Children's Clinic 110 is an institution that provides medical services to children in Moscow. The organization daily accepts boys and girls with various he alth problems. Today we will find out the structure of this organization, how to make an appointment with a doctor, the cost of an appointment. We will also find out what people think about this institution, about the doctors, the service.
Address, opening hours, contacts
Children's City Polyclinic 110 is located at the address: Moscow, st. Dekabristov, 39.
197 doctors and 287 nurses work in this institution.
Polyclinic opening hours:
- Weekdays - from 08:00 to 20:00.
- Saturday - from 09:00 to 15:00.
- Sunday is a day off.

A feature of this medical institution is the close contact of the administration with the parents of sick children. So, on the website of the organization, a person can personally ask the chief doctor a question. To do this, a citizen must leave an application online, indicating their data: last name, first name, patronymic, email address.
Polyclinic phone for inquiries: 8(495) 610-30-69.
If you need to call a doctor at home, you need to call the number: 8 (495) 610-89-92 or 639-16-64. Calls should be made clearly from 08:00 to 12:00.
Organization structure
Children's Polyclinic No. 110 is an outpatient center in which 4 branches have united. It happened in 2013. Up to this point, each structure existed separately. The new organization included:
- Children's Polyclinic No. 110 (Moscow, Dekabristov St.), which has become a basic institution.
- Branch No. 1. Previously, it was clinic No. 44 (Khachaturyan St., 3).
- Department No. 2. Previously, it was clinic No. 75 (Polyarnaya St., 24).
- Branch No. 3. Previously, it was clinic No. 24 (Yablochkova St., 33).

Doctor appointment
To get an appointment with any specialist, you need to make an appointment. There are several ways to do this:
- Through the Internet, by going to the official website of the clinic.
- Through the call center by phone: 8 (495) 539-30-00.
- Personally come to the reception or call there at the number: 8 (495) 610-30-69.
With the help of self-registration, you can get to such specialists as an ophthalmologist, surgeon, ENT. Appointments with other doctors are carried out only in the direction of pediatricians.
After self-registration, you can get to a specialist within 7 days. If you need to provide emergency assistance, then registration is carried out according to emergency coupons, which are issued by the on-duty doctor-administrator of the polyclinic on the dayappeals.
Institution specialists
Children's Polyclinic No. 110 (Moscow, Dekabristov St., 39) can accept patients with any problems, because this institution has all the specialists: pediatricians, surgeons, orthopedists, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, otolaryngologists, gastroenterologists, neurologists, speech therapists, allergists, nephrologists, psychotherapists, dermatologists, phthisiatricians, radiologists, endoscopists.
Patients can go to any doctor here and get quality help. All doctors have a lot of experience, so the treatment will always be right.

Ongoing studies, procedures
Children's Polyclinic No. 110 (Moscow, Dekabristov St., 39) is equipped with rooms where the following tests and treatment processes are carried out:
- X-ray.
- Ultrasound.
- Electrocardiogram.
- Therapeutic exercise.
- Classes in the pool.
- Audiotherapy.
There is also a "He althy Child's Room", in which the kids are with a nurse while their mothers solve various issues in the clinic (stand in line, consult a doctor, write an application addressed to the head physician, etc.).

Day hospital
In 2013, hospitals for 4 beds were opened on the basis of the first and third branches. In the first department there is a neurological hospital, and in the third department there is an orthopedic one.
On the basis of the day hospital, children undergo massages, therapeuticphysical education, physiotherapy, they are given injections with drugs.
The hospital works in 2 shifts. On average, boys and girls are in their beds for 4 hours a day. Between procedures, children have time to rest in the ward. In order for the kids to have fun, the administration of the institution equipped a playroom and bought a TV. Naturally, parents also have the right to stay at the day hospital with their children. And this creates additional psychological comfort for the kids.
Day hospital is wildly popular. In 2014 alone, the number of children who underwent therapy here was 384 people. In 96% of young patients, the he alth status improved after the treatment.
The average duration of treatment in a day hospital is 10 days.
Trauma center
If your child has broken his leg or arm, then you can quickly seek help from an organization such as the Children's City Polyclinic No. 110. Moscow is an expensive city, this also applies to various medical centers. However, Polyclinic No. 110 is notable for its low cost for its services. For example, if a child needs to apply a fixing bandage, then you need to pay 250 rubles. In order to correct the dislocation, the parent should pay about 650 rubles. It is somewhat cheaper than in other clinics, so there are always a lot of clients here.
Trauma center of children's polyclinic No. 110 has been operating since 1984, it serves about 146,000 children a year. This department has the following rooms:
- Dressing room.
- Cabinetadmission of primary, repeated patients.
- Plaster.
Help provided here is:
- Prevention of rabies, tetanus.
- Providing first aid to children under 18 years of age with injuries of various nature.

Children's Polyclinic No. 110 (Moscow): people's positive assessments
Parents of young patients have different attitudes towards the service in this medical institution. Although basically people are satisfied with the work of the staff of this clinic. So, many people like the way cleaners work here. Always clean, smells good, there is no unpleasant smell in the toilets. The service of many people is captivating. So, there are air conditioners in the offices, there are computers. And in the corridors on each floor there are monitors showing cartoons for children. It's great that the administration of the clinic took this moment into account and installed monitors.
There are sofas for little patients and their parents. In order to make it convenient to swaddle babies, there are special tables. Many mothers like that this institution has a "He althy Baby Room". And there is no need to worry that the baby needs to be fed urgently. To do this, just go to that room, prepare formula or feed the baby with breast milk.
People are also happy that children's polyclinic No. 110 is equipped with massage rooms and a swimming pool. This is not the case in many other institutions. Moms also note that it is very convenient to come to the clinic with strollers, since there is a goodlift, railing. Therefore, you can put the children's transport in the lobby and not worry that it will be stolen.
If we talk about doctors, many people think that children's polyclinic No. 110 has the best specialists. Pediatricians, ophthalmologists, neuropathologists and other doctors quickly find contact with children, they win over small patients. And this is important, because the child will not be afraid to come back to this clinic later.

Negative feedback from parents
Unfortunately, children's polyclinic No. 110 has not only positive reviews, but also disapproving ones. Some parents note that it is not always possible to get to the doctor on the very first day when the baby gets sick. And all because of the electronic queue where people sign up. Also dissatisfied is expressed by those mothers who have to take dairy cuisine in the "Cabinet of a he althy child". Although earlier it was issued by a doctor. Now it's uncomfortable because you come in, and there some mother is breastfeeding the baby. And she becomes uncomfortable, and that parent who came at the wrong time.
Some more are outraged that when you call a doctor at home, he comes without shoe covers. At the reception, they themselves remind everyone that it is impossible to enter without a change of shoes. Where is the logic here? Some other doctors are reluctant to accept patients from other areas (if their attending pediatrician is not available).

Paid services
In 2015, the price list at Children's Polyclinic No. 110 wasnext:
1. Consultation with:
- ophthalmologist – RUB 710
- endocrinologist – 680 rubles
- cardiologist – 680 rubles
- allergist-immunologist – 880 rubles
- gastroenterologist – 750 rubles
- traumatologist-orthopedist – 700 rubles
- pediatrician – RUB 570
2. Issuance of a certificate for classes in the pool - 1200 rubles
3. Dispensary observation of a child of the first year of life (12 months) - 25 thousand rubles.
4. Preventive medical examination - from 1200 to 9000 rubles (depending on the age and gender of the child).
Children's Polyclinic No. 110 is an excellent institution where doctors help little patients. The institution is represented by branches and the base premises, you can make an appointment by phone, the Internet or in person, coming to the reception. Parents' feedback about this clinic is mostly positive, although there are also negative reviews. But basically they are satisfied with this institution, because if something was wrong, then there would not be such a large number of patients in it.