Sleep is one of the most important vital functions of the body. Approximately a quarter of all living time a person spends in this state of rest. Good sleep is able to restore strength, increase efficiency, improve mood and favorably affect the appearance. This article will talk about what may be the causes of poor sleep. You will also find out what you need to do to deal with them. It is worth saying separately why a newborn has poor sleep (reasons).

Sleep disturbance
What is bad sleep? Most often, violations of this condition are caused by banal insomnia. A person simply cannot sleep for a long time. Because of this, his rest time is reduced and, as a result, various problems begin.
It is worth noting that more than 50 percent of the world's population currently suffers from insomnia. At the same time, part of the presented group is children. Let's try to figure out what are the causes of poor sleep.
The impact of externalfactors
The causes of poor sleep in adults and young children may lie in an uncomfortable environment for this condition. So, the noise of the TV or the buzz of the night prospect outside the window can interfere with falling asleep. In addition, the room may have bright or uncomfortable lights, the screams of children, or extraneous sounds from neighbors. All this is annoying. Only a very tired person can sleep peacefully in this environment.
To eliminate these causes of poor sleep, you just need to disconnect from the outside world. If you can’t change the situation, then change your attitude towards it. Put on a light-blocking eye mask and put on earplugs.

Stressful situations
The reasons for poor sleep may lie in your head. If something is not going well at work or in the family, then a person can scroll through his problem for hours before going to bed. Because of this, the brain cannot concentrate and calm the excited nervous system.
Solve such a problem is quite simple. You just need to stop thinking before going to bed. As you lie down in bed, imagine something good and very pleasant. You will most likely be able to fall asleep within minutes.
Violation of the regime
Bad sleep can occur due to changing regimes or time zones. So, if you are used to going to bed at 10 pm all the time, but for some reason began to do it at 20, then temporary insomnia may be the result.
Dealing with such a cause is quite simple. If you are going to change the regime, then it is worth doingit gradually, shifting your sleep by 10 minutes each day.

Bad habits and malnutrition
Alcohol and smoking can be the cause of poor sleep. What can we say about taking drugs. Many people find that alcoholic beverages help them relax and immerse themselves in a state of calmness. However, this is an erroneous opinion. Tobacco and alcohol-containing components, entering the human body, first narrow the blood vessels, and then expand them sharply and for a long time. As a result, the nervous system becomes excited, and you cannot fall asleep for a long time.
Bad sleep can also be caused by poor diet. If you ate a heavy meal during dinner, it is difficult for the body to adjust to the rest mode. Try to take your last meal no later than three hours before bedtime. Also give up alcohol and tobacco.

Feeling bad
The cause of poor sleep may be poor he alth. Often a person cannot enter the world of Morpheus because of a banal headache. If you have a cold, you should start treatment as soon as possible and get rid of temporary insomnia.
In children of preschool and school age, often the cause of lack of sleep or anxiety is ear pain. Don't scold your child for not being able to sleep. Ask what makes him uncomfortable and try to eliminate this cause.
Bad sleep in a child: causes
Small children may show restlessness in their sleep for severalreasons. If we are talking about a newborn baby, then such a child is not yet ready to sleep all night long. He will definitely wake up to fill his small stomach with nourishing milk. This is a feature of the development of the child and is not accepted as a pathology.
Children between the ages of one and five often have trouble sleeping. This is due to improper sleep. If you rock the baby in your arms, then he wakes up and is anxious about the state that he was in the crib. In this case, you need to eliminate the cause slowly but surely. Teach your baby to fall asleep on their own.
Also the cause of poor sleep in children can be indigestion and pain in the tummy. Often this pathology manifests itself in babies during the first three months of life. It is worth noting that every child goes through this and you should not sound the alarm ahead of time. Just help your little one and wait patiently.

Now you know the main causes of poor sleep. If after all the advice given, the condition has not improved, then it makes sense to visit a neurologist. The doctor will find out why you are worried about poor sleep (reasons). Treatment is most often prescribed in the form of sedatives and herbal teas. If a small child has problems falling asleep, then additional studies may be necessary.
Remember that the lack of proper rest can lead to the development of many chronic diseases. Sleep well and stay he althy!