It's hard to meet a person who doesn't have moles. They can be either congenital or appear throughout life. A he althy adult on the body can have up to a hundred spots of various shapes and sizes, and their number can constantly change. Are you worried about the appearance of moles on the body? The reasons for their formation and types will be considered in this article.
In medicine, a benign formation on the surface of the skin is called "nevus pigmentosa". Usually, a mole does not pose a danger to human he alth. You should only see a doctor if the spot changes shape, size, or any pain in this area.
Moles on the body are formed from pigment cells located between the inner and upper layers of the skin. They are mostly inherited, so if parents have nevi on their bodies, then their child is likely to have them too.
Absolutely all molesdiffer from each other in their shape, size and color. They can be blue, red, brown, embossed or smooth.

According to the shape and features of the mole, they are divided into the following types:
- Hemangiomas are moles of vascular origin. Hanging and red moles of this type are most often found on the human body.
- Flat - these are spots formed in the upper layers of the dermis. They arise as a result of a specific accumulation of melanocytes. These moles do not usually change in size or become active when exposed to sunlight.
- Elevated (convex) - nevi of this category have a bumpy or smooth body, and their formation occurs in deep skin. The diameter of these spots rarely exceeds one centimeter, very often they can be covered with hairs.
- Blue are rare moles that stand out slightly on the body. Their color ranges from dark blue to light blue. Such formations have a smooth, dense structure and can be of considerable size.
- Large pigmented patches - usually appear at birth and grow with the body throughout life.
Appearance of moles on the body: causes
Pigmented nevi can appear in a person at any time, although it has been established that most of them occur before the age of 25 years. The most active growth is observed in adolescence, when the body is formed.

The causes of moles in adults are varied, and the main ones are:
- exposure to solar radiation;
- hormonal changes;
- mechanical damage to the skin;
- internal diseases of the body;
- infection of the surface of the dermis;
- hereditary predisposition.
Most often, the appearance of moles is stimulated by the sun's rays. Caution should be taken when sunbathing for people with white skin, as well as for those who have more than 30 nevi on their body. The appearance of moles is related to hormonal surges in the body, which can occur during puberty, pregnancy, menopause. Moreover, during these periods, spots can both appear and disappear without a trace.
Appearance of red moles (angiomas)
Such formations are benign and are formed due to the accumulation of vascular cells in the dermis. Most often they appear at birth and in children under the age of one year. In some cases, red moles are huge and represent a cosmetic defect.

The main reasons for the formation of this angioma include:
- Women using certain medications during pregnancy;
- adverse environmental conditions;
- colds that a pregnant woman suffered in the first trimester of the gestational period.
Doctors do not consider red angioma as a malignant formation. The degeneration of this nevus into a dangerous oncological formhappens extremely rarely. However, it is a red mole that can provoke a number of unpleasant pathologies, suppuration and contribute to the penetration of infection into the body.
If the angioma occupies a large area of the body or is located in a place not protected from sunlight, it must be removed surgically or with a laser.
Features of moles
In their structure, nevi can be flat or rise above the skin by a few millimeters. A bulging mole can be uncomfortable, especially if it is in an uncomfortable place and is regularly touched by clothing. In this case, it is better to delete it.

The operation is performed in the dermatologist's office after a detailed examination of the spot and the study of the obtained tests. It is extremely dangerous and fraught with negative consequences to remove any formation on the body on your own.
The red convex mole is especially unpredictable. Usually it is formed when a blood vessel is mechanically damaged and is felt on palpation. It also belongs to benign formations and often disappears on its own.
If you find a massive appearance of moles on the body, the reasons may be different, rather, unfavorable. Basically, red nevi occur with hormonal disruptions, disorders of the pancreas, or radiation exposure.
Dangerous moles
Usually nevi are not a threat to he alth and do not cause pain. However, with abuse of the sun or with mechanical damagethey can degenerate into a malignant formation. Blue nevi are the most dangerous, but according to doctors, the lion's share of oncological degenerations comes from ordinary brown moles.

Notice if:
- the appearance of the mole has changed, it has acquired an asymmetric shape with blurred borders;
- an inflamed ring of bright color appeared around the nevus;
- the shade of a mole suddenly changed;
- its structure has become prominent, black nodules have appeared around the perimeter;
- nevus has significantly increased in size and thickened;
- pain in the form of itching, burning, tension;
- cracks appeared on the surface of the mole;
- periodically the spot bleeds, there is hair loss in this place.
Malignant moles can develop rapidly, so if you find any suspicious symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor.
This type of formation is malignant and is formed from the cells of the dermis that produce melanin. Every year, there is a high incidence of this type of skin cancer all over the world. Melanomas are very dangerous tumors, as they have a pronounced tendency to reappear and metastasize. These malignant moles mainly develop at the site of the affected nevus.

The main symptoms of melanoma growth include a change in the shade and size of the mole, andalso painful sensations, aggravated by pressure. Particular attention should be paid to the rapid increase in the spot. This may clearly indicate that melanoma is developing. A mole can itch and bleed, causing discomfort and pain to a person. Therefore, if any changes are found in the nevus area, it is better to consult a specialist.
Be careful
Pigmented nevi can form anywhere on the body. However, you should be careful if you have a mole on your back. Due to this location, you will not immediately be able to notice a change in its structure or shape, so you should regularly examine yourself at the mirror or seek the advice of a doctor.

The regular appearance of moles on the body, the causes of which you do not know, can be an alarm signal. Pay attention to your lifestyle: stay less under the scorching rays of the sun, eat right and try not to touch the nevi with details of clothing or shoes. At the slightest suspicion of the activity of a mole, contact a specialist. The favorable resolution of any disease is its timely detection and competent treatment.