Many methods of diagnosing the body are very expensive and often inaccessible to people. They are successfully replaced by some non-traditional methods that are gaining more and more popularity. Among them is pulse diagnostics. It helps to identify both the cause of the manifested disease and hidden diseases. Moreover, this method is able to predict the appearance of the disease, if prevention is not started on time. It is no wonder that people often trust such diagnostics and follow the advice of specialists, successfully curing.
What is this?
Pulse diagnostics, which has long been used in Tibetan medicine, is to identify and prevent diseases. Its masters are able to distinguish over six hundred types of pulses, which indicate the presence or absence of disease.
In the East, the method is considered one of the most accurate. Experienced specialists are practically not mistaken in their diagnoses.
Currently, there are many devices to detect the state of human he alth. But in antiquity there was none of this. Nonetheless,Eastern doctors successfully healed, identifying diseases only by blood pulsation.

The method has reached our days. In addition to the rhythm, amplitude, fullness and frequency of the pulse to identify the state of the cardiovascular system, which is the subject of consideration in traditional medicine, pulse diagnosis includes the study of the emotional and mental state of the patient. It shows where there is an excess or, conversely, a lack of energy.
Thus, with the help of it, the diagnostician can determine not only the diseases themselves, but also the causes of their occurrence, understand the development and methods of influence to eliminate them. It redistributes energy to restore and balance all life processes so that it actively protects the body.
Conducting research
When a pulse diagnosis of the body is performed, the patient is sitting or lying down, and the doctor touches his wrists with three fingers. By pressing on areas with different strengths on one or the other hand, he checks twelve organs.
The man holds his hands at the level of the heart, surfaces up. The forearm is pushed forward.
Diagnostics and Ayurveda

Often it is called "pulse diagnostics according to Ayurveda". The fact is that in traditional Western medicine it is customary only to identify the current disease during the period of time when the study is carried out.
Eastern teaching, on the contrary, is aimed at revealing painful processes even beforehow they make themselves known, and determine the nature of the body's reactions in the future using various observations, which include pulse diagnostics. Ayurveda teaches that a person is a book that must be read daily in order to be understood.
Points and their location
The place where palpation is performed on the wrists is divided into the following zones:
- cun;
- guan;
- chi.

In each of them, the pulse is heard in a superficial and deep way. The first involves checking the stomach, urinary and gallbladder, large and small intestines. Problems in the heart, pancreas and spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs are revealed in a deep way.
At each point - more than eighty types of pulses, broadcasting about different types of diseases, on the basis of which each of them is detected. In addition, the doctor examines the eyes, tongue, spine, and mid-chest to confirm the correct diagnosis.
Thus, the state of human he alth is studied and predicted step by step and comprehensively.

Types of pulses
The main characteristics for each type of disease are:
- hard, flowing fast and strong pulse, revealing "heat" diseases;
- weakly and slowly flowing, related to diseases of "cold".
The most common opposite types of pulses:
- convex and empty;
- slow and fast;
- shaking and strong;
- relaxed and firm.

Pulse diagnosis of the body is often carried out not only to detect a disease, but also to clarify what has already been established.
The fact that through the method you can find out about the existence of a progressive severe disease at the earliest stages is an undeniable advantage. After all, a person gets the opportunity to cure it without much difficulty.
Computer pulse diagnostics
If until recently it was not easy for doctors to master this method, since it took considerable time and practice to develop the sensitivity of the fingers and develop skills, then by now special programs have been created that are able to record the pulse wave in order to inform the doctor based on this all the information by examining the points. Computer pulse diagnostics is available today for doctors and teachers, as well as for all those who are interested in this system of medicine. It is based on the fact that the pulse accompanies the sound resonating with it, and on the fact that vibrations of the walls of the vessel are recorded.
Computer pulse diagnostics of the body considers violations in the activity of organs and their systems, the energy of the main twelve meridians, the human constitution. Based on the information received, various phyto-, dietary therapies and dietary supplements are recommended.
It contains the description and properties of more than two hundred and fifty plants, eighty essential oils and two hundred food products. All of them can be freely purchased. More than one hundred and sixty of the most famous diseases can be detected by computer pulse diagnostics of the body. As a result, it becomes possible to choose treatment and nutritional recommendations taking into account the characteristics of a particular person.

Carrying out
If, during manual (Ayurvedic) diagnostics, the doctor listened to the pulse by touching the patient's wrists with his fingers, in this case, clothespins-electrodes are attached to his wrists, which record an ECG signal for five minutes. After that, the program calculates the state of the organism according to the necessary parameters.
Unlike the manual method, where the pulse wave is taken as the basis, here the heart rate matters. When the heart beats imperfectly, there are many different waves that are revealed through mathematical transformations. On their basis, graphs are built, which are studied by doctors.
Method capabilities
Pulse diagnostics capable of:
- identify all kinds of disorders in the internal organs and systems of the body;
- assess the state of the twelve main meridians;
- define the human constitution;
- determine the nature of the course of a particular disease, the causes of its occurrence and the factors affecting it;
- identify the risk of cardiovascular disease and apply the necessary preventive measures at the initial stage;
- determine the rate of aging of the body.
After the pulse diagnosis has been carried out, a map is drawn up with nutrition recommendations,the use of herbal medicine and aromatherapy. In addition, the optimal mode of the day and load is offered.

Pulse diagnostics: reviews
People have different attitudes towards this method. Obviously, in this, as in other areas of alternative medicine, charlatans and scammers often come across. Therefore, before agreeing, you need to be sure of the high qualification of a specialist if pulse diagnostics (Ayurveda) will be carried out. With the computer method, it is necessary to make sure of the good reputation of the medical institution where the person applies.
When faced with unscrupulous diagnosticians, people are often disappointed in the method itself and speak negatively about it. Meanwhile, having got to a real specialist, they can radically change their mind. After all, for centuries, and according to some sources - for millennia, this diagnostic has lived, developed and given he alth to people. Having visited real masters, they only speak positively about the diagnosis, recommending others to take advantage of such an inexpensive opportunity to get information about the state of their body.