Diagnosis of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, neoplasms (benign, malignant) in modern medicine are very important measures that allow you to keep your he alth under control and take timely measures when pathologies are detected. Quite a few effective options for studying the human body have been developed, and instrumental ones, which provide accurate and detailed information about the patient's condition, attract special attention. In most cases, the diagnosis of gastric ulcer is not particularly difficult for doctors, the most important thing is to go to the hospital in time at the first suspicion of a pathology.

Instrumental research
Such techniques are a large and significant section of the survey if a person is suspected of having gastrointestinal diseases. Quite a few approaches have been developed. Diagnosis of the stomach can be carried out using an endoscope, x-rays, ultrasound. Electrographic and electrometric approaches are used. They choose current methods for diagnosing the stomach, assessing the patient's condition and existing complaints. For various diseases, the mostthe appropriate option will show more useful information than all the others, so a qualified doctor should choose. The volume of diagnostic measures also depends on the equipment that the clinic has.
The use of a suitable method for diagnosing the stomach results in data on the morphology, functional features of a particular tissue area. If several studies are assigned to the patient, these are not duplicative, given to clarify information, but necessary to disclose all aspects of the ongoing process of the event. Correct diagnosis of the stomach allows you to determine the relationship of the affected organ and its surrounding tissues, as well as assess the nature of the pathology and its scale.
Attention to detail
Before carrying out measures to diagnose the stomach, the doctor explains in detail to the patient how to prepare for the study. It is important to follow all the recommendations: this determines how accurate and reliable the information obtained during the work will be. If the rules established by the doctor are not followed, there is a possibility of obtaining a distorted picture, when the present disease cannot be detected, or the diagnosis of stomach diseases will show a violation that does not exist in reality. Many modern methods are very precise and sensitive, which forces such a careful attitude.

Endoscope in action
One of the most widely used methods for diagnosing stomach diseases is endoscopic examination. As part of the event, the doctor examines the patient's digestive systemfrom the inside, examining the tissues with which the systems are lined on the inner surface. Thus, it is possible to examine cavities, organs in the form of pipes. A special device is used - an endoscope.
When diagnosing diseases of the stomach, flexible thin tubes are used, supplemented by special optics - they are called endoscopes. An image, a beam of light rays, is transmitted over a fiber optic cable. Modern diagnostics of the stomach involves the use of technically advanced equipment, so this technique is completely safe if the event is carried out by a qualified doctor.
Some features: take your time with treatment
Diagnosis before treatment of the stomach should be carried out as responsibly and in detail as possible in order to collect all the information about the course of the disease. An endoscope can be used when a patient complains of problems with the esophagus and duodenum. This procedure is indispensable before starting a therapeutic course that affects the sigmoid, rectum, colon, stomach. For each of these organs, you need to use a specialized endoscope, designed taking into account human anatomy and physiology. If a peptic ulcer is suspected, diagnosis and treatment usually begin with endoscopy.

The role of this method of detecting disorders in the gastrointestinal tract cannot be underestimated, and its importance is growing from year to year, since the latest devices allow not only visually assessing the condition of tissues, but also obtaining samples of biological material. based on fabricsdo a cytological analysis, find out the structural features, the structure of the cells that form the mucous membrane. In some cases, the doctor prescribes a histochemical, histological examination, the materials for which can also be obtained during endoscopy.
Method capabilities
Using modern equipment, during the examination with an endoscope, you can take pictures of the inner surface of the organs under study. For this, special attachments for photographing are used. The event will help document changes in tissue structure.
In some cases, you can record the session on a VCR for more information. This makes it possible to trace the dynamics of the disease, the healing of disorders, if a repeated study of the organs is prescribed. This is typical for situations where you need to control how well the ulcer has healed, how polyps develop.
Diagnosis and treatment
Through an endoscope, you can not only identify the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and clarify information about it, but also carry out therapeutic measures. With the help of such a device, small polyps are removed, bleeding sites are treated. Affected areas can be glued, cauterized or treated with a laser. When an ulcer or erosion is detected, the affected element of the organ is treated with drugs.

To clarify the information, you need to use an improved version of the device - a videoscope.
Ultrasound for disease detection
Ultrasound is a whole range of activities,involving scanning, echolocation, echo, sonography. The methodology is based on the fact that waves of a certain frequency, specially directed, focused, can be absorbed, reflected by the organs and tissues of the human body due to the different density of these structures. The reflected pulse is converted, recorded and displayed on the screen, from where the data is transferred to the film.
Ultrasound helps to fix the structure of organs, especially the position, size, shape. Thus, the stomach, liver, glands are diagnosed. During the research process, you can find stones, neoplasms, vascular problems, damaged ducts and some other violations of the normal functioning of internal systems.
To obtain accurate information, the study is best done in the morning, before that you can not eat. Preparation involves taking drugs that exclude gas formation. The gases accumulated in the intestinal loops do not allow ultrasonic waves to pass into the tissues of the target of the study, which means that the event will not provide accurate information to assess the patient's condition. Usually, three days before the study, dishes in which the concentration of fiber is increased are completely removed from the diet. When writing out a referral for diagnostics, the doctor tells the patient in detail which foods should not be consumed shortly before the ultrasound.

If the patient has constipation, flatulence worries in a pronounced form, in addition, before the study, they drink medicinalcarminative decoctions. Dill seeds, coriander, cumin, oats come to the rescue. It will not be superfluous to use activated charcoal for three days in a row. A gram is drunk four times a day.
Radiation of the stomach
X-rays are one of the most accurate studies that allow you to get the most information about the state of the body. Without such an event, diagnosing the patient's condition can rarely be called complete, but there are many cases where X-ray was the only method that showed deviations, pathologies that provoked negative symptoms. Often, such a study can reveal factors that threaten a person’s life, while alternative methods are simply not capable of this, no matter how perfect they are in their field.
During the X-ray, the doctor receives information about the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Information reflects the shape, location, relief of the mucous membrane, peristalsis. X-ray is absolutely indispensable for suspected ulcers, neoplasms, anomalies that accompany cholelithiasis. You can not do without such a diagnostic method if the doctor suggests complications - stenosis, varicose veins, penetration. The method is used to identify functional disorders.
When not so much relevant?
Relatively little benefit X-ray shows if the patient is diagnosed with gastritis, duodenitis, colitis. Not too much information can be obtained in the case of cholecystitis. The listed pathologies may not at all affect the images obtained during the diagnosis.

How's it going?
To obtain information during the study, you need to use a special contrast agent - barium sulfate, which is injected into the body in the form of an aqueous suspension. Such a connection can absorb X-rays, so that the entire path of the tube through the organs of the digestive system becomes clearly visible on the pictures.
Usually, the study is scheduled for the morning, and on the day before the diagnosis, it is recommended to eat a little and light food. No special diet is required, but dinner should be eaten small. Porridge is recommended, from drinks preference should be given to tea. Before the diagnosis, you can not smoke, take medications, eat or drink - this will distort the information.
Important Features
It is known that the correctness of the result is to some extent determined by the presence of gases in the intestines. This is more typical for severe flatulence. Problems can be in patients who have been constipated for a long time. Under the influence of accumulated gases, the intestinal loops are displaced, put pressure on the stomach, and this prevents a specialized examination. If there is a suspicion of difficulty with x-rays, the patient is given an enema two hours before the event.

The accuracy of the results may be affected by mucus and liquid accumulated in the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent such problems, immediately before diagnosing, the sister flushes the stomach using a probe. A special volumetric syringe can be used to pump out body fluids.
Individuality as a path to success
When conducting a study using X-rays, the doctor always evaluates the characteristics of a particular patient. The procedure is individual, largely determined by the condition of the patient, and pathology - its location, nature, scale. As part of the diagnostic measures, fluoroscopy, review, radiography are carried out. During the procedure, the patient will have to change position several times so that the images describe the affected area from all sides.
Easier than ever
Quite often, patients are prescribed a fairly simple study using x-rays. The contrast agent moves through the small, large intestine. Inspection is appointed not only on the day of the event, but also on the next. When stool retention is detected or barium moves very slowly, observations continue for three days.

If it is necessary to examine the cecum, eight hours before the event, the patient drinks a glass of liquid with barium. This time period is sufficient for the substance to fill the ileum, the appendix. The pictures taken as a result of the event will show the shape and position of the organs. The doctor will be able to assess how much they are displaced relative to the anatomically correct position.