"Retinol Palmitate" is a dermatoprotective drug that stimulates skin regeneration, activates the division of epithelial cells, stops keratinization processes, preventing the occurrence of hyperkeratosis. The action of the agent is explained by the presence of unique retinol-binding endings on the surface of the dermis.
General Description
"Retinol palmitate" - vitamin A, which has general strengthening properties. The drug stabilizes tissue metabolism, takes an active part in redox processes, in the production of lipids, proteins and mucopolysaccharides. In addition, the vitamin contributes to mineral metabolism, cholesterol production processes. In addition, the drug enhances the production of trypsin and lipase, myelopoiesis, cell reproduction processes.
Retinol palmitate has excellent qualities for the skin of the face, having a beneficial effect on the work of the sebaceous, lacrimal and sweat glands. In addition, the tool makes the body more resistant to pathologies of the mucous membranes of the intestines and the respiratory system, increases the generalprotective properties of immunity.

Vitamin A, contained in the preparation "Retinol palmitate", accelerates the division of epithelial cells, thus rejuvenating the population, stops keratinization, enhances the production of glycosaminoglycans. The tool is highly effective in its segment, perfectly copes with skin regeneration and is directly involved in the process of photoreception (it helps a person to better adapt in the dark).
Indications for use
After application, the drug easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. The maximum concentration of the vitamin in biological fluids is reached 3-4 hours after lubrication of the damaged area and persists for 12 hours.
Retinol palmitate use shown if available:
- Vitamin A hypovitaminosis;
- burns;
- tuberculosis epithelium;
- ichthyosis;
- psoriasis;
- eczema;
- Vitamin A vitamin deficiency;
- frostbite;
- cracks;
- hyperkeratosis;
- neurodermatitis;
- atrophy of the dermis due to prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids;
- seborrheic dermatitis;
- pyoderma;
- skin pathologies characterized by delayed epithelialization and dryness;
- rickets;
- erosion;
- atopic dermatitis;
- skin ulcers.

In addition, the drugrecommended for complex treatment:
- various infectious and inflammatory diseases - influenza, measles, bronchitis, dysentery, tracheitis;
- malformations of the visual system - hemeralopia, keratomalacia, retinitis pigmentosa, eczematous trauma to the eyelids, xerophthalmia;
- diseases of the digestive tract - ulcerative pathology of the duodenum or stomach, erosive gastroduodenitis;
- cirrhosis of the liver.
Among other things, "Retinol palmitate" is often prescribed to prevent the occurrence of stones in the urinary and biliary tract.
Form and composition
The drug is produced in several varieties that differ in content.
- Dragee, tablets. Capsules have a spherical shape with a snow-white or cream shell, a uniform coating. The active substance of the dragee is vitamin A in oil form. In addition to the main ingredient, the capsules contain beeswax, sucrose, wheat flour, talc, mint essential oil, starch syrup, refined vegetable oil.
- Oil solution for oral use. Transparent liquid of light yellow color without smell in a glass bottle. The main active ingredient is vitamin A, additional ingredients: butylhydroxytoluene, butylhydroxyanisole, rapeseed oil.
- Ointment and cream with the same composition.

Instructions for the use of "Retinol Palmitate"
Use the drug should be under the supervision of a specialist. Inside, the medicine must be taken after meals late in the evening or early in the morning.
Instruction "Retinol palmitate" indicates the correct dosage of the drug. With minor beriberi, the amount of medication should be up to 33,000 IU per day for an adult. In the case of defects in the visual system, such as retinitis pigmentosa, xerophthalmia, hemeralopia, the dosage may be increased to 10,000 IU. Children are recommended to take 2000-5000 IU throughout the day, taking into account age.
If a patient uses "Retinol palmitate" for facial skin (general healing and getting rid of pathologies), then the dosage should be in the range of 5000-10000 IU per day, and for children - twice as much.
Oil solutions can be used externally in case of burns, frostbite, ulcers, lubricating the damaged area 6-7 times throughout the day and covering with bandages. Together with them, the patient can use retinol intramuscularly or orally

The ointment should be applied in a thin layer on the injured areas twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. If the patient's skin is very flaky, it is necessary to use an occlusive dressing. The duration of the drug can be from 4 to 12 weeks. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist.
According to the instructions for use of "Retinol Palmitate", a single dose of the drug should not exceed 50,000 IU for adult patients and 5,000 IU for children. The daily rate can be up to 100,000 IU and 20,000 IU, respectively.
To eliminate acne and ichthyosiform erythroderma in an adult, a dosage of the drug is used in the range of 100-300 thousand IU.
Side effects
According to the instructions of "Retinol palmitate", in patients with too high sensitivity to the components of the drug, it can provoke manifestations of allergic reactions.
Sometimes with prolonged use, seizures appear, excessive dryness of the mucous membranes and skin. According to reviews of Retinol Palmitate, some patients also noticed an increased sensitivity of the skin, which manifested itself even with slight touches. Usually, these signs do not bring significant discomfort and disappear on their own with a decrease in dosage or a temporary refusal of the drug.
In the case of too long-term use of the vitamin by adults in an amount of more than 200,000 IU, and by children - 100,000 IU, hypervitaminosis or intoxication of the whole organism is likely to occur. The symptoms of this phenomenon are as follows:
- vomiting;
- pain in joints and bones;
- nausea;
- migraine;
- discoordination;
- lethargy, loss of strength;
- drowsy;
- hyperemia of the face.

When treating acne, a week later, an exacerbation of local inflammation is likely, which in the future stops on its own. This condition does not require additional treatment.
In fact, the drug"Retinol palmitate" has very few restrictions on use. Contraindications for use are:
- chronic pancreatitis;
- hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug;
- acute inflammatory skin pathologies;
- hypervitaminosis A;
- gallstone disease.
In addition, great care should be taken with the medicine for those patients who suffer from:
- viral hepatitis;
- jade;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- alcoholism;
- kidney failure;
- second and third degree chronic heart failure.
Children and the elderly should also carefully take the remedy.
Special Recommendations
It is not recommended to use "Retinol palmitate" for the face in order to eliminate excessive dryness of the epidermis, wrinkles, defects of the visual organs, as well as infections not associated with a lack of vitamin A.
Those who use tetracyclines for a long time should refuse the remedy.
To prevent overdose, it is undesirable to take other medicines containing vitamin A in parallel with the drug.
In the case of the simultaneous appointment of cholestyramine, use "Retinol palmitate" should be one hour before it or 5 - 6 hours after it.
Use during pregnancy
The drug is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of gestation. During breastfeeding, it is undesirable to lubricate with ointmentchest skin.

External use of "Retinol palmitate" during the period of bearing and feeding a baby is acceptable if the desired result from therapy outweighs the possible risks for mother and child.
Acute oversaturation of the body manifests itself in the form of hypervitaminosis A. Symptoms of this phenomenon in adults:
- bleeding gums;
- migraines;
- drowsiness and lethargy;
- diarrhea;
- peeling lips;
- dizziness;
- confusion;
- nausea;
- irritability;
- ulceration and dry mouth;
- double vision;
- osteoporosis.
Children may experience signs such as:
- sweating;
- temperature increase;
- rashes;
- vomit;
- tired.

When chronic intoxication occurs in a patient:
- asthenia;
- hypertension;
- vomit;
- convulsions;
- lack of appetite;
- bone pain;
- astralgia;
- orange spots on the skin;
- photosensitivity;
- dry mouth;
- hair loss;
- hemolytic anemia.
If these symptoms occur, stop using the drug immediately. In adult patients, excess vitamin A can be deduced frombody with a small amount of alcohol. Therapy for overdose is exclusively symptomatic. In case of too strong manifestations of the pathological condition, glucocorticosteroids may be prescribed.
According to numerous reviews, "Retinol palmitate" rarely provokes discomfort.
Interaction with other drugs
In order to avoid an overdose of vitamin A, it is undesirable to take "Retinol palmitate" together with medicines containing the same active ingredient.
It is not recommended to use the drug in combination with tetracycline antibiotics.
Reduces the risk of hypervitaminosis D. The absorption of the active components of the product can disrupt nitrites, neomycin, colestipol, cholestyramine.