Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is an indispensable drug from ancient treatises

Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is an indispensable drug from ancient treatises
Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is an indispensable drug from ancient treatises

Video: Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is an indispensable drug from ancient treatises

Video: Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is an indispensable drug from ancient treatises
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The sea buckthorn ornamental fruit plant, traditionally used as a hedge, has been known since ancient times for its useful orange fruits.

sea buckthorn oil in gynecology
sea buckthorn oil in gynecology

According to the treatises of the ancient Greek healers of the XI century. BC e., the fruits of sea buckthorn were used to treat diseases of the stomach, the rapid healing of difficult-to-heal wounds and burns, to increase the endurance of war horses.

In the USSR, official medicine adopted sea buckthorn oil only in the 70s of the last century. Since then, its use has become very popular. After numerous studies of the “royal berry”, its medicinal properties of a wide spectrum of action were scientifically proven, which made it possible to use sea buckthorn oil in gynecology in the treatment of inflammatory processes.

The high biological value of sea buckthorn oil is due to the presence of carotenoids useful for the human body, a number of vitamins (E, C, group B1, K), micro and macro elements, amino acids, poly- andmonounsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, phytosterols).

Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology
Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology

Medicinal tincture, the main component of which is sea buckthorn oil, successfully strengthens the female body, relieves inflammation in the uterus, ovaries and appendages, is used in the treatment of endocervitis and colpitis during the peak incidence in the winter-spring period.

When using sea buckthorn oil in gynecology as an additional remedy in complex anti-inflammatory therapy, one must treat the treatment responsibly. You can not skip and forget about the procedures.

Due to its wound healing ability, sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is used in combination with aloe juice for the successful and comfortable treatment of cervical erosion. A cocktail of these two powerful medicinal plants also helps to improve the microflora of the vagina and uterus. An 18-day course of treatment is carried out by placing a tampon soaked in a medicinal ointment five times in the vagina for an hour and a half. Warm the ointment before use.

To prepare a healing ointment, you need:

- Sea buckthorn oil (it is much easier to buy ready-made at a pharmacy than to cook at home, but when buying, pay attention that there is no sediment) -3 tbsp. l.

- 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice (Prepare from a plant older than three years. Before use, the plant is left, without watering, in a dark place for at least 3 days. After that, the required number of leaves is cut, the surface film is removed from them, cut into small pieces.mass in several layers of gauze, leave for an hour under pressure).

Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology
Sea buckthorn oil in gynecology

- A few drops (7-8) of yarrow tincture (Prepared in advance from crushed dry or fresh leaves of the plant. Infuse for 7 days in a cool dark place in a sealed glass container, pouring alcohol).

The prepared mixture is thoroughly stirred and put on a slow fire. After boiling, keep on fire for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Then cool.

The richest medicinal sea buckthorn oil has no contraindications for external use. The exception is individual intolerance. Internal use of sea buckthorn oil in gynecology is not recommended.

Sea buckthorn from time immemorial helped the fair sex to get rid of ailments. Will definitely help you too!