Even in ancient Egypt, barberry was known - the beneficial properties of this plant helped its inhabitants to fight the yellow fever that was rampant at that time. For this, a decoction of its berries was used. Unfortunately, miraculous recipes have not survived to this day, and we can only be content with a plant that has retained its original appearance. The records of the ancient Assyrians also mention the barberry. The beneficial properties of this plant were used to combat many ailments of that time. In Russia, it has also been cultivated for a long time, growing in gardens in the same way as raspberries, currants, apple trees and gooseberries.

The healing properties of barberry are due to the composition of its berries, which contain carbohydrates and a variety of vitamins, while fats and proteins are completely absent in their pulp. It is also worth noting ascorbic acid, carotenoids (xanthophyllin, chrysanthemaxanthin, lutein), which give the fruits a red tint. In addition, they contain macro- and microelements, sugars and pectin. They also contain beta-carotene necessary for the synthesis of vitamin A. However, you need to understand that it is necessary to use only mature barberries - the beneficial properties in green fruits do not yet appear into the fullest. One of the most important we alth of the plant is the alkaloid berberine, which is a potent chemical substance with multidirectional action. Other parts of the plant (roots and leaves) can also be used for medicinal and tonic purposes. They are rich in vitamins C, E, K (fat-soluble), they have malic and citric acid, alkaloids, carotenoids. It should also be noted that the maximum concentration of berberine is observed just in its roots.

Barberry is also very widely used for medical purposes. Useful properties of its berries acquire in September-October, leaves - during and after flowering, bark and roots - at the end of the collection of fruits. There are a number of important points that it is desirable to observe in this process. The roots need only be thoroughly shaken off, but not washed, as the water dissolves the berberine. In this case, you need to lay a dense fabric. This is due to the fact that the bark from them easily exfoliates. Roots should be dried in special chambers or under a canopy.
For medicinal purposes, parts of the plant are used in various forms. Barberry tincture (or decoction) from the bark is widely used as a choleretic agent and for various liver diseases. Leaves are also used as an anti-inflammatory medicine for the same ailments. For this, an infusion is prepared from them. The root extract is used in the treatment of leishmaniasis. Barberry is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. With its help, you can normalize blood pressure and prevent the developmenthypertension. Berries and leaves of the plant strengthen the immune system. Barberry can be used as a hemostatic agent.

Fruits are considered an effective cure for coughs, sore throats, colds and inflammatory diseases. The plant is used to make preparations to improve the activity of the digestive system, they increase appetite and tone the muscles of the intestine. The astringent properties of barberry contribute to the removal of heavy metals, toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.