Among the many diseases with which a modern person turns to specialists, there are very often problems associated with blood sugar levels. At the moment, the number of patients with such an extremely unpleasant disease as diabetes mellitus is increasing every year. However, the symptoms of low sugar can be observed not only in a diabetic, but also in a completely he althy person. Let's look at what this might be related to.
This disease, characterized by a sharp drop in blood sugar, is very unpleasant and in some cases even dangerous. It is accompanied by certain characteristic symptoms, knowing which, the patient himself is able to make a presumptive diagnosis.
The symptoms of low sugar in some cases are not dangerous for humans. However, in a severe degree, there is a high probability of developing the so-calledglycemic coma.
Due to the fact that hypoglycemia can develop not only in a diabetic, but also in a he althy person, everyone should know the symptoms of low blood sugar in an adult. This is necessary in order to be able to recognize this disease in the event of an attack and provide yourself or a loved one with first aid.
Causes in patients with diabetes
One of the main risk groups for such a disease as hypoglycemia is people with diabetes. Therefore, they need to know the causes, symptoms of low blood sugar in the first place.
As a rule, a number of certain factors can give such a complication. These include:
- Overdose of appropriate sugar-regulating drugs. These include insulin, hypoglycemic agents.
- Violation of the established diet.
- Insufficient intake of nutrients, i.e. starvation.
- Incorrectly balanced meals, in particular too long breaks in meals.
- Diseases affecting the normal functioning of organs such as the kidneys and liver.
- Different kinds of infection.
- Heavy physical exercise that overstrains the body.
- Drinking a lot of alcohol.
Often the onset of symptoms of low blood sugar in an adult diabetic is associated with improper intake of glucose-lowering drugs. In addition, to some extent, lower blood sugar cansome non-drug substances and food. These include bay leaves, chicory, onions, citrus fruits and more.
Causes in he althy people
Those who have never suffered from the symptoms of low blood sugar are also not immune from the manifestation of such a disease. Often this problem can manifest itself in case of non-compliance with a certain diet. Also, fasting can provoke hypoglycemia in a perfectly he althy person.

Heavy physical activity, especially if it is spontaneous rather than systematic, can also be the result of a sharp drop in blood sugar. Experienced trainers already know that if a person fainted in the gym, then he may have developed hypoglycemia. Indeed, as a result of active physical exercises, the energy reserves of the blood are quickly burned and do not have time to replenish.
In order not to feel the symptoms of low blood sugar, you need to monitor your diet. Excessive regular consumption of large amounts of sweets can be its immediate cause. Also, do not abuse alcohol and tobacco products
Symptoms in an adult
Symptoms of low blood sugar are important in making a correct diagnosis. Depending on the condition of the patient, there are mild, moderate and severe forms of the disease. Symptoms may also vary.
So, for example, with a mild form of the disease, dizziness can be observed, as well as headaches.pain, weakness, tremor of the limbs, profuse sweating, nausea, vision problems. The most characteristic symptom is a pronounced feeling of hunger.

The average form of this disease can be accompanied by instability of behavior, which is expressed in a sharp change in mood or irritability, convulsions, loss of concentration.
The severe form is the most dangerous. It can be accompanied by seizures, stroke, loss of consciousness. In extreme cases, death is possible.
Also, it's worth noting that the symptoms of low blood sugar can vary between men and women. These signs are sometimes insignificant, but still important. So, the symptoms of low blood sugar in women are characterized by frequent urination. However, unlike an inflammatory process or infection, there is no burning sensation or other discomfort. Symptoms of low blood sugar in men can present with some muscle stiffness, heaviness in the body and limbs.
Many people who experience hypoglycemia note the presence of mental fog, drowsiness, apathy in this state.

Symptoms while sleeping
Often such an unpleasant phenomenon makes itself felt during sleep. Symptoms of low sugar in men and women are manifested in this case in the same way. For example, you can recognize a sharp drop in blood sugar during sleep by the following signs:
- pale skin;
- feeling uneasy;
- suddentrying to get out of bed;
- profuse sweating;
- nightmares;
- sleepwalking.
You can also note such a symptom as a morning headache after an attack at night.
Baby symptoms
As practice shows, children are more sensitive to falling blood sugar levels than adults. Parents need to carefully monitor the he alth and behavior of their child, because the frequent manifestation of hypoglycemia at an early age can lead to serious consequences, even death.
So, if the child is very sleepy, uncollected, wakes up hard in the morning, is naughty, then this may indicate this symptom. During an attack, there may be severe weakness, refusal to eat even in the presence of severe hunger.

Such children show themselves in a special way in kindergarten. They are inattentive, restless, refuse to take part in common games.
Also, chronic hypoglycemia is characterized by special sleep behavior. Such children are distinguished by profuse sweating, restless sleep with screams, difficult awakening.
Initial stage treatment
If the first signs of low sugar were detected in a timely manner, then they must be immediately eliminated by certain and very simple methods. If symptoms of low sugar are detected, treatment should begin within the first ten to fifteen minutes.
To do this, you need to take the following products inside:
- one or twoteaspoons of sugar;
- honey;
- a few caramels or other sweets;
- drink a sweet drink (lemonade, juice).
As a rule, the timely intake of sugary foods helps to eliminate this syndrome and, as a result, avoid more serious consequences.
First aid for more severe cases
If the moment of manifestation of the first signs of low sugar was missed, then there is a risk of developing the so-called hypoglycemic syndrome. Having independently diagnosed it in the victim, you must immediately call an ambulance and report the alleged diagnosis.
Then you need to perform a series of manipulations that will help the patient before the arrival of specialists. So, you need:
- put the patient down with legs up;
- check if clothes interfere with free breathing, in which case - take them off;
- ensure the supply of fresh air to the room where the patient lies;
- give the patient a sweet drink;
- if you notice that the patient is losing consciousness, then you need to lay him on his side, putting a cube of sugar on his cheek.

After the arrival of the ambulance, the patient will be examined, if necessary, transported to the hospital, where he will be provided with professional assistance.
Even if you have never had diabetes or other blood sugar problems, this does not mean that you should not do some preventive work with your he alth.
Worth consideringthe fact that taking care of your body, caring for it is the best prevention not only of problems with sugar, but also of many others.
So, to never experience problems like low blood sugar, you need to:
- follow the established diet (breaks between meals should not exceed four hours);
- enrich your diet with a variety of he althy foods;
- minimize the harmful effects of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
- get enough time off;
- avoid frequent stress and conflict;
- do sports at regular intervals, increase the load during training gradually.

Prevention for diabetics
In addition to all of the above, people with diabetes should have their own precautions.
So, for example, these people should always have a candy or a piece of sugar with them. They should also monitor their insulin intake and not mix it with sugar-lowering drugs.
The consequences of low sugar
Mild hypoglycemia, which manifested itself accidentally and once under the influence of external factors, is not dangerous for the body and does not carry any negative consequences. Also, any of its complications with proper therapeutic treatment also do not pose a danger to the body.
However, chronic bouts of low sugar can adversely affect the body. They significantly impair the quality of life.person. In addition, lowering sugar can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as glycemic coma. Also, frequent drops in sugar levels can lead to the so-called cerebral dysfunction, and sometimes cause premature dementia.
In addition, such conditions negatively affect the cardiovascular system and are extremely dangerous for people who have certain problems with it. So, for example, lowering the level of sugar can, one way or another, provoke a heart attack or stroke.
In women who are carrying a child, such attacks can affect the development of the fetus, because a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood limits the intake of glucose to the child.
Doctors' opinion
In order to avoid problems with low sugar levels, doctors strongly recommend that you monitor your diet, get more rest, exercise and avoid stress. These simple and clear rules can save you from many ailments. However, it is very difficult for a modern person to comply with them, at least partially.
According to experts, there are several categories of people who are at risk of developing these unpleasant phenomena. First of all, they include people with diabetes mellitus, or pre-diabetics. Also at risk are those who do not monitor their diet: eat a lot of sweets; eats semi-finished products; those who neglect meals eat little.
Reconsider your diet is necessary for people who do not eat before and after training or other strong physical exertion. People who are stressed and sleep deprived may also experienceself manifestations of low sugar.

Pregnant women may be at risk, which is caused more by the restructuring of the body, changes in hormonal levels.
So a proper diet and a he althy lifestyle are all that is needed to avoid the unpleasant phenomenon of low blood sugar.