Children's city polyclinic 76 is the 1st branch of the children's polyclinic No. 15. Since the medical institution is located at the address: Koptevsky Boulevard, 18, building 1 (metro stop: "Koptevsky Market"), its scope of service covers children's and adolescent population of the Koptevsky district. Medical facility No. 76 conducts various types of examinations: ultrasound and functional diagnostics, X-rays, clinical diagnostic studies, outpatient care is provided by doctors of various speci alties.

Residents of the district to which the children's polyclinic No. 76 belongs, reviews about the quality of service provided by this medical institution are very different. This article invites you to familiarize yourself with the description of the work of hospital specialists and the feedback from the parents of young patients.
76 children's polyclinic (Moscow): service sector
The foundation date of the Moscow Children's Clinic No. 76 is 1966. The head of the branch is I. V. Shishkova (head). Today, this institution serves children and adolescents of the Koptevo district, which is divided into seventeen pediatric districts. In addition, 76 children's polyclinics serve 25 children's educational state institutions, of which eleven are schools. The polyclinic also serves five private kindergartens on a contractual basis. The total number of patients is more than twelve thousand people. The clinic's specialists see about 320 children per shift.

Work Schedule
76 Children's polyclinic is open daily. Public Service Schedule:
- Monday to Thursday: 08:30-19:00.
- Friday: 08:30-18:00
- Sat. from 09:00 to 16:00 there is a team of doctors on duty.
- On Sunday until 14:00, doctors can be called to patients at home.
How to make an appointment?
For the convenience of Muscovites, a single center of the city's system for registering in polyclinics online has been organized. You can also use it to make an appointment with the specialists of institution No. 76. A special site provides parents of young patients with the opportunity to choose the right doctor and choose a convenient time to visit him. There is no need to visit the hospital in person to purchase a ticket to see a specialist. This can be done by contacting a single center by phone. To clarify information about which of the medical institutions is attached to the house in whichthe patient lives, you can see it in the section containing data on attached addresses.
76 Children's polyclinic consists of departments: dental, therapeutic, acupuncture, cardiology, CDL. The structure of the polyclinic also includes 2 pediatric departments, a clinical diagnostic laboratory.
It includes the following rooms: ultrasound, "X-ray", "Functional diagnostics", "Radiation diagnostics", a physiotherapy room, as well as the offices of the following specialists: an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist, a urologist, a psychotherapist, a nephrologist, an orthopedic traumatologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, allergist-immunologist, surgeon, neurologist, massage, exercise therapy, otolaryngologist, pediatrician, psychologist, child psychiatrist. There are also rooms: procedural, vaccination, intestinal room. 76 children's polyclinic also has a 24-hour emergency department for young patients.

Periodic and preliminary medical examinations for employees of enterprises are paid.
Method of research and diagnostics
- Laboratory studies.
- Audiometry.
- Ultrasound.
- Fluorography.
- Spirography.

Specialist Services
In the City Budgetary Institution of He althcare of Moscow - "City Clinic No. 76 of the Department of He alth of Moscow" (GBUZ "GP No. 76 DZM") are availablespecialist services:
- urologist;
- gynecologist;
- acupuncturist;
- cardiologist;
- surgeon;
- neurologist;
- ophthalmologist;
- otolaryngologist;
- endocrinologist;
- infectionist;
- physiotherapist.
Who is hosting where?
Children's Polyclinic No. 76 offers the services of a wide variety of medical specialists to young patients.

The schedule of doctors, due to the specifics of their work, changes periodically, so it is better for potential visitors to inquire about it on the institution's website or at the reception by phone before going to the clinic.
- In the office of the obstetrician-gynecologist (No. 107), patients are received by the obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Vladimirovna Korneeva.
- In the office of the pediatric urologist-andrologist (No. 307), an appointment is held by the pediatric urologist-andrologist Sousa-Cordeiro Inga Olegovna.
- In the office of pediatric surgery, an appointment (No. 307) is conducted by the pediatric surgeon Sousa-Cordeiro Inga Olegovna.
- In the neurology room (No. 309), the appointment is conducted by neurologists: Gumerova Gulnara Akhmetovna, Pavlyuk Oksana Stepanovna.
- In the ultrasound diagnostic room (No. 310) the reception is carried out by specialists: Mikaelyan Svetlana Surenovna, Pustovalova O. V.
- In the functional diagnostics room (No. 314), the reception is carried out by a specialist Levkova Maria Aleksandrovna.
- In the ECG room (No. 314), the reception is conducted by nurses: Mitrofanova MargaritaVladimirovna, Stepnova Lyudmila Ivanovna.
- In the trauma room (No. 315), the appointment is conducted by a traumatologist Eshengulova O. E.
- In room No. 211 (“He althy Childhood”), children and adolescents are admitted by pediatrician Kromer Larisa Sigartovna.
- In room No. 211, the reception is held by the head of the department Shtepa Margarita Antonovna.
- In the otorhinolaryngology room (No. 215), an appointment is conducted by an otorhinolaryngologist Cherdakova Marina Nikolaevna.
- In the ophthalmology room (No. 317), the appointment is carried out by ophthalmologists: Karpukhina Natalya Alexandrovna, Kovalevskaya Lina Evgenievna.
About the work of pediatric departments
V., Vershinina L. M., Dubrovina O. N., Zhilina E. G., Kokurina A. V., Limonova G. I., Makarova T. K., Nesterenko N. A., Popova M. A.., Families A. B., Tairova G. D., Avdeeva N. V., Gerasimova I. V., Tyuzina N. P., Zhilina E. G., Kudrevatova O. V., Kromer L. S., Serova G. E. According to the feedback from visitors, specialists in the hospital change quite often.
76 children's polyclinic in Moscow reviews of parents of young patients deserved very heterogeneous. With great love and gratitude, network users speak of some of the hospital's doctors, however, defining the entire organization of work in the institution capaciously andemotionally - "quiet horror".
The parents consider Ertuganova Irina Viktorovna a real ray of light in the clinic. She is called a highly professional doctor, an intelligent woman of rare kindness. Visitors to the hospital note the mind, charm, grooming, composure, elegance, constant readiness for the work of a specialist. These features, the parents of the children share, favorably distinguish the doctor from her slovenly and eternally sleepy colleagues. Children are drawn to this sunny person, who has his own special approach to them. In her presence, children calm down, have fun and recover more easily.

The office of pediatrician Ertuganova, according to parents, is also distinguished by some special sunshine and comfort, it is very light and joyful in it. This positive atmosphere is created by special bright curtains with a cheerful pattern, a screen behind which you can, in seclusion, give a breast to a child, etc. Children in this “fabulous” office immediately stop being capricious and whimpering. Their attention is drawn to special shelves with colorful books, toys, pyramids, etc.
Irina Vladimirovna reviews characterize as a doctor who is extremely attentive to each child, her advice and recommendations are always efficient, complete, detailed. She always leads the reception thoughtfully and thoroughly, answering both the main questions and those that arise during the conversation. This distinguishes her from some other colleagues who communicate with patients on the run, trying tothem to "get rid of".
Unfortunately, most of the reviews about this hospital are negative. As the authors of the reviews emotionally assure, unfriendly people work in the clinic's registry, who are constantly rude to visitors. It's hard to get help from them. All they do is shift their responsibilities to each other. The hospital staff, including doctors, according to the patients' parents, allows themselves to be rude and unprofessional in their work.
Many reviewers call the clinic at least strange, they say that they try to do without it, because they do not believe that they can get adequate medical care here. Children refuse to visit this hospital for the second time, having visited it once. There is confusion in the clinic, doctors do not deal with patients, but communicate with each other. Often such diagnoses are made here, which experts of other clinics ridicule. The staff treats visitors as if they owe something to the doctors or have done something to them, they are constantly driven from office to office and dismissed as if they were a hindrance.
Parents of children understand that public medicine is going through hard times now, but still callhospital specialists treat them like a human being, mindful of the duty of a doctor.