Diathesis in a baby on the face: photo, what it looks like, treatment, reviews

Diathesis in a baby on the face: photo, what it looks like, treatment, reviews
Diathesis in a baby on the face: photo, what it looks like, treatment, reviews

With the birth of a child, his body must adapt to a new environment. During this period, there may be an unpredictable reaction to various stimuli. Therefore, diathesis appears in infants. It presents as a rash on the skin, usually on the face. As can be seen from the reviews, many parents are faced with this problem. The causes and treatment of this condition are described in the article.

General information

Diathesis is a disease that is common among babies. It is characterized by the predisposition of the body to allergies, inflammation, respiratory ailments. Diathesis appears in infants due to the occurrence in the body of various irritants to which an adult cannot respond. According to parents, this is often a reaction to specific products or clothing materials, as well as household chemicals.

Diathesis in infants
Diathesis in infants

This phenomenon is not considered a diagnosis, it is a condition indicating the occurrence of a disease. That's whyit is not diathesis itself that is treated, but the ailment that appeared against its background. It can be allergic dermatitis, SARS, convulsive syndrome. Diathesis often appears in infants on the face, but sometimes it affects the throat, perineum, and mucous membranes of the eyes. If a newborn has this symptom, you should see a doctor who can determine the type of disease, as well as prescribe treatment.


Emerging babies need to adapt to the outside world. And since the body is not very strong, therefore, it is exposed to various negative factors that lead to diathesis. Given the reviews of mothers, this symptom usually manifests itself at a young age. Diathesis in infants appears due to:

  1. Maternal nutrition, for example, when eating during pregnancy and lactation of allergic foods in large quantities. This applies to sweets, citrus fruits, food with artificial flavors, colors.
  2. Heredity, when at least one of the parents has an allergy.
  3. Disorders of digestion or intestinal microflora. Some good bacteria may be present in the body, which is why almost all foods are perceived as hostile.
  4. Early or incorrect introduction of complementary foods. Incorrectly selected foods or overfeeding can lead to diathesis.
  5. Bad ecology. Children appear with reduced immunity, and a weak body is exposed to various negative factors.

As evidenced by the reviews, many mothers notice the appearance of redness on the face after certain products. Most often sheoccurs when eating citrus fruits or berries.


What does diathesis look like in a baby? This manifests itself in the form of a rash with redness and peeling of the cheeks, chin. As can be seen from the photo, diathesis in infants can be confused with irritation. Rashes often cause itching, which causes discomfort to the child.

Diathesis in infants photo
Diathesis in infants photo

It is important to distinguish diathesis from prickly heat. The latter phenomenon occurs when the temperature regime is incorrect. It is evidenced by small red bubbles filled with liquid. A photo of diathesis in infants allows you to recognize this ailment.


There are 3 main types of diathesis:

  1. Exudative-catarrhal. It is the most common type, which manifests itself in the form of allergies and low resistance to infections. Appears with an increase in immunoglobulin E, histamine, serotonin. With such diathesis, damage occurs to the skin of the face, scalp, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
  2. Lymphatic-hypoplastic. Appears with insufficiency of the thymus gland, which leads to an increase in lymph nodes, impaired functioning of the adrenal glands, and allergies. Children often have SARS and other infectious diseases.
  3. Nervous-arthritic. Occurs due to metabolic disorders in an excited nervous system. This type of diathesis is difficult to diagnose in young children, there may be joint diseases, high nervous excitability.

As confirmed by the reviews of doctors, with the appearance of any of these types of diathesistreatment is needed. This will eliminate possible complications.


As can be seen from the photo, diathesis in infants on the face manifests itself in the form of specific symptoms - redness of the cheeks and chin, which can be covered with brown or gray scales. Yellow crusts form on the head, which will appear even with proper care of the baby.

Diathesis in infants treatment
Diathesis in infants treatment

Another sign is dry or wet diaper rash in various parts of the body. In order for the treatment of infants on the face to be correct, other symptoms must be taken into account, and not just those that appear on the skin of the child. Signs are manifested from the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. There may also be irregularities in the stool.

Mucous membranes become embossed and whitish. Probably the appearance of allergic conjunctivitis. In difficult cases, diathesis causes inflammation in the throat, nose, and lymph nodes. Common symptoms include:

  • baby crying;
  • poor sleep and anxiety;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • poor appetite.

Considering the reviews, many mothers notice the baby's tearfulness during diathesis. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. Judging by the photo, diathesis in infants on the cheeks manifests itself in the form of redness.


Since diathesis is not considered an independent disease, its various types may require referral to different specialists: pediatrician, dermatologist, neurologist and other doctors. Therefore, there are various diagnostic options. Howtestimonials testify that diathesis in infants can be treated with the help of various specialists.

Usually, the symptom is diagnosed using the following laboratory methods:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood test for cholesterol, uric acid, glucose;
  • biochemical study of urine;
  • immunoglobulin research;
  • fecal analysis for dysbacteriosis.

Diagnostics of a lymphatic-hypoplastic type involves performing ultrasound of various organs, the thymus, and lymph nodes. Only after that treatment is prescribed.

Treatment rules

How is diathesis treated in a baby on the face? It must be comprehensive. First, it is necessary to reconsider the mother's diet, since the main factor in the appearance of diathesis is considered to be allergenic foods that enter the child's body with mother's milk.

It is important for mom to follow a special diet, which excludes the use of citrus and exotic fruits, as well as canned food, fermented milk products with dyes and flavors, sweets. You also need to properly prepare food, it should not be very fatty, s alty or seasoned.

Diathesis in infants photo treatment on the cheeks
Diathesis in infants photo treatment on the cheeks

There are rules to help reduce food allergenicity:

  • meat, fish preferably boiled, baked or steamed;
  • cereals and vegetables should be soaked in cold water overnight before cooking;
  • meat is preferable to cook for 20 minutes, and then only stew or fry;
  • need to carefully read the ingredientsfinished products.

As the photo shows, the treatment of diathesis in infants gives positive results. According to mothers, proper feeding and care of the newborn is still necessary, which will eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

Feeding rules

According to experts, diathesis will be eliminated by proper feeding. It is as follows:

  • early breastfeeding for at least 6 months;
  • with artificial feeding, you must carefully choose the mixture, it is desirable to give preference to hypoallergenic;
  • it is better to introduce complementary foods from vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, broccoli), which must be soaked before cooking;
  • it is important to carefully introduce complementary foods, any product is tried with 1 tsp, you should not enter 2 products at the same time;
  • you need to keep a food diary for mother and child in order to timely identify and eliminate allergenic foods that lead to diathesis.

Treatment of diathesis in infants involves proper care of the child. It is necessary to use special children's products for washing clothes and bathing. The apartment must be dusted and floors cleaned every day, especially if there are pets.


Sometimes when treating diathesis in babies on the cheeks, proper nutrition and proper care is not enough, and then the pediatrician prescribes medication. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the characteristics of the baby, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. Antihistamines. Effective for allergies, are divided into drugs of the 1st and 2nd generation. The former have a mild sedativeeffect, they are used for anxiety of the baby. The second does not lead to drowsiness, they can be taken up to 5 weeks.
  2. Sedatives. They are used as additional medicines for severe anxiety of the child, sleep disorders.
  3. Probiotics. They are prescribed for dysbacteriosis from diathesis. They restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins.
  4. Immunomodulators. Their reception is controversial, so they should be used only after the permission of the pediatrician. Such funds increase immunity and therefore make the body resistant to various factors.
  5. Non-hormonal ointments. To eliminate diathesis in newborns, Guzhienko Paste is used, which is made in pharmacies from diphenhydramine and zinc. When an infection caused by bacteria occurs, Vishnevsky Ointment, Levomekol is used.
Diathesis in infants reviews
Diathesis in infants reviews

As can be seen from the photo, the treatment of diathesis in infants on the cheeks can improve the condition of the child's skin. According to experts, even with small rashes, the child should be shown to the doctor. And self-medication can lead to adverse consequences.

Folk methods

It will be possible to cure diathesis in a baby on the face with the help of traditional medicine. Effective decoctions or tinctures from plants, as well as ointments and dry powders. The most requested recipes include the following:

  1. It is necessary to dry the eggshells, and then grind them in a coffee grinder. Such a powder is taken in 1 tsp. 2 times a day with meals.
  2. It is necessary to grind the roots of burdock, and then pour them with hotwater in the ratio of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 st. boiling water. After insisting for 2 hours, strain. The norm is 50 ml of infusion 3 times a day before meals. The same remedy can be prepared from dandelion roots.
  3. Fir oil should be mixed with baby cream in an amount of 1:3, and then treat problem areas with the finished product in the mornings and evenings.
  4. Baths with useful herbs help, as they relieve irritation, redness and itching. You can use a string, chamomile, sage. A dry plant must be poured with boiling water and insisted until tender, and then it must be filtered and added to the bath.
  5. Starch (2 tablespoons) is added to cold water (1 cup), and then more hot water is added (2 cups). The solution is added to the baby bath with water.
  6. Soda (1 tsp) must be dissolved in warm boiled water (1 cup). Cotton pads are dipped in the solution and applied to painful areas. Such lotions relieve itching and inflammation.

As the reviews confirm, folk methods allow you to eliminate this unpleasant symptom in a short time. It is enough to perform the procedures until the he althy appearance of the skin is restored.

Consequences and forecast

Diathesis in babies on the face, the treatment of which is performed by different methods, can lead to consequences. In infancy, this disease can lead to frequent respiratory infections, as well as excess weight. But diathesis of newborns is more dangerous in adulthood, when allergic ailments may appear - bronchial asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis.

Diathesis in infants on the cheeks treatment
Diathesis in infants on the cheeks treatment

Therefore, it is important to treat diathesis in a timely manner so that unwanted ailments do not appear in the future. The disease, which is controlled, resolves itself by 4 years. The child will become resistant to food products, household chemicals.

Treatment Tips

Some parents believe that diathesis can be left untreated. They think it will go away on its own. But this opinion is considered erroneous. According to experts, it is important to pay attention to this when even minor signs appear.

Treatment should be based on the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to look at the composition of the powder that is used to wash the baby's clothes. Even popular baby products can lead to irritation.
  2. Before eating children's dishes should be poured with boiling water. This is a must if sterilizers are not used.
  3. To prevent irritation from diathesis while taking a bath, add a little potassium permanganate to the water. This will be useful even if diathesis has never appeared.
  4. To reduce the rash, a decoction with a string is effective. But before use, you should consult a doctor.
  5. Wet cleaning should be done daily in the children's room. Dust can lead to diathesis. The same applies to indoor plants, perfumes, pet hair.
  6. Diathesis also appears because of toys. Children should choose certified anti-allergenic toys.
  7. Children should choose clothes made from natural materials. Even a small presencesynthetics adversely affect the condition of the skin.

Parents should not panic when diathesis appears in a child. This is a common occurrence. You just need to see a doctor who will prescribe treatment.


It must be carried out not only with the child, but also with the mother. Preventive measures should be taken from the beginning of pregnancy. This is especially true for those women who have an allergy or it is present in relatives. Do not eat allergenic foods, alcohol and smoking should be excluded. The latter factor leads to a strong exacerbation of the allergic mood of the body. After giving birth, you need to follow a diet, eat allergenic food carefully.

For a child, prevention is as follows:

  • early breastfeeding, careful choice of formula when formula feeding;
  • proper nutrition after complementary foods;
  • performing daily and professional massage;
  • hardening;
  • exercising.

Given the feedback, prevention allows you to get great results. With it, it will be possible to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as diathesis, as well as improve the overall well-being of the child.


It should be borne in mind that babies with diathesis that manifests itself on the face or have other symptoms are vaccinated individually, after treatment. Vaccinations are done during remission or a month after the exacerbation of the disease. 3 days before and for 5-7 days after that, the baby is prescribed antihistamines,to prevent an allergy to the vaccine.

Diathesis in infants on the cheeks photo
Diathesis in infants on the cheeks photo

Thus, diathesis often occurs in newborns, the cause of which is the immaturity of the immune system, the environment, and the mother's diet. This disease must be treated promptly and correctly, following the recommendations of a specialist. Only then will it be possible to prevent future negative consequences.
