Every woman wants to look bright and attractive. For these purposes, she uses decorative cosmetics. To achieve the goal, various methods are used, including the use of false eyelashes. Such a procedure, according to the masters, is safe and painless. However, it uses chemicals that cause women to become allergic to eyelash glue.
Allergy Causes
Allergic reactions in each woman develop individually, which depends on the characteristics of the body. All materials used for the procedure are hypoallergenic, with the exception of eyelash glue.
It is used to attach artificial eyelashes to natural ones. With the right procedure, the eyelid should not come into contact with materials, so glue vapors are most often the allergen. This type of intolerance occurs in 80% of all cases.

Why is there an allergy to glue in eyelash extensions? For the procedure, the tool is used in two types: transparent and black. The first type of glue has a special advantage, because it does not contain any dyes.
To prevent such a reaction, it is necessary to check how the body reacts to the materials, and build up a small amount of eyelashes.
The main causes of this disease include:
- poor quality building materials;
- synthetic material that causes negative reactions;
- lack of professional experience and skills of the master.
Due to the body's reaction to the adhesive, the procedure is best done in a beauty salon that has a positive reputation.
Signs of eyelash glue allergy
When an allergen enters the body, the immune system responds in the form of various symptoms of the disease. What are the signs of an allergy to eyelash extension glue? These include the following symptoms:
- Redness of the eyelids.
- The whites of the eyes turn pink due to broken blood vessels.
- Dryness of the mucous membrane occurs.
- There is severe itching and burning.
- Wearing and sneezing appear.

It is important to know that with allergy symptoms, pain should not be observed. In the event of such a reaction,contact an ophthalmologist, especially girls who suffer from hypersensitivity to chemicals. In this case, the process may take a complicated course.
Distinguishing features of allergies
Allergy to eyelash glue glue is a lot like the symptoms that occur with poor quality work. The distinguishing features in this case are:
- When taking antihistamines, the signs of allergy will disappear, but with poor-quality work, they will not.
- When taking drugs, all symptoms disappear within a few days. Unpleasant sensations with incorrectly extended eyelashes persist until they are removed.
- When allergies occur irritating factors. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, pain appears.

Many girls are wondering if an allergy to glue can appear a few weeks after the procedure. Negative factors may occur in the following cases:
- Eyelashes need correction. Eyelashes peel off, which creates a tingling effect on the eyelid.
- In the absence of proper care for artificial eyelashes. If you do not wash them with water, then due to the remnants of cosmetics and dust, microorganisms multiply. Eyes begin to itch and watery.
If you experience symptoms of an allergy to eyelash glue, seek medical attention.
Eyelash Extension Precautions
When conductingprocedures, in order to avoid negative consequences, certain conditions must be observed.

When allergic to eyelash glue appears, the precautions are as follows:
- If you experience discomfort in the form of itching, burning or sneezing, then you should get rid of artificial eyelashes.
- In the room where the procedure is carried out, there must be good air exchange. To do this, be sure to install the hood.
- It is imperative to observe the humidity regime using a special device. If it is not available, place the glue solution next to a damp cloth.
- Many experts recommend the use of a hypoallergenic adhesive base, which prevents the occurrence of negative symptoms that occur during extensions.
- When performing the procedure, care must be taken to avoid injury to the eyes. A prerequisite for eyelash extensions is sterility.
- A qualified craftsman should always work with sterile instruments and sterile gloves.
- Before starting the procedure, you must ask the specialist for the name of the material used. If it meets the required quality standards, then the master will not hide its name.
After the eyelid extension procedure, you can apply a thin layer of castor or burdock oil. This will reduce the negative effect of the glue on the upper part of the eyelid.
Treating Allergy to Adhesive Extensionseyelashes
After establishing an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to proceed to therapeutic measures. The treatment for eyelash glue allergy is as follows:
- The presence of negative symptoms suggests that false eyelashes should be removed as soon as possible. Doing this procedure yourself is not recommended, so as not to damage your own eyelashes. It is necessary to contact the master, who will remove the glue with a special solution.
- If there is no opportunity to visit the master, then you can do this with the help of a fat cream. After applying the product to the eyes, the eyelids should be gently massaged and the material removed.
- After removing the eyelashes, rinse the eyelids with a decoction of chamomile to avoid recurrence.

If complications occur, allergy to eyelash glue should be treated with the following medications:
- Antihistamines can reduce swelling and itching. The most effective of them: "Suprastin" and "Tavegil".
- Okomistin drops will help get rid of redness of the eyes.
- Vizin can reduce the allergic reaction.
- Taking antibiotics will help avoid the risk of reinfection.
For the treatment to be carried out correctly and effectively, all appointments must be made by a doctor.
What to do if you are allergic to eyelash glue? This can be prevented if the specialist takes the following measuresprevention:

- It is necessary to apply only to qualified craftsmen who work in specially equipped premises.
- Mink lashes are best for eyelash extensions.
- Before the procedure, it is best to wear a mask to prevent harmful fumes from entering the respiratory tract.
- The master should work only with sterile gloves.
- Glue for eyelash extensions is best tested in advance. To do this, it is applied to the client's elbow and observed for reactions. Such a test is not always reliable, because the skin of the eyelids is much more tender. Sometimes the master applies a drop of glue near the lash line and leaves for a day. If there is no reaction, you can carry out the extension procedure.
- It is a prerequisite for the sterilization of instruments.
Only full compliance with preventive measures will allow you to get a positive result and prevent allergies to eyelash glue.
Not all girls are allowed to do eyelash extensions. There are several restrictions:
- individual intolerance to the substance used for building up;
- acute or chronic diseases of a viral or bacterial nature.

Therefore, before deciding on this procedure, it is necessary to take into account all the existing contraindications.
Eyelash extensions - procedure,which many girls use to improve their appearance. Sometimes it can cause severe allergic reactions, so you need to listen to your body in order to prevent complications.