Retention - what is it in dentistry?

Retention - what is it in dentistry?
Retention - what is it in dentistry?

Various disorders in the development and growth of dental units often become a serious test for a person. Such pathologies not only spoil the proportions of the face and a beautiful smile, but can also provoke the development of a number of complications. With improper growth of teeth, inflammation, aching pain and malocclusion can occur. But this is not all the consequences of such an anomaly. In dentistry, a fairly common problem is retention in the oral cavity. In the article, we will consider why this ailment occurs and how to treat it.

What is this pathology?

Retention is a delay in the eruption of milk and root units in the oral cavity. With this violation, the tooth may appear, but be slightly visible above the gum, or not grow at all, remaining completely under the mucous membrane. Basically, second premolars, third molars of the lower jaw, as well as upper canines are subject to this disease.

Retention of maxillary cone teeth is more common in women than in men. This anomaly can be unilateral or bilateral. Growth retardation of the lower canines is much more common.less often. In some cases, an impacted tooth collides with a neighboring unit that appeared in time, due to which its further eruption stops.

Retention of temporary (milk) teeth in children is rare. As a rule, such a violation is caused by an acute lack of trace elements or serious pathologies during eruption. Suspension of the growth of fangs, incisors or molars can be observed with a severe degree of rickets, in which case the disease is accompanied by a slowdown in the closure of the fontanel. The diagnosis of tooth retention, the photo of which can be seen below, is made no earlier than 6-8 months after the first manifestations of the anomaly.

Retention is
Retention is

Delayed eruption of dental elements: types of pathology

As mentioned above, retention is a common anomaly in which tooth growth stops. Violation of the process of its eruption can be complete or partial. A dental unit, respectively, impacted or semi-retinated. In the first case, the object in the oral cavity is completely covered with bone tissue or gums, and besides, it is not accessible for palpation. And in the second, a visible fragment of a semi-impacted tooth is partially cut through, while most of it remains covered by the gum.

Uncut units by depth are with bone and tissue immersion. In the first case, the impacted element of the oral cavity is located in the jawbone, and in the second case, in the gum tissue.

The location of the crown and root of an unerupted tooth in the jaw bone or gum can be:

  • Angular,in other words, angular. The axis of the canine or molar forms an angle with the vertical that is less than 90 degrees.
  • Vertical. The axis of the tooth is in the normal position, coinciding with the vertical line.
  • Horizontal. In this case, the axis of the cutter and other units form a right angle with the vertical.

Sometimes there are reverse impacted elements, as a rule, these are the lower wisdom teeth. After all, only their upper part is turned towards the body of the jaw, and the roots - towards the alveolar edge. There are also unilateral, bilateral and symmetrical retention of dental units. Moreover, not only the root, but also the milk element can turn out to be uncut. Among other things, in dentistry there is anatomical retention, which is a huge help in holding the prosthesis, and orthodontic.

Why doesn't a canine or molar erupt?

Retention is an anatomical feature of the jaw or an anomaly in the formation of the tooth germ. Doctors suggest that this pathology appeared in a civilized society due to the intake of soft food and a decrease in the ability to chew solid food. Tooth retention can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Incorrectly organized artificial feeding of a child.
  • Decreased immunity under the influence of infectious pathologies.
  • Delays in replacing milk units with permanent units.
  • The presence of supernumerary molars and other objects in the path of the cutting tooth.
  • Incorrect position of the rudiments of permanent elements in the bone base of the jaw. With such an anomaly, the crownimpacted canine is directed to the root of a nearby tooth, preventing not only its eruption, but also neighboring units.
  • Bad heredity.
  • Too dense walls of the dental sac surrounding the crown of an incisive molar or canine.

Main symptoms of pathology

Retention is a fairly common problem in dentistry, which can be detected independently by some signs. With an impacted tooth, a person is worried:

  • pain in the gums, radiating towards the temple and ear;
  • permanent damage to the same mucosal area;
  • hyperemia, numbness and swelling;
  • discomfort when opening mouth or eating food;
  • loosening or displacement of adjacent dental units;
  • deterioration of general well-being with inflammation (fever, weakness, chills, headaches);
  • appearance of an abscess or cyst.
  • Tooth retention
    Tooth retention

Third molars retarded

In the oral cavity, the weakest are the "eights". Wisdom tooth retention occurs for various reasons. These objects have to cut through the bone tissue, which often leads to a delay in their appearance.

The third molar cannot grow when colliding with nearby units or lacking space, as a result of which its upper densified part is immersed in the gum. If an impacted unit is identified, dentists advise removing it. The delay in the eruption of "eights" is also caused by the fact that they appear later.other units and are located at the very end of the dentition. Moreover, their location on one side is not corrected by the other crown, for this reason they do not grow correctly.

wisdom tooth retention
wisdom tooth retention

Upper canine retention

Mainly, the canines of the upper jaw are subject to this pathology. The position of these teeth during growth retardation can be determined along the axis of the impacted dental unit, which coincides with the erupted elements. In such cases, quite often a temporary canine that has not fallen out in time is detected, which prevents the appearance of the root. Its extraction usually contributes to the growth of the constant unit. However, when the semi-retinated element is high, the dentist removes the fourth tooth behind.

A canine that has not yet erupted can be placed in an oblique or transverse position in the bone. Unfortunately, in such cases it is impossible to help its growth.

Upper canine retention
Upper canine retention

Measures to correct the dental anomaly

Retention is a pathology in which units in the oral cavity cannot fully break through the gum tissue for some reason. The treatment of such a disorder is a very complex process that requires the intervention of dentists of various specializations. Therapeutic measures are planned for each patient separately, depending on the location of his dental units and the characteristics of the organism.

The first step is to decide whether to remove or leave the diseased element. If the retention of a molar or canine is detected in a child, then specialists try to align the tooth by all means. Forto eliminate the pathology, current pulses, laser, massage, prosthetics or electrophoresis are used. Such methods of treatment make dental units grow faster with the help of irritation.

Retention of dental anomalies
Retention of dental anomalies

A dentist can surgically help an impacted element erupt if it is in the correct position and does not interfere with other teeth. He just removes the gingival hood under local anesthesia, which prevents its eruption. In other cases, an object that does not appear on time is deleted.

Retention of dental anomalies: surgery

Extraction of an impacted tooth is a very unpleasant and long procedure. First, the dentist-surgeon gives the patient local anesthesia, and then cuts the gum tissue and creates access to the dental unit with a special tool (boron), after which he completely removes it. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the object, dividing the bone formation into several parts.

After all the tooth fragments have been extracted, a healing drug is placed in the incision. Then the dentist puts a stitch. It takes a long time to fully recover after the removal of the impacted element. If no complications occur, the stitches are removed after 14 days.

After the extraction of the third molar, the patient feels severe discomfort for a long time in the process of eating and moving his mouth. Swelling interferes with the normal functioning of the jaw for several days. After removing the G8, the doctor recommends that the patient take antibiotics and pain medication. In addition, he conductsmultiple checkups to avoid complications.

Tooth retention: photo
Tooth retention: photo

Rinsing the mouth after impacted tooth extraction

From hard and rough food will have to be abandoned indefinitely, since such food can damage the healing site and cause injury, which is dangerous for bleeding and infection in the hole. It is advisable not to disturb the place where the wisdom tooth was located, it is better to cool it down a bit by drinking some ice water.

It is necessary to rinse the mouth and, especially carefully, the postoperative area, with disinfectants and anti-inflammatory agents. Dentists advise rinsing to relieve the inflammatory process:

  • Infusion of St. John's wort, oak bark or chamomile;
  • Brines;
  • "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine", concentration not higher than 0.05%.
  • Anatomical retention
    Anatomical retention

Possible Complications

Your doctor may prescribe pain and fever medications. After removal of the impacted dental unit, the patient will be disturbed by pain. If such discomfort does not go away within a few days, it is better to see a dentist in order to avoid the development of dangerous complications, such as alveolitis. To prevent such negative consequences, you must follow all the recommendations of a specialist and monitor oral hygiene.
