To reduce the frequency of various colds that often occur at an early age, you need to pay attention to the immune status of the child.

It must be said that newborns and children under the age of 6 months are protected from many infections due to immunoglobulins that enter their body during fetal development with the mother's blood. In the future, their immunity gradually decreases.
Normal secretion of antibodies occurs only from the age of 6, so it is important to carry out vaccination, which contributes to the formation of specific protection against many diseases.
Non-specific immunity is formed almost daily upon contact with many microorganisms. His condition depends on many factors and in some cases requires correction.
It is worth noting that children who were born functionally mature, are breastfed and have a normal intestinal microflora rarely get sick. In this case, immunity can be strengthened without pharmacological agents - only with the help of folk methods.
In alternative medicine, there are many recipes that allow you to increaselevel of protection of the body against many diseases. But it should be remembered that the human immune system is extremely complex, so it is better to seek medical advice.
How to strengthen immunity at home without consulting a doctor?

It is important that the baby eat mother's milk. But if this is not possible, then artificial mixtures should contain special additives for the optimal functioning of the digestive system. This has a positive effect on the body's immune defenses.
It is important to ensure an optimal daily routine with obligatory daytime sleep. It also allows you to strengthen the child's immunity and, oddly enough, avoid colds.
Maintaining good oral and throat hygiene is important. So, the child should be taught to gargle with cool water every morning and after meals. To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to drink not ordinary tea, but a decoction of chamomile, rosehip, mint.

Extremely great influence on the frequency of morbidity in children has their proper nutrition. It is recommended to regularly drink fresh juices (in the absence of allergies). Also, everyone knows that goat's milk is very he althy, but it is too fatty for a child's body. Therefore, before introducing it into the diet, you should consult a doctor who will advise the optimal proportions for breeding it.
No need to dwell separately on the fact that immunity can be strengthened only when the diet containslots of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fish and meat. Also worth mentioning are fermented milk products and vegetable probiotics - garlic, onion and artichokes.
In addition, it is useful to regularly walk in the fresh air, carry out hardening procedures, apply massage and gymnastic exercises, play sports.
To strengthen the immune system, in some cases, you should take immunostimulants (interferons, preparations of bacterial and herbal origin), as well as the so-called adaptogens based on echinacea, eleutherococcus, rosea radiola, lemongrass. Only a qualified immunologist can select a drug, determine the regimen of administration and duration of treatment.