Frozen shoulder syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

Frozen shoulder syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease
Frozen shoulder syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

Frozen shoulder syndrome is also called humeroscapular periarthritis in another way in medicine. The disease lies in the fact that there is severe pain in the shoulder area, which greatly complicates movement. It is not so difficult to identify the disease, unpleasant aching pain in the shoulder area is the main symptom, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to.

Doctors warn that self-medication with such deviations is in no case worth it, because the pain will only intensify.

What is humeroscapular periarthritis

Dupley's syndrome, as this disease can also be called, is very common. The essence of this disease is that there is inflammation of the tendons of the supraspinatus muscle in the region of the scapula and the capsule of the shoulder joint itself.

humeroscapular periarthritis ICD code
humeroscapular periarthritis ICD code

Pain that starts to show can limit movement. The risk group may include people who are already over 40 years old. Such pathologies may occurequally for both women and men.


Causes of frozen shoulder syndrome may be as follows:

  1. First of all, the disease can occur as a result of an injury, for example, if the hand was hit hard or it was injured when falling.
  2. Hypothermia or even frostbite of the shoulder can cause pathology.
  3. Excessive exercise may not be the best.
  4. As we age, changes in the body also occur that lead to chronic diseases, such as diabetes can affect the he alth of the shoulder joint.
  5. Dupley's disease can occur after other diseases of the internal organs, most often a myocardial infarction or liver disease.
  6. The occurrence of pathology after major operations is not excluded. Most often, shoulder-shoulder syndrome begins to appear after the removal of the mammary gland.
  7. The cause may be hidden in diseases of the cervical spine, when nerves are pinched and blood circulation is disturbed.

Naturally, not all reasons are listed above, there may be many more, but they are considered the main ones.

humeroscapular periarthritis complex
humeroscapular periarthritis complex

Forms and symptoms of the disease

It should be noted that humeroscapular periarthritis (ICD-10 code - M75.0) can occur in several forms, each of which will have its own symptoms. Let us consider in more detail all forms of this disease.

  1. Mild or simple form is characterized by mild pain thatoccur during movements of the shoulder joint, for example, a sick person may sometimes feel discomfort when moving the arms apart. The symptoms will be able to disappear on their own in a month and do not require a special course of treatment. But if such symptoms begin to appear constantly, then this is already a reason to seek help from a doctor.
  2. Moderate illness is often associated with severe pain that radiates to the arm and neck. The pain occurs for no reason, it becomes especially strong at night. In no case should such manifestations of the disease be left unattended, since in the future it can turn into an acute form.
  3. If there is a humeroscapular periarthritis (ICD-10 code - M75.0), then it is unlikely that you can do without medical help. First of all, the body temperature of a sick person rises to 38 degrees, and an inflammatory process begins in the shoulder joint. The person cannot move the arm freely, and a comfortable position in which he can be is to press his arm to his chest, bending it at the elbow.

In no case can we say that the disease is incurable, any form can be cured, but a lot depends on how quickly treatment is started. Few people know that even such a harmless disease can turn into a chronic form, which is accompanied by disability. In medicine, there is a fourth stage of this disease, which is called capsulitis. Initially, the pains will be mild, but the patient will forever lose the ability to raise his arms up, as the shoulder is blocked. That's whyit is very important at the first symptoms to immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment and get rid of the syndrome for a long time.

How to recognize the disease

Recognizing humeroscapular periarthritis (ICD-10 code - M75.0) is not at all difficult. The most common symptom is pain in the shoulder at the slightest movement. Over time, such pains will not go away, they will only intensify even at night, when a person is at rest. According to all the rules, pain can occur on the right in right-handers, on the left - in left-handers. The slightest touch on the shoulder joint can cause discomfort and limit the movement of a person.

frozen shoulder syndrome, periarticular
frozen shoulder syndrome, periarticular

If a person does not receive proper treatment, then the range of motion will constantly decrease, the pain will increase even more and become aching. Some people may confuse the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis with signs of Duplay's syndrome. Dizziness, headache, pain in the shoulder blade and chest, numbness of the fingers on the hands may also appear.

Stages of disease treatment

There are three stages in the course of Duplay's syndrome.

  1. The very first stage is called "freezing". This period is considered the most painful, as stiffness in the shoulder joint begins to develop, movement is limited. This stage lasts from six weeks to nine months.
  2. The "frozen" stage is characterized by the subsidence of the pain syndrome, but the daily activities of a person still remain limited. This stage may lasthalf a year.
  3. The "defrosting" stage is considered the longest, as the patient's motor ability gradually improves, and he returns to normal life.

A person can fully restore his motor activity only with the help of special therapy.


An experienced specialist will be able to recognize the frozen shoulder syndrome quite quickly only by hearing the complaints of his patient. But still, there are certain diagnostic methods that will help to see in what form the disease proceeds.

First of all, the doctor will be able to take a traumatic history, this is possible if a person has been injured.

The specialist can ask his patient to make simple movements and talk about his feelings, this will help determine whether Duplay's syndrome is present or not, limitation of movement by 50% indicates that the disease is actively developing.

The doctor will be able to assess the swelling of the muscles in the shoulder area and soft tissue damage.

An x-ray is required to exclude dislocations and fractures.

If you suspect a humeroscapular periarthritis, an ultrasound of the shoulder joint is prescribed.

To see in more detail the affected area, the patient can be sent for computed tomography, this will fully assess the bone structures and soft tissues.

frozen shoulder syndrome gymnastics
frozen shoulder syndrome gymnastics

After receiving the results of all tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe an effective treatment.

When treatment is given

If there is suspicion offrozen shoulder syndrome, treatment is carried out only in a complex manner and after differential diagnosis. Such diagnostics include:

  1. Arthrography is mandatory, which helps determine the volume of the joint cavity.
  2. An analysis is taken for C-reactive protein, ESR.

As soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed conservative treatment, which shows the use of drugs that are aimed at relieving the inflammatory process, drug blockade of the shoulder joint and its development with the help of physical education.

Treatment methods

Get rid of the disease completely only if you follow all the recommendations correctly. It is necessary to carry out drug therapy, but also to perform all the necessary exercises for humeroscapular periarthritis. First of all, not only doctors should take care to relieve the pain syndrome, so the patient is prescribed non-steroidal drugs topically or orally. Injections may be used to relieve muscle spasm.

frozen shoulder syndrome treatment according to bubnovsky
frozen shoulder syndrome treatment according to bubnovsky

Further on, various physiotherapy procedures are carried out, which may include:

  1. Treatment with ultrasound or laser.
  2. If there are no contraindications, then diadynamic currents are applied.
  3. Effective is infrared and magnetotherapy.
  4. Mud treatment applied.

Treatment can be supplemented with other methods, for example, it can be acupuncture, hirudotherapy, massage, manual therapy.

Howtreatment takes a long time

Treatment of humeroscapular periarthrosis is a very lengthy process. Doctors recommend following all the recommendations, since the main effect is on the muscles, reduced by spasm in the shoulder joint, for several months in a row. Sometimes it takes years to completely get rid of the disease, and you have to be treated not only with medication, but also go to a sanatorium for recovery.

Popov's Therapeutic Gymnastics

Popov's exercises will help to defeat humeroscapular periarthritis. All exercises by a person are performed only in a sitting position. It is advisable to take at least a minute for one movement. Consider a few Popov exercises that will help restore the motor function of the shoulders.

  1. Sitting on a chair, you need to put your hands on your knees. Sitting, it is necessary to imitate walking, moving the legs in such a way that the impression of steps is created. Hands at this time can not be torn off the knees.
  2. Without stopping walking with your hands, you can start making circular movements on the hips, thus massaging them.
  3. Sitting on a chair, hands should be lowered so that they hang down, you can imagine that there is a load in your hands. In this position, you need to start moving the shoulder girdle.
  4. Circular movements of the arms back and forth are an excellent option, but only such movements can be performed in the absence of severe pain.
  5. It is recommended to swing your arms back and forth while tilting your body.

If a patient is diagnosed with humeroscapular periarthritis, the complexThe proposed exercises are recommended to be performed every day until the disease is completely gone. According to Popov's method, there are many other exercises, but the main emphasis is on those listed above.

Treatment according to Bubnovsky

Recall that it is therapeutic exercises that are considered the main method of rehabilitation during the recovery period for capsulitis. When the disease is in full swing, activity is prohibited, as in the future this may complicate recovery. Initially, gymnastics should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Most specialists prefer to choose treatment according to Bubnovsky. Frozen shoulder syndrome in many cases can be cured completely. Consider the main exercises that are included in this complex:

  1. Bending down, you should put your hands down. Hands should be relaxed, while trying to draw circles in the air. This movement must be repeated 15 times clockwise. Gradually, the diameter of the drawn circle should increase.
  2. The towel is taken behind the back with both hands, while the he althy hand rises and pulls the other hand.
  3. The person becomes facing the wall, the arms are bent at the elbows, and steps are taken along the wall. You need to reach the maximum height, this will allow you to develop the shoulder joint.
  4. The sick hand should be taken by the elbow with the he althy hand and lifted up. After that, you should take your straight arm to the side.
  5. The next exercise is done in the supine position. In this position, you will need to take the patient with a he althy hand and place it behind the head.

In no case should you do exercises through pain, we must remember that gymnastics, which will be permanent, can cure frozen shoulder syndrome. Additionally, before performing the complex, you can warm up the shoulder, just take a warm bath for this.

humeroscapular periarthritis popov exercises
humeroscapular periarthritis popov exercises


Shoulohumeral periarthritis is a rather serious disease that takes a long time to heal. But despite everything, even such a disease can be prevented by taking elementary preventive measures.

  1. Everyone should move more, so daily moderate physical activity will have a beneficial effect on he alth.
  2. It is important to watch your weight, as extra pounds increase the load on the joints and spine, which is why many people develop frozen shoulder syndrome.
  3. When playing sports in every possible way to avoid injury to the shoulder area.
  4. Take care of proper nutrition, it should be balanced and include all types of foods, including calcium and fiber.
  5. It is desirable to sleep on special orthopedic pillows and mattresses.
humeroscapular periarthritis code
humeroscapular periarthritis code


Today, many people suffer from frozen shoulder syndrome. Periarticular tissues are so affected that even the simplest movement causes wild pain. No doctor can say clearly how to treat this disease, but the fact that complex treatment can bring long-awaited relief,all experts say. In particularly difficult cases, surgery may be required.
