, the course of the disease, the pathological condition of the patient. Possible undulating course of the disease.

signs of mononucleosis in children
signs of mononucleosis in children

The period from the moment a microbial agent enters the body to the onset of symptoms of the disease takes approximately 3 weeks. Incubation period happens:

  1. Gradual, when the general state of he alth becomes worse, it is difficult to breathedue to congestion in the nasopharynx, the temperature stays at 37-38 degrees for a long time.
  2. Sharp when sweating is predominant. It breaks the whole body and muscles, the complex indicator of the thermal state of an adult or a child sharply rises and falls. Such temperature drops from 35 to 39 degrees last approximately 30 days.

Severe symptoms are observed with an increase in the lymph nodes located on the neck, jaw, and back of the head. If pressure is felt on these areas of the body, you should immediately resort to therapy to prevent enlargement of the nodes.

Additional features

Other symptoms should not be ignored:

  1. Redness inside the mouth, reactive hyperplastic changes in the lymph nodes.
  2. Abdominal enlargement (unlikely in children).
  3. Mononucleosis pathological elements on the skin and mucous membranes.

The rash appears on the third day, sometimes on the fifth day of the hospital. It looks like age spots with a changeable color of approximately pink or burgundy. Elements are located throughout the body from the face to the lower extremities. Basically, they are not processed and do not use drug treatment. The rash will disappear on its own without side effects and itching.

Possible pathologies

To exacerbate the disease can bring other conditions of the body, expressed in violation of its normal functioning. Against the background of mononucleosis develop:

  • multiple inflammation of lymph and glands(polyadenitis);
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx when an infection penetrates (nasopharyngitis);
  • a disease of the upper respiratory tract characterized by prolonged inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis);
  • a disease of the respiratory system, in which the bronchi (bronchitis) are involved in the inflammatory process;
  • painful process of the mucous membrane of the trachea (tracheitis);
  • violation of the proper functioning of the body, characterized by a histological picture of pulmonary fibrosis (interstitial pneumonia);
  • Sharp inhibition or cessation of growth and maturation of all three cell lines in the bone marrow of the hematopoietic system (aplastic anemia).

The progression of these diseases must not be allowed. Since the disease is observed in adults and children, the immune system reacts individually, the symptoms are different, the diagnosis is problematic.

infectious mononucleosis in children
infectious mononucleosis in children

Sometimes there are symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, pain in the abdominal cavity and general malaise of the body. If not properly treated, chronic duration of mononucleosis is observed.


After the diagnosis is made, the therapeutic treatment begins. Although mononucleosis is not amenable to antiviral therapy, the effects of the drugs will generally be supportive.

If this disease is detected and confirmed in a child, then the use of antipyretic drugs that act negatively on the liver is excluded, since it can beincreased during treatment.

blood test for infectious mononucleosis in children
blood test for infectious mononucleosis in children

Supportive care will take place at home or in the hospital for complications. At home, you should constantly ventilate the room and disinfect, follow the doctor's instructions.

If the patient has the following symptoms, then urgent inpatient care is needed:

  • temperature rises above 39 degrees;
  • multiple inflammation of the lymph and glands with the threat of severe respiratory distress due to lack of oxygen;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • fainting;
  • severe migraine.

The doctor will definitely monitor the effectiveness of therapy. Treatment directed at:

  • decrease in manifestation and decrease in symptoms;
  • reducing overheating and accumulation of excess heat in the body;
  • getting rid of toxins and intoxication;
  • reduce inflammation in the mouth and nasal cavity;
  • enrichment of the body with vitamins;
  • use of immunomodulatory drugs;
  • dieting.

Strict adherence to bed rest at home is also prescribed.


Food is always given special attention. It must be complete. Avoid fried foods or foods that are high in fat. Butter, s alty and spicy canned food will be an exception.

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

You should eat more dairy products or products containing milk. Integral will becoarse-grain cereals, low-fat soups with vegetables.

Consequences of mononucleosis in children

Children's immunity is always influenced by various pathogens due to the fact that it is not formed. It is more difficult for him to resist the disease.

Complications may be caused by a bacterial infection. Microorganisms accumulate in the oral and nasal cavities. A severe form of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx is not excluded.

If there was a strong enlargement of the spleen and liver, then icteric syndrome or rupture of the organ that produces blood globules is possible.

Respiratory tract diseases such as otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis or pneumonia are less common.

The general condition of the body can be weak for quite some time after recovery. There are drowsiness, fatigue, a desire to rest.


To prevent the occurrence of mononucleosis, you should have an annual check-up with a pediatrician and take a detailed blood test.

If characteristic symptoms of the disease are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to conduct an examination and prescribe effective treatment.
