Intra-atrial blockade is a condition characterized by failures in the process of impulse entering the atria. This pathology is closely related to organic changes in the myocardium. In the absence of proper therapy, the consequences of a defect can be very dangerous not only for he alth, but also for human life.
Probable Complications
Any type of intra-atrial blockade carries a huge threat to the whole organism. Over time, this pathology can cause other serious he alth problems. So, because of this disease can develop:
- cardiogenic shock - the risk of its occurrence increases significantly if a person has previously had a myocardial infarction;
- oxygen starvation of the brain - in old age, this condition can contribute to the development of dementia;
- bradycardia - the most common consequence of blockade, which is accompanied by a weakening of the pulse;
- arrhythmia - the heart can contract at different rates, which can lead to the development of other diseases;
- defects of other organs - in the chronic form of the blockade against the background of a lack of oxygen, they absolutely sufferall systems;
- fatal outcome - can occur in a critical condition at the time of an acute attack, a person can only be saved by properly provided first aid.

Reason for development
Intra-atrial blockade appears against the background of increased loads, due to which dystrophic changes occur in the atria. Pathology develops under the influence of such factors:
- congenital and acquired heart defects;
- ischemia;
- scars on atrial tissues;
- uncontrolled intake of glycosides and other medications;
- inflammation in the myocardium.

Blockades are not independent diseases. They appear against the background of various abnormal processes, which are accompanied by insufficient blood flow.
Doctors distinguish several types of intra-atrial blockade:
- First degree. It is characterized by a state in which the process of receiving impulses does not stop, but proceeds pathologically slowly. No deviations in the well-being and state of he alth of the patient are noted. That is why the diagnosis of pathology often occurs quite by accident, at the time of decoding the results of the ECG after a routine examination.
- Second stage. The clinical picture worsens, and the conduction of impulses is severely disturbed, which causes abnormalities in the activity of the heart.
- Third degree. Thisthe view is found with complete blockades. The disease is characterized by a stop in the flow of electrical signals. In the absence of appropriate treatment, the defect will eventually provoke the development of heart failure, deterioration in general condition and even death.
Manifestations of the disease are determined by how strongly the passage of impulses is disturbed. The first degree of pathology is characterized by the appearance of mild, almost imperceptible signs. At this stage, the blockade does not affect the work of the heart. At first, a person may not be aware of the existence of such a problem at all. With the transition of the disease to the second stage, the following symptoms are noted:
- fatigue, weakness;
- dizziness;
- fainting;
- reduced performance.

How does the heart beat with such a disease? When moving to the second stage, the patient may encounter such a problem as arrhythmia, that is, too frequent heartbeat. It is this sign that is one of the main symptoms by which one can suspect the development of a blockade.
If these signs appear, you should immediately go to a cardiologist.
Intra-atrial block on ECG - what is it?
If you notice the first symptoms of pathology, you should immediately visit the hospital and get to a specialist. At the appointment, the cardiologist will carefully examine the patient, collect all the necessary medical history, assess the current state of he alth and check for concomitantvices. Those who have a genetic predisposition to blockades should definitely inform their doctor about this.
After taking the history and physical examination, the cardiologist gives the patient a referral for additional tests:
- echocardiography;
- electrocardiogram;
- 24-hour Holter monitoring.

How does a person's heart work when blocked? With such a defect, the rhythm of contractions goes astray against the background of partial receipt of impulses in the atria. By daily observation, it is possible to determine the degree of progression of the pathology.
In addition, during the monitoring, doctors try to find out what caused the disease.
ECG signs of intra-atrial blockade are an increase in the duration of the P wave.
Often, to confirm the diagnosis, doctors additionally prescribe angiography, electrophysiological examination and laboratory tests to patients. To detect ischemic abnormalities, coronary angiography is performed. With its help, you can assess in detail the general condition of the coronary arteries and understand exactly where and how narrowed they are. In the process of research, a specialist can determine not only the features of the course of the defect, but also a further prognosis.
Intra-atrial blockade is eliminated in various ways. The method of treatment is selected taking into account the degree of development of the pathological process. Therapy for blockade within the atrium is aimed at eliminating the original cause of the defect.
If diagnosed firstdegree, then specific therapy is rarely used. In some situations, for recovery, it is quite enough to cancel certain drugs that can cause the appearance of a defect. A significant improvement in the patient's condition can be achieved by treating diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If the pathology was provoked by too high excitation of the vagus nerve, then Atropine is usually used in therapy. The drug is injected under the skin or taken as a tablet.
To prevent further development of the blockade, the patient is prescribed:
- "Ephedrine" and its analogues;
- adenosine triphosphoric acid, "Inosine", trimetazidine.
In the advanced stages of the disease, drug therapy may be ineffective, since it is mainly aimed at maintaining the normal activity of the heart.

Features of therapy
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude the use of antiarrhythmic drugs, potassium s alts, cardiac glycosides and other potent drugs.
If during the blockade the patient has asystole and a strong deterioration in his general condition, then in therapy there is constant or temporary stimulation of the atria. In this case, a special pacemaker is implanted, which creates the missing impulses and normalizes the activity of the myocardium. To install this device, doctorsresort in such situations:
- acute heart failure;
- impaired blood flow in the vessels of the brain;
- reducing the frequency of contractions to a normal level;
- increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest.

If the pathology is asymptomatic, you can count on a favorable outcome. Although success can be achieved in severe cases by transplanting a he althy organ.
In view of the fact that most often the appearance of intra-atrial blockade is due to the influence of abnormal processes occurring in the vessels and the heart, the main rule of prevention implies the timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment of these diseases.
Those with a family history of heart disease should follow these guidelines:
- carefully monitor the dosage of medications taken to avoid severe intoxication of the body;
- beware of a sedentary lifestyle;
- give up alcohol and tobacco;
- replenish your diet with he althy foods.
By the way, it is proper nutrition that makes it possible to significantly reduce the risk of a defect. At the same time, it is extremely important to exclude fatty and fried foods, as well as all kinds of canned food from the menu. It is very helpful to walk as much as possible. If there is a family history of diseases of the cardiovascular system, then you should systematically visit a cardiologist and undergoelectrocardiogram.
All the above recommendations apply primarily to those whose relatives have been exposed to ischemic diseases, extensive myocardial infarction, as well as cardiac surgery.
And remember that at the first symptoms of pathology, you should immediately make an appointment with a cardiologist and not delay with the necessary examinations. Only a specialist can correctly select the appropriate drugs that will help maintain the normal activity of the heart.