Surely, if you suffer during ragweed bloom, you want to find a really effective remedy for ragweed allergy.
Only drugs will help
Tolerate another flowering season of this plant is very difficult. Persistent cough, runny nose, incessant sneezing, swollen, red eyelids… Unfortunately, this list of symptoms is regularly supplemented by such an unpleasant phenomenon as a rather high temperature.

Is there an effective remedy for ragweed allergy? Of course, there are many drugs that can block the histamine that causes so much inconvenience to an allergic person. Most of them are able to work up to 24 hours, but the next day the patient will have to take the "dose" again.
Be aware that so-called 1st generation drugs (like diphenhydramine) cause drowsiness. But they are also cheaper than the 2nd and 3rd generation drugs that are free from such an effect (drugs that include claritin, loratadine). The latter, by the way, have a cumulative effect, allowing you to avoid acute manifestations of allergies. In addition, various kinds of sprays are attached to them.for the nose or eyes.
Tips for allergy sufferers
The fight against ragweed allergy involves a number of measures. First of all, be sure to confirm your diagnosis with an allergist. This is done in several ways: using skin tests, when the allergen is applied under the skin (it cannot be done during the flowering of ragweed), or diagnostics by antibodies - in this case, your blood will be used for tests, which will be applied to a special panel with various allergens.

In addition to taking medications, it is important to follow some rules to alleviate your condition. First of all, forget about herbal medicine - everything related to herbs will become a real poison for a person with an allergy to ragweed. Wear sunglasses in the summer to keep pollen out of your eyes. Ventilate the room less often, if possible, install an air conditioner with an ionizer in the apartment.
For you, the best remedy for ragweed allergy is water. Walk after the rain, when there is a minimum of pollen in the air, treat the curtains with water from a spray bottle. Wash your face every day and be sure to rinse your nose with water after going outside. On the street, use wet wipes - blot your skin with them. Wipe the furniture daily with a damp cloth, especially often do this procedure with the desktop.
Do not cure, but drown out
Unfortunately, the answer to the question "how to cure an allergy to ragweed" simply does not exist. You are unlikely to be able to get rid of it completely, but it will be possible to drown it out for several years. Forthis will require a course of special immunotherapy.

Its peculiarity is that it should be carried out when the allergen cannot disturb you. That is, early winter or late autumn. Its meaning lies in the fact that a person is given a drug with ambrosia, but there is as much of it as the body can process without consequences for it.
The procedure is done within six months - as a result, the body ceases to react sharply to the allergen. After this "immunotraining" you will forget about your problem for up to 4 years. However, after they expire, the procedure will need to be repeated again. And such a “remedy” for ragweed allergy is much better than regular use of antihistamines during the flowering period of the plant.