How to treat a hematoma: traditional and folk methods of treatment

How to treat a hematoma: traditional and folk methods of treatment
How to treat a hematoma: traditional and folk methods of treatment

Hematoma appears when blood thickens in a certain part of the body. Its occurrence is associated with ruptures of blood vessels, bruises or squeezing of the skin. Hematoma should be treated as quickly as possible, without waiting for the skin to become bluish. Folk recipes can help with this, the ingredients for which can be found in everyone's kitchen.

Thanks to them, you can quickly and efficiently provide first aid to the victim. If alternative methods do not help, and the hematoma increases in size, you should use medication. That is why you need to know about all the ways to treat this trouble. This knowledge will help to quickly relieve pain and speed up the healing process of the skin.

Causes of hematoma

In order not to have to think about how to treat a hematoma, you need to know how to prevent its occurrence. The main causes of bruising are injuries that cause internal bleeding. They can appear as a result of a bruise, blow, pinching, or many other injuries to the skin, bones, or internal organs. In some cases, hematoma occurs due to non-traumatic causes. Then bruises appear due to the inflammatory process in the human body.

Of course, most often hematomas occur on the skin due to injuries. However, there are certain factors that determine their number, size and degree of healing. These factors include bleeding disorders, malfunctions of the vascular system, decreased immunity, and the age of the victim.

what causes a hematoma
what causes a hematoma

Types of hematomas

Few people take bruises seriously. But they can become a signal of severe damage in the body. An innocent injury can affect the functioning of internal organs, and a hematoma will be a call to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Therefore, before thinking about how to treat a severe hematoma, it is necessary to determine the degree of bruising, as well as make sure the type of bruising. Doctors distinguish the following severity of hematomas:

  • First. The skin is slightly damaged, and the bruised part of the body does not hurt. In this case, the hematoma disappears without a trace within a few days.
  • Second. Serious damage to the skin can be observed. Soft tissues swell, and muscle rupture is possible at the site of the bruise. The state of he alth changes, the victim complains of pain.
  • Third. This degree implies not only muscle damage, but also tendon ruptures. Also canbe dislocations of varying severity. Such injuries are especially dangerous with injuries to the head or tailbone.
  • Fourth. It is the most difficult and dangerous. With this degree of hematoma, one can completely lose the functioning of one or another part of the body that has been damaged. Before treating a hematoma from such a severe bruise, you need to see a doctor.

Subcutaneous hemorrhages are divided into the following types:

  • Arterial.
  • Venous.
  • Mixed.

By localization, they can be: intermuscular, subcutaneous, subfascial.

Hematoma symptoms

In addition to knowledge of the severity of hematomas, it is necessary to be able to determine their symptoms. Unlike normal bruising, bruising has the following symptoms:

  • Pain appears.
  • The site of the bruise swells.
  • The function of the damaged muscle is disrupted.
  • Hematoma looks swollen.
  • A pulsation appears, which is characteristic of a partial rupture of a large artery.
  • The body temperature rises.

Having identified the above symptoms in the victim, first aid should be given to him as soon as possible. In case of severe injuries, which are accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to call a doctor at home who will diagnose the degree of injury and tell you how to treat the hematoma. In case of severe injuries, drugs should not be used until the ambulance arrives.

applying a cold compress to the site of injury
applying a cold compress to the site of injury

First aid

Anyone can get hurthuman. Therefore, knowledge on how to treat a severe bruise and hematoma can be very useful. Thanks to them, you can reduce the size of the hematoma, as well as make the victim feel better. Bruises or other types of injury are more likely to affect the limbs and head. They can damage not only the skin, but also muscles, nerve endings, blood vessels. When the latter are injured, blood penetrates into the areas of the skin that surround them. This is what provokes the development of large bruises.

Thinking about how to treat a hematoma after a bruise, you should use the most proven method. To reduce pain and swelling, apply something cold to the damaged area. You can use everything that is at hand: snow, ice, a rag soaked in ice water or a frozen product from the freezer. In no case should you give the victim hot tea or put him in a warm bed. Heat will only increase the bleeding and pain in the bruised area. Special care must be taken with head injuries. Even a small blow can cause a concussion. Therefore, before self-medicating, it is necessary to take the victim to the doctor.

treatment of hematoma with drugs
treatment of hematoma with drugs

Cold compress treatment

Thinking about how to treat a hematoma, first of all, you need to remember this method. Cold compresses are an ideal way to relieve pain and improve well-being. No wonder when providing first aid they are done in the first place. Apply cold compresses immediately after injury, dislocation orpinching. This method will help prevent an increase in bruising in size. You can make a compress from ice cubes wrapped in a cloth, or from a bandage soaked in cold water. The procedure should be done every hour during the first day after the injury. At the same time, the compress is kept for at least 15 minutes per application.

Hematoma treatment at home
Hematoma treatment at home

Treatment with Bodyaga

Bodyaga is considered to be the best medicine for treating bruises and hematomas. This plant substance has an excellent healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Doctors recommend making compresses from this medicine. To do this, you should purchase Bodyaga gel or powder for self-dilution at the pharmacy. Preparing it at home is quite simple. You just need to mix 2 tablespoons of powder with 1 tablespoon of water in a deep container. Add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to the mixed gruel. Then the medicine is applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and fixed with a gauze bandage. You need to change the bandage up to 3 times a day. Thanks to this method of treating a hematoma after a bruise, its traces can be eliminated in 2-3 days.

hematoma treatment with ointment
hematoma treatment with ointment

Hematoma ointments

Besides "Bodyaga" there are other medicinal ointments for severe bruising. Among them, you need to highlight the most popular:

  • Heparin ointment.
  • "Rescuer".
  • "Troxevasin".
  • "Arnica".
  • "Bruise-Off".
  • "Indovazin".
  • "Lition".

All these ointments are widely distributed in large and small pharmacy chains. Therefore, finding the right medicine is not difficult. To speed up the healing process of a hematoma, you can use folk recipes. They will not worsen the condition of damaged skin, but will only enhance the effect of medicines.

Treatment with aloe compresses

Everyone should know how to treat a hematoma at home. If this wonderful plant grows at home, it makes sense to use it to quickly heal bruises. Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action. In addition, a compress from this medicinal plant promotes the resorption of blood, which is formed at the site of the bruise.

It is necessary to cut off a small leaf of aloe and cut it into small pieces. The resulting slurry must be applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and wrapped with a bandage. The compress can be kept until the mixture is completely dry. It is advisable to do the procedure on the first day of the bruise, applying aloe to the skin every 2 hours.

treatment of hematoma with aloe juice
treatment of hematoma with aloe juice

Other folk methods

When wondering how to treat a large hematoma, using a minimum of funds, you can try the simplest folk methods. You can quickly get rid of any bruise with the help of ordinary vinegar and iodine. To prepare homemade medicine, you should take 1 teaspoon of vinegar and drop 5 drops of iodine into it. After that, you can soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution andapply it to the site of injury. Keep the compress for about half an hour.

Another effective remedy for hematomas is parsley. To cure a severe bruise with it, you need to finely chop about 50 g of this plant, and then add a tablespoon of water. The lotion can be left on the skin even overnight.

treatment of hematoma with parsley
treatment of hematoma with parsley

If there is no time to prepare the desired recipe, you should use the products that can be found in any refrigerator. Potatoes, cabbage leaves, chopped and squeezed onions, garlic, and water diluted with s alt will help relieve pain from a bruise and speed up the healing process of the skin.

Any of the above remedies will help much faster if you use it in the first hours after the bruise. In any case, even with immediate treatment, it will take at least 3 days for the skin to heal. If first aid is neglected, a hematoma can show off on the skin for up to 3 weeks. It all depends on its severity and the body's ability to recover.
