Urology in Samara is at a high level. Those who, due to a disease or a scheduled examination, have to choose such a specialist, will have to face the problem of choosing the "best of the best", since every second specialist has a very high level of professionalism and rich professional experience.
Urological centers in Samara
In Samara, in addition to specialized clinics focused exclusively on urological examination and treatment, there are a large number of multidisciplinary institutions providing quality services in this area of medicine.
List of specialized Urology clinics in Samara:
- "Dr. Solovova's Urological Center" on Myagi Street, 7.
- "Urological Clinic of Dr. Zoteev" on Maslennikov Avenue, 19.
- Clinic "Man and Woman" on Brothers Korostelev Street, 268.
- Urology "He and She" on Leninskaya street, 147.
- Urology departmentHospital No. 1 named after Pirogov on Polevaya Street, 80.
- Department of hospital No. 2 named after Semashko on Kalinina street, 32.
- Urology of the Road Hospital on Novo-Sadovaya Street, 222 B.
- Urology at the Seredavina Hospital on Tashkentskaya Street, 159.
- Special Department of the Veterans Hospital on 43, Twenty-Second Party Congress Street.
- Department of Urology at Children's Hospital No. 1 named after Ivanova on Karla Marksa Street, 165 A.
- Department of Clinical Urology at Children's Hospital No. 2 at 3rd Prosek, 150.

And this is the corresponding diversified honey. centers of Samara.
- Clinic "Vocation" on Eroshevsky street, 20 and Vladimirskaya street, 1 A.
- Clinic "Daliz" on Alexei Tolstoy Street, 78.
- "Reaviz" on the street of the Soviet Army, 243 A.
- "Clinic of Dr. Kravchenko" on Georgy Dimitrov Street, 20.
- SamGmu Clinic on Karl Marx Avenue, 165 B.
- Laboratory clinic "Science" on Novo-Sadovaya street, 106/82.
- "Citylab" on Novo-Sadovaya, 140.
- He alth center "CEIM" on Revolutionary street, 75.
- Honey. Center "He althy Children" on Nikitinskaya street, 79.
- Med.center "Medgard" on Gagarin street, 20B; 6th clearing, 54.
- "Children's He alth" on the 6th lane, 140.
- Polyclinic Roadhospitals on Agibalov street, 12.
- Children's polyclinic "Vitaminki" on Vrubel street, 15.
- Children's Clinic No. 10 on Soviet Army Street, 133.
- Hospital "Mother and Child" on the Volzhskoye Highway, 70; branch clinic on Entuziastov street, 29.
- Regional TB dispensary on Novo-Sadovaya street, 154.
- Medical unit No. 1 on Novo-Vokzalnaya street, 116.

The following is a list of the best urologists in Samara who work in the above institutions, with information about the level of qualifications and experience.
Mikheev S. V

Opens the list of the best urologists in Samara Sergey Vladimirovich Mikheev, adult and pediatric specialist of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor of Urology at Samara State Medical University, who has been working in this field for 26 years.

Sergei Vladimirovich's place of work is the clinics of Samara "Vocation" and "Reaviz".
Shatokhina I. V
You can't ignore specialist Irina Viktorovna Shatokhina. She is not only a urologist and andrologist of the highest category, but also the owner of a Ph. D. By profession, Irina Viktorovna has been working for 17 years.
You can make an appointment with the urologist Shatokhina at the Daliz clinic.
Konovalov S. E

The next thing I would like to mention in the list of the best urologists of Samara Sergey Evgenyevich Konovalov. This is a specialist of the highest category with a professional experience of 29 years, as well as a candidateof Medical Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Urology at Samara State Medical University.
For help from the urologist Konovalov, you can contact Pirogov Hospital No. 1 and the Nauka laboratory clinic.
Zimichev A. A
Alexander Anatolyevich Zimichev is a specialist of the highest category, not only having a successful practical experience of 16 years, but also a doctor of urological sciences and an assistant professor at the corresponding department of Samara State Medical University.
Here is a list of places where urologist Zimichev is ready to accept his patients:
- Clinic "Vocation";
- medical unit number 1;
- Hospital No. 2 named after Semashko;
- "Center for Comprehensive Dentistry".
Pyatnitsyn G. S

For 25 years, top-level specialist and candidate of science Gennady Sergeevich Pyatnitsyn has been leading a successful urological practice. He is waiting for his patients in the urology department of the Road Hospital.
Melkumova E. G
Specialist of the highest category Elena Georgievna Melkumova will be of interest to those who need a pediatric urologist. In this area, she is most positively spoken of, but she still practices adult urology and andrology. Elena Georgievna has 19 years of experience.
Here is a list of places where urologist Melkumova works in Samara:
- "Dr. Kravchenko's clinic".
- clinic "Reaviz".
- med. He althy Children Center.
- med. Children's He alth Center.
- polyclinic of the Road Hospital.
- regional hospitalnamed after Seredavin.
- Kalinin Children's Regional Hospital.
- children's polyclinic "Vitaminki".
Zoteev D. V

Urologist and andrologist of the highest category Danil Valentinovich Zoteev has been working in medicine for only 9 years, but already has his own clinic specializing in urology, gynecology and endocrinology, being the chief physician and head of one of the departments in it.
In Samara, the urologist Danil Valentinovich is still in the Pirogov Hospital No. 1.
Timofeev A. B
Anatoliy Borisovich Timofeev is a urologist of the highest category with vast professional experience of more than 40 years in the profession. He conducts his practice at the medical center "Medgard", a branch on Gagarin street.
Gubanov E. S

Candidate of Urological Sciences, doctor of the highest qualification category, associate professor of the department - all this is Evgeny Sergeevich Gubanov, whose professional experience has exceeded the threshold of 20 years of successful practice without any complaints from patients.
Where can I make an appointment with the urologist Gubanov? In the already mentioned above clinic "Reaviz", as well as in the Clinic of Samara State Medical University.
Dusaliev T. Kh
Another "veteran" of urology in Samara, as well as the holder of the title "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" is a doctor of the highest qualification level Taskali Khusainovich Dusaliev, who devoted forty-eight years to work in medicine.
Urologist Dusaliev is always happy to receive his patients in the "Doctor's ClinicKravchenko".
Kuznetsov D. A

Not only an adult and pediatric urologist, but also a specialist in the field of urological surgery is Denis Anatolyevich Kuznetsov, a doctor of the first category with 13 years of experience. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, it is the surgical skills that patients value most in him.
You can seek help from urologist Kuznetsov in these institutions:
- clinic "Citylab";
- Mother and Child Hospital;
- Children's Hospital No. 1 named after Ivanova;
- Children's Polyclinic No. 10;
- regional TB dispensary.
Tokarev V. N
In Samara, urologist Tokarev Vladimir Nikolaevich has been working by profession for 12 years. He has a Ph. D. in medicine and combines practice with teaching at the Department of Urology of the Samara State Medical University, as he is an assistant professor.
Dr. Tokarev's place of work is a branch of the medical center "Medgard" on Proseka.
Slivkin V. V

Valery Vladimirovich Slivkin has been practicing the diagnosis and treatment of urology, as well as teaching this science at the Department of Samara State Medical University for 33 years. He has the highest category of a doctor and a PhD, is the head of the urology department at the hospital.
You can contact the urologist Slivkin for a consultation at the CEIM he alth center and at the Veterans Hospital.
Kozlyatkin A. Yu
At various thematic forums in Samara, where they askto advise a good urologist, you can often come across the name of a doctor of the highest qualification Andrey Yuryevich Kozlyatkin, who devoted 20 years of his life to the profession, in addition to practice, also being engaged in scientific activities and having a Ph. D.
Appointment with the urologist Kozlyatkin is made at the Reaviz clinic and at the medical unit No. 1.
Rusakov D. Yu

The list of the best urologists in Samara is completed by Dmitry Yuryevich Rusakov, who, in addition to his main profession, practices andrology and urological ultrasound. This is a young specialist of the second qualification category with 7 years of experience and a Ph. D.
For a consultation with the urologist Rusakov, you can contact the hospital and clinic "Mother and Child".
Based on this list of specialists, it becomes clear that there are a lot of good specialists in the field of urology in Samara. However, if you are going to entrust your sexual he alth, or the functions of the urinary system and kidneys, to a specialist, you should very carefully study the dossier of each doctor.