Why fingers go numb: index, thumb, middle

Why fingers go numb: index, thumb, middle
Why fingers go numb: index, thumb, middle

Numbness of the fingers is a rather unpleasant sensation that can occur for various reasons. Many people ignore this symptom, although it may be an indicator of a serious illness. Have you thought about why the index finger of the right or left hand is numb? In our article, we will try to analyze this issue in more detail, as well as give practical recommendations that will cure the root of the problem.

Why is my right index finger numb?

According to statistics, numbness of the index finger on the right hand occurs much more often than on the left. Moreover, this does not depend on whether the person is right-handed or left-handed.

Numbness of index finger
Numbness of index finger

Among the most common causes of an unpleasant symptom, it is customary to single out the following:

  • dystrophy of the cervical spine or osteochondrosis;
  • variousneck injuries with nerve compression;
  • pernicious anemia (an additional symptom is shortness of breath);
  • diabetes mellitus of any type.

It is worth noting that these are only the most common causes of this disease. It is likely that the numbness could be caused by a rarer condition such as Raynaud's disease. Therefore, you should not joke with your he alth, but it is best to immediately go to the hospital for help and advice from a specialist.

Why is my left index finger numb?

A very common symptom of numbness of the index finger on the left hand is a complete loss of sensation. A similar phenomenon can occur due to serious pathological disorders in the spine and brain, so consultation with a specialist is strictly required.

Nerves and muscles of the left arm
Nerves and muscles of the left arm

Here are just some of the top reasons why you might feel uncomfortable:

  • pathology of the spine caused by injuries of the cervical spine;
  • impaired blood flow in the brain (a consequence of a stroke);
  • various psychological factors such as anxiety and stress.

In addition, a similar phenomenon may be the result of squeezing a blood vessel in the wrist. The most common example is wearing clothes with overly tight or narrow sleeves that prevent normal blood flow. Although many people just squeeze their hand in their sleep.

Numbness of thumb and forefinger

Thoughtover why the index and thumb go numb at the same time? As a rule, a similar phenomenon is observed due to compression of the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel. In most cases, this is due to prolonged dynamic or static load on the hands, when the tendons are in constant tension. A person may feel unwell after exercise or in the morning after waking up.

Numbness of the thumb and forefinger
Numbness of the thumb and forefinger

In some cases, a similar symptom is observed in people who abuse alcoholic beverages. In addition, numbness may occur as a concomitant symptom of arthritis or arthrosis. In the latter case, the muscles of the thumb may begin to atrophy over time, as a result of which the person will not be able to move it at all. Therefore, be sure to consult with a specialist on this issue.

Numbness of middle and index finger

If your index and middle fingers go numb, then most doctors will immediately assume the presence of various pathological changes in the spine or cervical muscles. Moreover, this disease can be both acquired and congenital, which is inherited. If this symptom is also accompanied by constant weakness in the arms, then the problem is in the shoulder or forearm of the arm.

Also, numbness of the index and middle fingers can occur due to damage to the nerve endings and processes of the radial nerve. In this case, only a course of neurotherapy can help,since it is almost impossible to cure the disease at home. Although you should also not forget that this symptom can occur after subluxation of the elbow joint, so be able to correctly compare the information written in medical reference books with reality.

Two fingers go numb at once on two hands

If you ask yourself the question: “Why do the index fingers go numb?”, Then you should immediately visit the nearest clinic for a comprehensive medical examination, since this symptom very often occurs due to scleroderma, a severe hereditary disease. This ailment is accompanied by thickening of the walls of blood vessels and loss of skin elasticity.

Left and right hand
Left and right hand

As a rule, such a disease develops only in women whose age is from 30 to 50 years. In addition to numbness of the fingers, other signs of the disease may appear:

  • small pinpoint effusions on the skin;
  • disease in muscles and joints;
  • disappearance of wrinkles.

Scleroderma can be diagnosed visually, but final confirmation requires a biochemical analysis. If the diagnosis has been confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a biopsy of the part of the body that has been most affected by this scourge.

Numbness not related to disease

Many people wonder why their index finger goes numb in the morning. The causes of this phenomenon may not always be associated with the disease. Almost everyone at least oncesqueezed his hand in a dream, as a result of which he did not feel his own fingers for a certain period of time. However, sensation returns as soon as normal circulation to the limb is restored.

Also, temporary loss of sensation may be possible on frosty days after a long stay in the cold. Nerve endings simply freeze in the cold, because of which a person ceases to feel not only fingers, but also brushes. In this case, a warm bath or heating pad can help. However, if a similar symptom haunts you for several weeks, then you should undergo a medical examination in order to exclude the risk of developing pathologies.

Heavy metal or chemical poisoning

Chemical experiment with poison
Chemical experiment with poison

In some cases, numbness can be the result of poisoning with chemical elements or heavy metals, especially if a person works in a company that specializes in the processing of these materials. Lead or poisonous vapors can enter the human body through the respiratory system almost unhindered and be carried throughout the body. In addition to the symptom of numbness, difficulties with the digestive system, respiratory system are also often observed, and problems with impaired consciousness are also likely. If you have some or all of the above symptoms, then you should immediately seek medical help from the hospital, as self-treatment may make you feel worse.

The effect of alcohol on the nervous system

Numbness of the fingers is a fairly common occurrence among people who abuse alcohol. In patients with alcoholism, a serious disorder is observed - neuropathy - nerve damage. This condition is also referred to as alcoholic neuropathy and is only seen in people who drink alcohol regularly.

The bartender pours whiskey
The bartender pours whiskey

When ingested, ethanol causes malabsorption of thiamine, proteins and folates. In addition, various components of alcohol can contribute to the complete or partial destruction of nerve cells. In this case, numbness of the fingers or entire limbs is observed. In addition, such a disease is very often accompanied by pain in the liver and a violation of the cardiovascular rhythm.


The girl takes medicine
The girl takes medicine

Unfortunately, numbness of the fingers is very often due to the use of various drugs aimed at combating serious diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, cancer, and so on). As a rule, side effects are indicated in the instructions for such drugs, but for some patients this symptom is still a surprise. Numbness is due to various chemical compounds that have a sedative effect on the body. Needless to say, an overdose can affect the entire arm, so follow the guidelines as well as the advice your he althcare professional gives you.

Numbness due to diabetes

Not forIt's no secret that with the development of diabetes in a patient, there is a deterioration in well-being. Most nerve endings are severely damaged, especially if the course of the disease is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. Due to a lack of glucose in the blood, a person may feel numbness in the fingers, limbs, or even half of the body area. However, you can live with diabetes! It will be enough to control the level of sugar in the blood and refrain from eating various foods. It is also necessary to follow other recommendations of a specialist, for example, to play sports or give up bad habits. If you approach the treatment of your body with all responsibility, then you will not have any complications, and numbness of the fingers will not bother you.


We hope our article helped you figure out why your index finger may go numb. Such an ailment can be a symptom of various serious diseases or be caused by a lack of blood supply due to squeezing the limb. However, if you are often worried about numbness of the index or other finger, then you should still seek help from a medical specialist, because an illness that is not detected in time sometimes makes itself felt too late, especially in case of numbness of the fingers.
