Reflux in infants is a natural physiological process. You can fix the problem by adjusting the nutrition of the child and the nursing mother. You should know that there is such a disease as reflux. These states have the same characteristics, but you should still know how they differ from each other.
Norm or pathology?

Gastroesophageal reflux is the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus or mouth. In an infant, such contents are represented by milk or porridge, depending on the nutrition of the baby. Reflux is sometimes referred to as acid reflux because acids can pass from the stomach into the esophagus.
As medical practice shows, children under 4 months spit up to 5 times a day. Reflux in infants occurs less and less with age, completely disappears - by 1.6 years. In the event that the baby spit up rarely and he feels great, you can indicate uncomplicated reflux that does not need to be treated.
Why babyspit up?

A newborn has a short esophagus, the volume of the stomach is approximately 29 ml. The stomach in babies is located horizontally, and the muscles that are on the border with the esophagus are not fully developed. Based on this, we can conclude that overeating often provokes the appearance of reflux in infants. Doctors say that in the process of regurgitation, the baby does not experience pain, but discomfort may be present. Restless sleep and increased irritability are not clinical symptoms of reflux.
Symptoms of the disease
Under what circumstances should you see a doctor? Sometimes reflux in infants indicates that a pathology is developing, namely, gastroesophageal reflux disease. If acid from the stomach systematically enters the esophagus, the organ can be damaged. The symptoms of the disease include:
- baby spit up often and profusely;
- the baby is not calm and does not eat well;
- child arches back and tries to take a comfortable position;
- poor weight gain;
- has developed a severe cough that is not due to an infectious disease.
When one of the symptoms of reflux occurs in infants, it is important to see a doctor immediately, as this may indicate that the disease is progressing. The child's body is vulnerable to any disease, so you should not self-medicate, because in this way you can greatly harm and aggravate the general condition of the child.
For what reasons doespathology?

Many mothers know the symptoms of reflux in babies, but not everyone knows the reasons that provoke its appearance. In addition to a weakened antireflux mechanism, there are other anomalies that can cause profuse regurgitation:
- When pyloric stenosis narrows the pylorus. For this reason, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. This results in vomiting.
- During the development of pylorospasm, the pylorus is temporarily reduced. In this regard, the evacuation of food is delayed.
- A diaphragmatic hernia shifts the lower esophagus into the chest cavity (through the diaphragm).
Symptoms and treatment of reflux in infants is a topic that worries moms. You should know that such a question should be discussed with a qualified specialist, since frequent and profuse regurgitation can be a sign of a completely different pathology. Without a thorough medical examination, it is impossible to assess the he alth of the baby. To improve the well-being of the child, it is important to contact the pediatrician immediately. The doctor will carry out a medical examination of the patient and prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will help prevent the development of serious complications.

Symptoms and treatment of reflux in infants should be discussed with the pediatrician. Only a doctor is able to carry out a complete medical diagnosis of the crumbs. Based on the results of the study, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate therapy. Atin uncomplicated reflux, it is not necessary to carry out diagnostic measures, since such a process is the physiological norm of the body. If one of the signs of gastroesophageal reflux in a baby appears, it is important to contact a gastroenterologist.
In the process of a comprehensive study, the following diagnostic methods are used:
- Carrying out x-rays. The specialist introduces a contrast agent into the baby's body. When barium enters the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor analyzes how the element moves through the digestive tract.
- During endoscopy, the specialist evaluates the general condition of the mucous membranes, detects the presence or absence of edema. If necessary, a biopsy is performed.
- The doctor assesses the lower esophageal sphincter during sphincteromanometry.
- Thanks to the pH test, you can determine the amount and duration of reflux per day. To diagnose acid reflux in a baby, you need to insert a special sensor into the esophagus, which will measure the level of acidity.
- Diagnosis of the stomach cavity. In the process of such a study, the doctor checks for the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract, which could interfere with the advancement of food.
Based on the results of the study, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment to help cure gastro reflux in the baby.
The duration of the course of treatment is determined strictly by a specialist. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the pathology. When the disease is advanced, treatment must be carried out in a hospital.
Principle of therapy
For small and regular regurgitation, the doctor recommends:
- adjust baby's diet;
- important to exclude cow's milk from the diet;
- protect your baby from passive smoking of cigarettes, because tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and provokes a strong cough;
- add a special thickener to food;
- reconsider the diet of a nursing mother.
These simple recommendations will help improve the condition of the baby. In the event that there are symptoms of bladder reflux in infants, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication can provoke the development of complications.
The basis of proper feeding

After going to the doctor, the specialist not only carries out a thorough diagnosis of the baby, but also analyzes the dietary style. In some cases, mothers try to feed their child well, which causes the baby to overeat. Under such conditions, profuse regurgitation occurs.
If reflux esophagitis is detected in a baby, experts recommend feeding the baby often and in small volumes. If the baby is distracted during breastfeeding, you need to pick up the breast. With artificial feeding, the portion must be reduced by 15 ml. Doctors recommend that mothers make sudden movements with the baby in their arms. After feeding the baby, you need to pick it up and hold it in an upright position for 20 minutes. This will help prevent excessive vomiting. It is not necessary to run during this time orwalk around the house, just take the baby in your arms and sit with him in a chair. So the child will be able to sleep peacefully in your arms, taking a semi-vertical position. In frequent cases, these simple guidelines can help prevent reflux.
Correct nutrition
Based on medical studies conducted by scientists, it can be concluded that with gastroesophageal reflux disease in babies, intolerance to cow's milk protein was found. For this reason, experts recommend adjusting the nutrition of a mother who is breastfeeding. It is important to avoid dairy products. You need to follow the diet for about 2 weeks. If during this time the baby does not feel better, then this indicates that the child's body does not tolerate milk protein.
Good mixes
Under such conditions, it is important to choose a dairy-free mixture that contains protein hydrolyzate. It is recommended "Nutrilak" and "Nutrilon Pepti" to feed a child up to 1 year. It is advisable to use a thickener (strictly prescribed by a pediatrician). Quite often, doctors prescribe anti-reflux mixtures for babies, which help prevent the onset of pathology. These special foods help the food stay longer in the stomach. There are several types of thickeners:
- digestible (corn, rice, potato);
- indigestible (gums).
Thanks to locust bean gum, you can get rid of profuse regurgitation and constipation, since the substance has a laxative effect.
"Humanoyantireflux" or "Nutrilon antireflux" should be fed to the baby in order to prevent spitting up.
What mixtures do doctors prescribe for children who have intestinal colic and systematic constipation?
A mixture in which starch is present is softer in action (a positive effect is observed after a month). Such mixtures include: Samper Lemolak, NAN Antireflux.
What to do if the baby eats breast milk and spits up profusely after feeding? Under such conditions, the milk must be expressed and a thickener added to it. Then start feeding the baby. It is not recommended to buy thickeners on your own without a doctor's prescription, as you can harm the he alth of the child. It is imperative to change the nipples on the bottles, as the holes must be large enough to allow thick mixtures to pass through. You can use porridge teats.
If a child is prone to allergies, it is especially important that the attending physician correct the diet. If there is an inflammatory process in the baby's body or the mucous membrane of the esophagus is damaged, it is forbidden to use thickeners.
Treatment with pills

In the event that the baby's he alth has not improved after the recommendations of the children's doctor are fulfilled, medication is prescribed. The duration of the course of therapy and the dose should be determined strictly by the doctor, depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient. In the course of treatment, the following drugs are often used:
- Proton pump inhibitors. With the help of "Omeprazole", "Pantoprazole" the production of hydrochloric acid is blocked. Omeprazole is prescribed by pediatricians to children over 2 years old.
- Antacid helps to neutralize hydrochloric acid. With the help of "Phosphalugel" and "Maalox" it is possible to restore the mucous membrane of the organ.
- Using Ranitidine and Famotidine during therapy, reflux in a child can be cured.
- Thanks to prokinetics, gastric motility is enhanced. Under such conditions, the organ is emptied faster.
You should know that profuse regurgitation is not at all a harmless phenomenon. Such a process can lead to a significant deterioration in the overall he alth of the crumbs, since persistent regurgitation often leads to dehydration. Restore a similar loss in a hospital setting. The baby is given infusion solutions. Given the fact that the drug can cause side effects, it is important to carry out a thorough medical diagnosis of the baby before starting therapy. The doctor will take into account all the nuances and prescribe the right medicine.
With reflux of the kidneys in infants, complex therapy should be carried out. If the disease is started, then the problem can be eliminated only by surgery.
Under what conditions should an ambulance be called?
In the event that the general state of he alth has deteriorated significantly and one of the symptoms of reflux disease has appeared, it is important to immediately go to the hospital in order toexamine the child. The following symptoms should be cause for concern:
- rapid weight loss;
- daily regurgitation of a baby who is less than 4 months old (under such conditions, the baby’s body does not receive enough useful vitamins and minerals, which leads to starvation of the baby);
- baby refuses to drink and eat throughout the day;
- there is bloody discharge in the vomit and feces;
- baby weak and lethargic;
- significantly increased body temperature.
If one of the symptoms is identified, it is important to see a doctor. Treatment at home will only provoke the development of complications.
Reflux disease of the genitourinary system in a child
Diseases of the genitourinary system in children are no less common than in adults. When one of the signs of pathology appears, it is important to immediately seek help from a pediatrician. Among the main manifestations of ureteral reflux in infants are:
- migraine;
- appearance of edema;
- intense thirst;
- discomfort in the lumbar region;
- high blood pressure;
- heat;
- pain while emptying the bladder;
- urine color changes.
If one of the symptoms appears, it is important to carry out a diagnosis. In the course of the study, radiography, cystoscopy and ultrasound are performed. In addition, it is necessary to pass a blood and urine test. Based on the results of the study, the doctor prescribes an effective treatment for urinary reflux in infants.

Don't panic if your baby burps. In frequent cases, regurgitation is a normal physiological feature of the baby's body. Only when the general he alth of the baby has significantly worsened (regurgitation is abundant and systematic), it is important to immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance. Under such conditions, irreversible he alth problems can occur.
It is forbidden to engage in self-treatment, since the children's body is especially vulnerable to the effects of any medications. Delay can only provoke the development of complications and worsen the child's well-being. It is forbidden to use any alternative methods of treatment, since various herbs and infusions can only exacerbate the problem. In the process of abundant regurgitation, the baby's body is dehydrated, which leads to the development of serious pathologies. To prevent this, it is important not to delay the trip to the pediatrician. The doctor will carry out a thorough diagnosis of the baby and prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will help get rid of the problem.