Vitamin B12 has many different names. It is sometimes referred to as the "red vitamin". The decisive role is played not by the color of the ampoule liquid, but by the source. Simply the largest amount of this substance is in the liver of the animal. Sometimes they call it "growth vitamin" or "supervitamin". So what is his role? And what is vitamin B12 for?

Short description
Vitamin B12, whose second name is cyanocobalamin, can accumulate in the human body. It is found in the kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen. Unlike other vitamins, cyanocobalamin is water soluble.
What is vitamin B12 for? Its main task is to promote the production of new blood cells. Its other functions are reduced to participation in the regulation of protein metabolism, the production of amino acids and nucleic acids.
In addition, vitamin B12 contains such a rare and valuable microelement for humans as cob alt. Other vitamins do not contain it. The body does not know how toproduce B12. Therefore, it is very important to consume foods that contain it. This vitamin is found in animal products.
The role of B12 is great for the growth of the child's body.
Useful properties
Few people can correctly answer the question of what vitamin B12 is for. What does he help? Let's look for answers.
Cyanocobalamin helps to produce red blood cells in the bone marrow, so that the level of hemoglobin in the blood remains at the right level. B12 prevents cells from experiencing oxygen starvation. Also, this vitamin maintains normal blood pressure.
Recent studies have shown that sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 in the cells contribute to increased bone growth. This is the main reason that cyanocobalamin should be in the diet when the child is growing.
Protein and amino acid synthesis thanks to B12 helps build muscle.
Cyanocobalamin plays an important role in ensuring the vital activity of spinal cord cells. Therefore, it also affects the muscles controlled by the nervous system. What is the conclusion from this? Without B12, muscles will not grow in the human body. Also, this substance regulates energy exchange in the human body.

B12 increases the production of protein compounds, that is, it has an anabolic effect. The protein obtained in this way accumulates in the human body.
Its effect on the nervous system comes down to the fact that cyanocobalamin regulates our emotions and also develops cognitive abilities. What you need to know about vitamin B12? Surprisingly, it can get rid of insomnia, which has arisen due to the restructuring of sleep patterns.
If the amount of cyanocobalamin in the body is sufficient, then the person will not experience depression. He is also not at risk of dementia, confusion, and his memory will be excellent.
B12 improves lipid metabolism, and also maintains cholesterol at the desired level and prevents liver steatosis from developing.
Cyanocobalamin is indispensable for human immunity. If there is a lack of it in AIDS, then the disease develops more intensively.
Influence of cyanocobalamin
Let's consider why vitamin B12 is needed in the body. It is known that it affects as follows:
- takes part in the synthesis of fats and proteins;
- reduces fatigue;
- increases stamina;
- improves brain activity;
- participates in hematopoiesis;
- increases immunity;
- regulates nervous activity;
- restores mucous membranes.

Useful properties for hair
The main points for which vitamin B12 is needed have been considered. However, it is no less necessary for hair. It not only enhances the growth of strands, but also has a whole range of useful features, such as:
- Serves as a material for the construction of new he althy curls. With insufficient intake, the hairs will be thin and weak, their growth will stop.
- Helps increase their volume.
- Reducesthe amount of hair we lose daily by strengthening their roots.
- It has regenerative properties, thanks to which it restores damaged hair well. The strands are no longer brittle, and the ends are no longer split.
- Hair growth is enhanced and stabilized.
- Stimulates blood circulation, so that nutrients are better supplied to the roots. Due to this, the hair becomes thick, acquires shine and beauty, heals.
With a lack of cyanocobalamin in the body, the scalp suffers first of all - the roots are weakened. Because of this, the hair is no longer retained and falls out en masse. They do not grow or regenerate.
What role does vitamin play in bodybuilding
People looking to improve their performance probably know what vitamin B12 is for. If you are into bodybuilding, then remember that cyanocobalamin causes fats to participate in the exchange. Thanks to this, during strength training, the energy supply of the body improves.
B12 regulates the function of platelets, due to this they are able to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles faster.
This vitamin also helps the nervous system to stimulate muscle work, which improves coordination of movements.
Symptoms of B12 deficiency
In order to determine the deficiency of such a useful substance in the body, it is enough to do a blood test. If hemoglobin is low, then, most likely, this vitamin is not enough. The consequence of low levels of cyanocobalamin is B12-deficiency anemia,in which red blood cells cannot carry oxygen normally, as well as slowly progressive disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

You can find out about the lack of B12 in the body if you have the following symptoms:
- Disorders of the nervous system. The person becomes irritable, easily excitable, he has frequent depression, memory lapses, blurred vision, poor reflexes, hallucinations.
- Digestive disorders: lack of appetite, food is not digested, the liver is enlarged, frequent constipation.
- Persistent lethargy, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, frequent headaches, tinnitus, difficulty breathing.
If the content of the vitamin in the body is at least slightly below the norm, then irreversible processes in the brain and nervous system may already occur.
Vitamin complexes
It is very important to periodically monitor the content of this beneficial substance in the body. In case of detection of its deficiency, it is urgent to purchase a complex with it in any form at the pharmacy.
Known sources of vitamin B12:
- Ampoules of the drug "Cyanocobalamin". They should be injected every day intramuscularly. Packing will be enough for you for a course of ten days.
- Vitamin complex in tablets, for example, Neurovitan or Neurobion. Take it one pill after meals once or twice a day for 10 days.

You shouldn't take more than this vitaminrequired according to instructions. It is best if you balance your diet and make sure that you have enough of this substance in your diet. You can also take an additional vitamin complex, but you should choose one. In the event of an excess of cyanocobalamin and the occurrence of hypervitaminosis, the following symptoms may appear:
- nervous excitement;
- pain in the heart;
- rash;
- pulmonary edema;
- blockage of blood vessels;
- arrhythmia.
Foods containing vitamin b12
Cyanocobalamin what foods contain? It must be remembered that this vitamin is found mainly in animal products. A very small amount is found in plant foods such as:
- soy;
- spinach;
- hops;
- vegetable leaves;
- lettuce;
- yeast;
- seaweed.
As a rule, a person consumes these products in small quantities. While to get the desired norm of B12, you would have to eat a lot of them.

Cyanocobalamin is not produced in the body, so it must be taken in the form of food. Most of it in:
- liver, kidney;
- yolks;
- skimmed milk powder;
- in many varieties of fish (such as sardine, salmon, herring);
- as well as oysters and crabs.
Slightly smaller in:
- chicken and meat (such as beef or pork);
- seafood;
- hard cheesesvarieties;
- as well as fermented milk products.
Little B12 is found in regular milk and homemade soft cheese.
In the most dangerous position are vegans who do not eat not only meat and eggs, but also dairy products.
Some people who prefer plant foods don't see anything dangerous in it. They argue that in the East, many poor people's diets are predominantly grains and vegetables, but these people do not suffer from a lack of B12, they do not have the diseases that usually accompany its absence. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the fact that small insects still live in unprocessed grains, which serve as a source of cyanocobalamin.
Daily requirement
So, what is vitamin B12 for? As it turned out, quite a bit - 0.000003 g per day and 0.001 g per year. However, if we can't provide this minuscule, we will become seriously ill.
Women who are about to give birth, as well as those who are in the lactation period, should consume it 2-4 times more. Older people and those who follow a strict vegetarian diet, smoke, or drink significant amounts of alcohol should get B12 and take it extra.

Now you know what vitamin B12 is for and what it is eaten with. As practice shows, thanks to the amazingDue to the properties of such a small, but so active substance, a person is able to avoid depression, protect his body from problems in digestion, and significantly enrich himself with vital energy. The main thing is to observe the measure in the use of the vitamin.