A correct diagnosis is half the success in the treatment of dental pathologies. Relying only on his own arguments, the doctor will not be able to accurately diagnose, which means he will not prescribe the correct treatment. For many problems, dentists prescribe computer diagnostics of teeth, which allows you to identify various problems, see what is hidden.

CT of teeth
To obtain the most accurate information about the condition of the teeth, different methods are used, among which computed tomography is distinguished. This dental diagnostics has become one of the most popular methods for obtaining a three-dimensional image of the bone tissue, jaw.
When scanning, images are obtained at a scale of 1: 1, which can then be enlarged for a more detailed examination of the area of interest.
The examination procedure itself is simple, safe, and the scanner causes much less harm than an x-ray, and the resulting imagesmore informative. They display even the smallest foci of inflammation.
When diagnosing by scanning, the doctor gets the opportunity to see the desired area in a three-dimensional version. X-rays do not provide such information.

Why do CT
With the help of computerized dental diagnostics, all dental problems can be examined in detail and a correct diagnosis can be made.
Tomography helps in implantation. With its help, you can choose a prosthesis, as well as choose the right method of fixation, determine the need for surgical intervention.
Methods of computer diagnostics of teeth allow for examination in the field of surgery, orthodontics, periodontology, endodontics. In each direction, tomography makes it possible to determine the pathology. So, in endodontics, CT helps to work with the root canals of teeth, and in surgery, it helps to assess the state of jaw tissues, see tumors, and identify the most optimal methods of implantation. CT makes it possible to see the real picture of what is happening with the teeth, which means that the correct treatment will be prescribed, and surgical intervention will be performed on time.

Diagnostic principle
To diagnose teeth, special tomographs are used that scan soft tissues, and all the data obtained is transmitted to the screen in the form of 3D images. This is possible only when using multispiral, spiral tomographs.
Modern methods of differential diagnosisteeth - a universal tool that allows you to qualitatively and correctly assess the situation, determine the potential in various areas of dentistry.
Tomography allows you to see congenital anomalies, examine focal infections that have already become chronic, perform complex operations to remove teeth, and control the development of neoplasms in deep tissues, while other diagnostic methods do not even allow you to see the overall picture.
In rare cases, when reading images, in order to avoid mistakes, specialists from various fields are invited to help clarify the diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
High quality pictures allow you to scan different areas in different planes. So, sagittal, vertical, frontal, axial images are performed.

Computer diagnostics in dentistry is used in prosthetics, identifying a variety of diseases. The main indications for the appointment are the detection of unerupted teeth, the presence of damage, trauma, assessment of the state of the oral cavity before correcting the bite. Also, the CT method helps in the study of anomalies of the jaw bones, to see hidden pathologies, infections. Tomography is indispensable in surgery, with intervention on the jaw. The computer method allows you to control the operation process before and after the intervention.
During the planning of surgery, an accurate diagnosis is indispensable. After printing the results, the doctorevaluates the condition, makes measurements, conducts simulations. Without diagnostics using a tomograph, it is difficult to accurately perform an operation and choose the right treatment.
Preparing the patient for scanning
No special training is required to get a CT scan. You do not need to take anything with you for this procedure.
At the appointed time, the patient comes to the CT scan. The procedure is carried out in the supine position, sitting, standing. The lower part of the face rests on a stand in the apparatus. Then, at the command of a specialist, the patient freezes. Scanning is performed while stationary.
If a person has claustrophobia, then he should tune in, if necessary, take a sedative - you should understand that nothing terrible will happen in these few minutes. At the end of the procedure, a three-dimensional image will be obtained, which will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and conduct high-quality treatment.
There are patients who find it difficult to be immobile for a long time. Moreover, it is more difficult for adults to endure the procedure than for children.

Procedure sequence
Modern tooth diagnostics is carried out by tomographs - huge devices, the principle of which is to smoothly rotate around a person's head and create images.
There are many varieties of machines, and each of them is based on a painless scanning method, although in some cases the patient may feel discomfort. This only happens if you need to fix your head.
In some casesit is necessary to conduct an examination using a contrast agent. It is administered intravenously before the procedure.
After the procedure is completed, the doctor examines the received images in detail, makes a diagnosis.

Contraindications for the procedure
CT is a safe examination method, but even it has a number of contraindications. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure during pregnancy, nursing mothers. It is not recommended to perform tomography for those who suffer from claustrophobia, panic attacks. Scanning with contrast is not done for people with diabetes.
It is not recommended to do CT scans more than twice a year, there should be at least a year between routine examinations. There are no other special instructions, contraindications to the procedure.
Modern diagnosis of dental caries and other pathologies, anomalies using the CT method allows you to completely eliminate errors in the diagnosis, and patients can be sure of the right treatment method.
3D-devices are highly informative and can rightfully become guides to the world of digital technologies. An additional third dimension allows you to analyze the structure of the channels, make the most accurate measurements, identify hidden pathologies, and detect anomalies.