In our article we will talk about allergic intolerance to garlic. What is characteristic of such a reaction? What are the signs of garlic allergy? How to deal with the pathological phenomenon? Can an allergy to garlic be dangerous to he alth? We will try to answer these and other questions below.

Does garlic cause allergies? This product can indeed lead to incorrect food reactions in the body. The reason is the presence in its composition of a specific substance alliin-lyase. When a substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system begins to show a rejection of such an element. In most cases, a negative reaction is noted only when garlic is consumed in its raw, unprocessed form.
As you know, the presented plant is used in folk medicine as an effective antiseptic. However, individuals who are prone to food allergies often have to forego such a product to treat or prevent infectious diseases.
Allergy to garlic occurs whenthe body mistakenly perceives alliin-lyase as a pathogenic substance hazardous to he alth. The result is the entry into the blood of a significant amount of immunoglobulins, which begin to fight such an allergen. Antibodies actively produce histamine, which leads to the manifestation of allergy symptoms.
In some situations, there are incorrect reactions of the body to the aroma of garlic. Volatile substances containing alliin-lyase come into contact with the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, resulting in excessive tissue irritation.
Allergy symptoms in adults and children

A sign of the development of incorrect reactions to the presented stimulus can be a variety of symptoms. So, garlic allergy symptoms:
- inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, occasional sneezing, rhinitis, sinus filling with fluid;
- feeling of congestion in the throat, urge to cough, swelling of the airways, shortness of breath;
- conjunctivitis, redness of the eyeball, increased lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, feeling of pain in the eyes in bright light;
- the appearance of a skin rash all over the body, the formation of bubbles on the surface of the epidermis filled with a transparent substance;
- stomach disorders: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn;
- increased body temperature;
- lower blood pressure.
The allergen in question can affect the malfunctioning of a number of organs and systems.
What is dangerousallergic to garlic for children?

The fragile organism of babies is far from always able to adequately respond to the manifestations of allergies. Even when inhaling the aroma of garlic, rashes can occur on the child's body, which are distinguished by a bright pink tint. The itching that follows brings a lot of discomfort. The impact of the allergen on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract often leads to swelling of the larynx, the development of pain when swallowing, shortness of breath.
Danger also carries an incorrect reaction from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, parents should protect their baby from eating foods containing garlic.
To confirm a disappointing diagnosis, the patient's complaints about the negative consequences of contact with garlic are not enough. It is essential to take a comprehensive history. A significant role is played by the conduct of special tests that will confirm or refute an allergic reaction to the presented irritant.

One of the most reliable diagnostic methods is a skin test. The essence of the procedure is to make several skin incisions in the area of the upper limb. Individual allergens are dripped here from pipettes, and then the reactions of the body are noted. Based on the results of the test, it is possible to draw conclusions about hypersensitivity to substances in the composition of garlic or any other irritant.
The second effective solution to confirm the diagnosis is a blood test for concentration in itsthe structure of immunoglobulin E. It is the antibodies of this group that provoke the onset of allergy symptoms. It is worth noting that the method has no contraindications, and the results of the analysis are extremely reliable.
Drug therapy
In addition to eliminating garlic from the diet, a number of pharmacological drugs can be prescribed to treat allergies. Most often, people who suffer from such a problem are prescribed antihistamines. Among the most effective drugs in this category are Suprastin, Tavegil, Clorotadin, Claritin, Zodak. However, such medications have a number of side effects in the form of the development of drowsiness, inhibition of the nervous system. Therefore, you should not resort to the unauthorized use of these drugs. In order not to have unnecessary he alth problems, you should consult an allergist in advance.
There are many good combination medicines. We are talking about drugs such as Telfast, Zirtek, Allegra. The active substances in their composition neutralize allergens, remove them from the body in a short time and prevent the occurrence of tissue edema.

In order to quickly absorb allergens in the intestines, enterosorbents are used: Polysorb, Polyphepan, activated carbon, Enterosgel. Such medicines help cleanse the blood, facilitate the reaction of the digestive organs to irritants.
Eliminateabnormal skin reactions are helped by some topical agents. We are talking about the drugs Lokoid and Sinaflan. In the most dangerous to he alth, severe situations, corticosteroid drugs "Hydrocortisone" and "Prednisolone" are prescribed. The latter are recommended to be used only after consulting a doctor.
Folk treatments
In case of negative skin reactions to an allergen in the composition of garlic, it is worth resorting to the external use of medicinal herbal decoctions. The most effective for eliminating the rash are medicines prepared on the basis of hops, nettles and elderberries. Such vegetable raw materials are poured with boiling water, infused, and then used as lotions. Primrose flower oil is also considered quite effective, which effectively relieves the symptoms of garlic allergy in adults.
The best way to prevent a garlic allergy is to take appropriate preventive measures. It is important to protect yourself from contact with such a product. It is not only about eliminating garlic from the diet, but also getting rid of tactile contact and inhaling its aroma. You need to make sure that the ingredient is not in ready-made dishes that are ordered at a restaurant or purchased at a supermarket.

What should people do who need to include the product in the diet, based on its nutritional and medicinal value? In such situations, garlic allergy can be prevented byhigh-quality, long-term heat treatment of the fruits of this plant. Thus, it is possible to neutralize alliin-lyase, which acts as a causative agent of abnormal body reactions. Naturally, the impact on garlic of high temperature will not allow you to save absolutely all the useful substances in the composition of the product.
As you can see, there are many ways to deal with an allergy to garlic. To prevent the problem from making itself felt, it is important to be careful when eating food that may contain the product. Kitchen utensils that have ever been used for chopping or cooking garlic should be thoroughly cleaned. Periodic airing of the premises will also help get rid of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.