The uterus is an unpaired organ, consisting of smooth muscles, responsible for the bearing and development of the embryo. Location of the uterus: small pelvis. Next to the uterus is the bladder and rectum. From top to bottom, the uterus is rounded, passing into the cervix. It is a moving organ. At the same time, its position directly depends on the position of the bladder and rectum.

Manual examination of the uterine cavity is not possible if the bladder is full. Also, in preparation for examination by a specialist, it is necessary to free the rectum. The presence of feces in it will not allow the specialist to conduct a full examination.
What is a manual examination of the uterine cavity?
Examination without involving any foreign objects and technologies - manual examination. This is an operation that requires maximum hygiene. That is, before starting such a procedure, the doctor mustcarefully treat hands and uterine cavity with an antiseptic.
A specialist conducts such an examination if there are certain indications. Manual examination of the uterine cavity after childbirth is also indicated.

Indications for manual uterine examination
During the postpartum period, a manual examination is mandatory. Physicians pay special attention to women in labor, in whom the placenta does not leave the organ cavity within 30 minutes. Such a phenomenon is considered an indication for manual separation of the placenta.
Also, experts highlight such indications for manual examination as:
- bleeding in the uterine cavity;
- postoperative period;
- retained placenta inside the uterus after childbirth;
- fibroids;
- organ scarring;
- defects in the development of the amniotic membrane.
Experienced professionals know that manual examination of the uterine cavity must be of high quality. To do this, you need to run your hand in a circle, feeling the surface of the organ. Otherwise, there is a possibility that only one side will be well examined - the one that was under the palm of the doctor.

After a full manual examination, often women who have just given birth are prescribed additional curettage. This procedure is necessary in order to completely clean the uterus from the remnants of the placenta. Indications for manual examination of the uterus may be more serious, but in such cases, an additional examination is prescribed, and then treatment. You can not self-medicate in such cases.
It is necessary to seek help from qualified specialists, and strictly follow their recommendations.
Technique for manual examination of the uterine cavity
Before proceeding with the examination of the patient, the doctor must treat his hands with an antiseptic. Also treat the surface of the examined organ - the uterus. Then the doctor puts a sterile glove on his right hand and inserts it into the organ cavity.

At the same time, with his left hand, he holds her bottom. If the doctor examines a patient who has just given birth, he must definitely check the uterus for the presence of placental remnants and remove them if necessary. Depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor decides on anesthesia before the procedure.
If an anesthetic was administered before delivery, the patient does not need additional anesthesia. Upon completion of the examination, it is necessary to introduce oxytocin to improve the contractile activity of the uterus. This must be done until the moment when the doctor takes his hand out of the examined organ.
One of the main and most serious consequences of a manual examination of the uterine cavity may be the accretion of the placenta to the walls of the organ. Then the specialist, when trying to separate it manually, should be prepared for the fact that bleeding may open, which often leads to sad consequences due to the negligence of doctors.
To avoid this, an experienced doctor recommends that the patient undergo surgery to remove the uterus. SuchThe operation is not a verdict today. And there are many ways to save the reproductive organ. However, you need to carefully monitor women's he alth and regularly undergo examinations by a gynecologist and other specialists.
To avoid many troubles concerning women's he alth, preventive measures will also help. For example, periodically you need to take vitamin complexes that are aimed at maintaining women's he alth. Also today, special exercises that help strengthen the uterus and its cervix are very popular.