Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is a very common disease with which people come to see a urologist. It can have a different etiology, but in most cases the disease is caused by various infections. Cystitis can develop in both women and men, but it is the fair sex that is most susceptible to it due to the anatomical features of the structure of their body.
The disease is very dangerous, because in the absence of timely and proper treatment it can lead to various serious consequences. Let's try to understand in more detail what it is, what is dangerous for he alth and how to cure cystitis quickly at home.
General information about the disease

As mentioned earlier, this disease is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder caused by various factors. As they saymedical specialists, cystitis, the first signs of which can be very different, is diagnosed in every woman around the world throughout her life. Men are also susceptible to this disease, but suffer from it much less frequently.
In about 90 percent of cases, the disease is infectious. The most common pathogen is Escherichia coli that lives in the body of every person. Another harmful microorganism, which also often causes the development of the inflammatory process, is saprophytic staphylococcus. It enters the urethra through the urethra or through the large intestine.
Classification, types
Above, we examined what causes cystitis, so now it's time to find out what types this disease is divided into. It is important to understand that there is no single classification, and the types of pathology are divided into several groups according to various criteria.
Depending on the intensity of the flow, the following forms can be distinguished:
- primary - in the absence of concomitant bladder diseases;
- secondary - the inflammatory process proceeds in conjunction with other chronic ailments of infectious etiology.
According to the level of localization of cystitis, the first signs of which may already be felt in the early stages, it happens:
- cervical - inflammation covers only the mucous membrane of the organ;
- trigonite - localization of the pathological process in the "triangle" of the bubble;
- global - defeatthe entire inner wall.
In addition, the disease is classified and depending on the etiology. By origin, the following species are distinguished:
- infectious;
- neurogenic;
- chemical;
- thermal;
- viral;
- beam;
- toxic;
- postoperative;
- drug;
- biological;
- parasitic.
In addition to all of the above, modern medicine distinguishes between two forms of the disease:
- Spicy. It appears suddenly, has intense and pronounced symptoms. Among the main clinical manifestations, one can single out an increase in subfebrile temperature, a burning sensation in the urethra and pain during defecation.
- Chronic. As a rule, it proceeds secretly, so a person may not even be aware of the presence of a problem. Symptoms make themselves felt only during the period of exacerbation. The presence of blood in the urine may be a cause for concern. A complete blood count is required for an accurate diagnosis.
Regardless of the form of inflammation, acute cystitis can develop at any time. Treatment for women and men can take place both in inpatient and outpatient settings. In addition, there are many effective methods of traditional medicine that will quickly get rid of the pathology at home. This will be discussed in more detail later.
Main causes of pathology

So, what causes cystitis? Let's get on with itlet's dwell in more detail. Regardless of gender and age category, the main factors that increase the risk of developing an inflammatory process in the bladder are the following:
- severe hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
- bladder injury;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- eating too spicy and fatty foods;
- gynecological diseases and STDs;
- various infections;
- casual sex without contraception;
- lack of proper hygiene.
As mentioned earlier, in the vast majority of cases, the disease is infectious.
Among the most common pathogens are the following:
- E. coli;
- staph;
- Klebsiella;
- proteus.
In addition, postcoital cystitis in women is very common. This form refers to the sex group. It is not transmitted from one partner to another, but is activated in the carrier after sexual intercourse. It suffers mainly from representatives of the weaker half of humanity, who have promiscuous intimate relationships.
It is worth noting that the human urinary organ has a powerful protective mechanism. However, as a result of certain factors, it may weaken.
Among the most common are the following:
- hypothermia;
- lack of vitamins;
- pathological dysfunction of the organ;
- various diseasesgenitourinary system;
- hormonal imbalance;
- consequences of surgical interventions;
- violation of immunological reactivity.
Here, in fact, are all the reasons why cystitis can develop. The first signs appear already a few days after the onset of the inflammatory process. How to independently detect pathology will be described later.
Common clinical manifestations

What should I pay attention to first of all? Symptoms of the disease may be different. It depends on its form and stage. In a chronic course, any signs of inflammation may be absent for a long period of time, and in an acute illness, it usually makes itself felt almost immediately. Among the main clinical manifestations that occur after a few days, pain in the pelvic area can be distinguished. However, on the basis of discomfort alone, it is almost impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on your own, since the symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases.
Regardless of gender and age, if a person has incipient cystitis, the symptoms will usually appear immediately.
Here are the main ones:
- Cloudy and discolored urine.
- In some cases - blood impurities in it.
- Using the toilet frequently.
- Discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen.
- Sometimes body temperature may rise.
- Unpleasant urination.
It is worth noting that these symptomsare characteristic of almost all forms of inflammation of the bladder mucosa, therefore, based on them, one can only make assumptions about the presence of he alth problems, which are a good reason to go to the hospital and undergo a comprehensive examination.
Symptomatics in acute inflammatory process
This form of the disease makes itself known almost instantly. In this case, clinical manifestations last approximately 2-3 days, after which they become less intense. As a rule, the signs of pathology completely disappear after 10-14 days. This is due to the activity of the immune system and the protective mechanisms of the body. Most patients at this stage report a slight weakness and a slight increase in temperature.
The main signs of acute cystitis are as follows:
- frequent urge to urinate;
- severe pain in the groin and lower abdomen;
- blood in urine;
- strong bad smell from urine;
- chill.
In some cases, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting. However, this is quite rare in medical practice.
Symptomatics in chronic inflammation

What should I pay attention to? This form of the disease is one of the most common. According to statistics, about half of the fair sex in our country has it. Unlike the case described above, signs of chronic cystitis in womenare much less intense and pronounced. Most girls don't even know they have bladder problems until they go to the hospital.
The following symptoms may be cause for concern:
- frequent and sudden urge to go to the toilet;
- feeling of incomplete emptying;
- pelvic discomfort;
- third-party impurities in the urine and its turbidity.
It is worth noting that if the pathological process proceeds in a sluggish form, then pain in cystitis is most often absent. In this case, women may experience small jumps in body temperature, which, as a rule, no one pays any attention to, attributing everything to overwork, which is typical for most people who lead an active lifestyle.
Possible Complications
This aspect should be given special attention. If hemorrhagic cystitis is detected in time in women and men, as, in principle, in any other form of it, and treatment is started in a timely manner, then it is possible to completely get rid of the pathology in less than one week. However, if you do not take any measures or just heal the clinical manifestations of the disease, then the inflammation can become chronic and periodically recur.
In addition, the following complications are highly likely to develop:
- Increased blood in the urine, which may lead to the need for a transfusion.
- Inflammatory lesion of the kidneys of bacterial or infectious etiology.
- Interstitial cystitis, symptoms and treatmentwill be discussed further. This form of pathology is very dangerous, since it affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscle layer, as a result of which the bladder dries out, and it ceases to cope with its functions. In this case, no therapy will help, and the only way out is only an organ transplant.
As you have probably already seen, the consequences of inflammation of the bladder mucosa can be quite deplorable, so it is very important to go to the hospital in a timely manner when the first symptoms occur in order to immediately begin the necessary treatment.
Basic diagnostic methods
When you find the first signs of cystitis, you must immediately make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will perform a general examination and prescribe a cystoscopy. Depending on the form of the disease, a consultation with a urologist may be required.
In the process of examining a patient, great attention is paid to the following factors:
- typical clinical manifestations;
- body's response to antibiotics.
Based on the research results, the optimal therapy program is selected. If it does not give any effect and the pathology becomes chronic, then in this case it is very important to determine the cause of further progression.
If cystitis is accompanied by a temperature above +37.5 degrees, then the patient is prescribed a comprehensive examination, which includes:
- general urinalysis;
- analysis according to Nechiporenko;
- bacteriological examination of urine.
All thisnecessary in order to confirm or deny the presence of any infection that can cause postcoital cystitis in women, since this form of the disease is very dangerous and can lead to serious consequences.
Basic Therapies

Let's take a closer look at them. When developing a treatment program, doctors focus on the fight against pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the development of the inflammatory process. For this, antibiotics are used, which are selected individually depending on the form, intensity of symptoms and the duration of the course of the disease.
In addition, the following factors are taken into account:
- side effects;
- drug absorption;
- remove it from the body;
- presence of any pathologies.
In most cases, patients are prescribed a completely standard therapy program based on the use of the following medications:
- "Furadonin";
- "Norfloxacin";
- "Pefloxacin";
- "Monural";
- "Cefixime";
- "No-shpa";
- "Baralgin".
If acute cystitis has been diagnosed, women and men can be treated in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
If the patient is allowed to go home, he must follow the following recommendations:
- Taking medications according toprescribed doctor's orders.
- Maintain optimal water balance.
- He althy sleep.
- Proper nutrition.
- Maintain personal hygiene.
- Performing thermal treatments.
In the treatment of inflammation of the bladder, it is very important not to allow hypothermia. Therefore, dress well when going out, especially during cool and unpredictable work months.
As for the treatment itself, as a rule, the first results are noticeable already on the fourth or fifth day after the start of taking medications, and on the tenth day the symptoms completely disappear. In most cases, there is no further recurrence of the disease.
Dietary recommendations

Hemorrhagic cystitis in women, like any other form, is very easy to cure, but this requires complex therapy and strict adherence to all doctor's prescriptions. This applies not only to taking medication, but also to following a special diet.
When adjusting your menu, you should follow these recommendations:
- Food and drink should have a diuretic effect on the body.
- In the process of cooking, it is better not to use s alt and spices.
- Spicy and fatty foods are strictly prohibited.
- For the period of therapy, sweets should be excluded from the diet.
- The heat treatment of food should be minimal. It is best to eat boiled or steamed foods.
Doctorsrecommend the following:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Dairy products.
- Lenten first courses.
- Boiled lean meat.
- Seafood.
As for what is forbidden, it should be completely excluded from the menu:
- Sausages, preserves and marinades.
- Spicy dishes and spices.
- Confectionery.
- Cheese.
- Coffee and black tea.
As for drinking, it is recommended to use ordinary non-carbonated water, herbal decoctions, juices and compotes.
Traditional medicine
Many people are wondering how to quickly cure cystitis at home using folk methods. This is quite possible if you start fighting the disease in the early stages of its development, when the inflammatory process has not had time to affect the muscle tissue and neighboring organs.
Among the most effective recipes are the following:
- Crush two tablespoons of rosehip root, pour it with 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. When the decoction is ready, strain it and drink 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.
- Take 16 grams of dried yarrow, pour 200 ml of water over them, boil and let simmer for about 20 minutes. Take a healing decoction three times a day, a tablespoon after meals.
- Oak bark has an excellent effect in the fight against inflammation of the bladder. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 gram of raw materials, pour a glass of water. Now wait untilboil, then simmer on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then let it brew for an hour, then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
- Among medicinal plants, lingonberries occupy a special place. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Collect the leaves of the shrub, dry them, then grind them, pour 400 milliliters of water and send them to the steam bath for 40 minutes. When the decoction has cooled, strain it and drink 50 ml before each meal.

All these remedies help quite well with cystitis, but you must understand that it is very dangerous to use only traditional methods of treatment, since some of them have certain contraindications. Therefore, before you start taking anything, it is recommended that you first undergo a comprehensive examination and consult with a qualified doctor. Only in this way can you defeat the disease with minimal consequences for your own he alth.
Cystitis is a rather serious illness that needs to be treated immediately, when the first symptoms appear. Otherwise, the consequences of the disease can be disastrous.