Cicatricial phimosis: symptoms and treatment

Cicatricial phimosis: symptoms and treatment
Cicatricial phimosis: symptoms and treatment

Cicatricial phimosis is a disease in which the removal of the penis beyond the boundaries of the foreskin becomes impossible, since inelastic tissue forms along the edges. Pathology belongs to the category of acquired, it can occur both in childhood and in adulthood.


You can detect cicatricial phimosis at the initial stage by difficulty in urination, sexual intercourse and pain during any action associated with exposing the head. Over time, the amount of scar tissue can increase until the hole disappears completely, which threatens with serious complications. The reasons for the development of cicatricial phimosis may be as follows:

  1. Injuries, burns.
  2. STD.
  3. Lack of personal hygiene.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the area of the head, preputial sac.
  5. Diabetes mellitus.
cicatricial phimosis surgery
cicatricial phimosis surgery

Distinguishing features in adolescents and adults

Phimosis is different"stretching". It is noted both in the younger generation and in the adult male population. A condition when the foreskin of the glans penis narrows, because of this, the skin does not allow the glans to be exposed. This disease leads to pain, discomfort during urination, erection, but sometimes proceeds without pain.

The cicatricial variant forms a dense ring that covers the head of the penis. In this situation, the opportunity to perform hygienic procedures for the penis disappears, and it becomes, as it were, a reservoir of chronic infections. Those men who live a full sexual life suffer during intercourse: the time of intercourse is reduced or ejaculation does not occur.

This property of the disease causes many problems for men: the acuity of sensations during intercourse decreases, potency decreases, psychological problems arise, a complex appears from the appearance of the penis.

Congenital phimosis in young children and infants is a normal picture that does not cause inconvenience, as it is a physiological phenomenon. In time, everything will return to normal.

The causes of the problem in adolescents and adult men are:

  1. Bad hygiene, no hygiene at all.
  2. All kinds of injuries to the penis.
  3. Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature.
  4. Suffering from diabetes.
  5. Rough masturbation.
cicatricial phimosis in boys
cicatricial phimosis in boys

Features of cicatricial phimosis in children

The main difference from the functionalcondition is a dull infection of the foreskin, which prevents the processes of puberty and makes it difficult for urine to pass through the internal channels of the organ.

Causes in children

The main causes of cicatricial phimosis in boys are:

  1. Genetic anomalies. They are associated with a change in the structure of all functional systems of the body, in particular - sexual.
  2. Violation of metabolic processes in tissues and cells. It may be associated with hormonal disruptions, obesity, amino acid imbalance, the presence of complex metabolic diseases - phenylketonuria.
  3. Injury to the head of the penis from early childhood.
  4. Infectious infection with the herpes virus, gonorrhea, bacterial agents when bathing, when visiting public saunas and baths.
  5. Physiological problems associated with the development of the reproductive system.
  6. Varicocele.
  7. Intensive growth.
  8. Diabetes mellitus, other chronic diseases.
  9. Poor personal hygiene.

The Nature of Adventure

Phimosis cicatricial type is congenital or acquired. The reason for its appearance is called the presence of an infectious process. This pathological condition causes pain and discomfort to children and adolescents, and men cannot have a full sexual life.

cicatricial phimosis treatment
cicatricial phimosis treatment

Treatment without surgery

The very first thing to do if you find signs of cicatricial phimosis before consulting a doctor is to conduct regular hygieneprocedures. The doctor has the right to prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory procedures to the patient.

If the inflammation of the penis is not removed in advance, this can lead to the death of some cells and the formation of painful plaques, which will lead to mandatory surgical intervention. In the initial period of time for the development of this disease, conservative treatment can be dispensed with.

At the first stage of conservative treatment, inflammation is removed with anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets for 7 days once a day. At the second stage, after removing the inflammation, the result is fixed by taking a bath with a decoction of chamomile or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. At the third stage, the procedures for stretching and shifting the preputial sac towards the removal of the head are prescribed, the process ends with taking a bath with the addition of a delaskin solution.

The criterion for recovery is the achievement of complete retraction of the glans penis. According to statistics, this method of treatment without surgery for cicatricial phimosis is most often more effective in children than in adults, since their tissue is more elastic and pliable. In half of the pediatric patients with these procedures, the symptoms resolve after 2 months, and only after a 3-month course, seven percent of patients may need surgical intervention. No complications were observed during conservative treatment. For people over 18 years old, these methods may not be effective, only in this case, surgical intervention is prescribed.

cicatricial phimosis without surgery
cicatricial phimosis without surgery

Using the Glanchy appliance

To stretch the foreskin, a special tool from Japan is often used - the Glansha device. It stretches the flesh almost painlessly and much faster. By the way, if the ring is narrow, the use of this device can be considered the only method of treatment without the need for surgery. The specialist can take a photo of cicatricial phimosis before and after using the device so that the patient can see the result.


This form of pathology allows only surgical intervention. Treatment with ointments is ineffective, and the method of stretching the foreskin leads to aggravation of scarring. The simplest method is circumcision, otherwise circumcision (complete or partial removal of the foreskin). If the patient wants to keep the foreskin, he will have plastic surgery on the genitals. Increasingly popular is laser resurfacing, in which unwanted tissue is destroyed by the action of light rays, providing a quick and relatively painless expansion of the skin.

cicatricial phimosis photo
cicatricial phimosis photo

Surgical treatment

Treatment of cicatricial phimosis in men over 18 years of age is most often performed surgically. This procedure is prescribed when conservative treatment has failed, or in case of complication. Surgical treatment of cicatricial phimosis consists in the removal of the foreskin, as well as the release and removal of the head. At the moment, the following types of surgical intervention are used:

  • circumcision and excision of the foreskin aroundheads;
  • dorsal section.

This type of surgery consists of:

  • applying clamps on the head, creating a longitudinal incision and cutting off part of the skin that forms the foreskin;
  • method using multiple clamps.

When using this method, a dorsal incision is first made, and then, by placing a clamp on the head, the excess part of the foreskin is removed. A method that consists in isolating a line passing under the crown of the head, dissecting along this line and removing the foreskin with suturing. Plastic surgery is necessary for patients with a slight degree of narrowing of the foreskin. In this case, a small incision is made, after which the adhesions that tighten the foreskin are dissected.

Meatoplasty is the correction of the opening of the urethra. This corrective procedure is applied in complex forms. The patient is assigned a number of procedures after the operation. Regular treatment of sutures with brilliant green or antimicrobial ointments 2 to 7 times a day, depending on the amount of discharge, as well as regular replacement of dressings. Continue these procedures until the discharge stops within 10 days after the operation. Also, do not forget that after surgery, pain and swelling during the week is the norm, you should sound the alarm and consult a doctor only with increased discharge and high temperature.

cicatricial phimosis treatment without surgery
cicatricial phimosis treatment without surgery

Medicated treatment

In this case, the treatment of cicatricial phimosis is based on the combination of the procedure for stretching the foreskin andthe use of corticosteroid-type drugs. Ointments must be applied to the foreskin of the penis and its head to soften the tissues and increase their elasticity, reduce swelling and heal microcracks. In addition, it will help reduce inflammation. But it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to be treated for phimosis in this way for a long time, since ointments can have a side effect: the skin of the foreskin can become thinner and pigmented, even the structure of blood vessels can be disturbed.

cicatricial phimosis without surgery
cicatricial phimosis without surgery

Folk methods

It is worth noting that folk ways to get rid of cicatricial phimosis cannot be the main method - this is just an auxiliary tool. Usually, to relieve the symptoms of phimosis, herbal decoctions are used, which have a softening, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect:

  • chamomile;
  • sequence;
  • calendula.

Decoctions are prepared according to the recipe indicated on the package and used for baths that must be performed before the stretching procedure. The skin of the foreskin is steamed in a decoction for about 20 minutes. Potassium permanganate is also used for baths.

It must be remembered that surgery is the main way that helps to effectively cure cicatricial phimosis. In this case, the surgeon performs an excision of the narrow foreskin, removes scars and separates adhesions. If the disease is mild, surgery is performed without the need for hospitalization.
