Ascorbic acid powder: instructions for use, description and reviews

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Ascorbic acid powder: instructions for use, description and reviews
Ascorbic acid powder: instructions for use, description and reviews

Video: Ascorbic acid powder: instructions for use, description and reviews

Video: Ascorbic acid powder: instructions for use, description and reviews
Video: Bone Fractures Types Nursing Interventions, Treatment, Signs and Symptoms NCLEX 2024, September

A person receives different mineral complexes and vitamins from his diet. Each product is rich in certain important substances. But sometimes it happens that there is a deficiency of vitamins, trace elements or macronutrients. What to do then? Fortunately, drug manufacturers create various dietary supplements and useful complexes. If necessary, you can purchase them and replenish the missing substances. Today's article will tell you about how and when ascorbic acid powder is used. Reviews of this substance will also be presented to your attention.

ascorbic acid powder
ascorbic acid powder

Medication description

Ascorbic acid in powder is a friable white substance interspersed with crystals. It tastes quite sour, but some consumers talk about the presence of sweetnote. The product is also available in other forms, in which various sweeteners and flavors can be added.

Ascorbinka is packaged in a sachet of 1 or 2.5 grams. Consider the acquired dose when using the drug, this is important. This substance is sold without a special prescription. One pack can contain from 10 to 100 sachets. The cost of one bag is an average of 5 rubles. Ascorbic acid (in powder) has instructions on its packaging. Also, the annotation is attached as a separate sheet in the overall package.

Composition and action

What does Ascorbic Acid contain in its composition? The powder (2.5 grams) includes vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. The manufacturer does not use additional substances. The action of the drug is due to its constituent component.

Ascorbinka has an immunomodulatory effect: it increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Also, this vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is involved in metabolic processes. Ascorbic acid has an antioxidant and detoxifying effect. The drug is able to influence the acidity of the environment in the injection area. Vitamin strengthens bones, teeth and hair, participates in the formation of intracellular collagen. Since ancient times, ascorbic acid (in powder and other forms) has been used in almost all diseases. It was used in folk medicine, to this day it is used in cosmetology, gynecology, therapy and other branches of medical practice.

ascorbic acid powder instruction
ascorbic acid powder instruction

What is it prescribed for and in what cases is it unacceptable to use?

What does the instruction say about the indications for the use of the drug "Ascorbic acid" (powder)? According to the annotation, this remedy is prescribed for vitamin C deficiency, hypovitaminosis. Often it is found under the following conditions:

  • period of active growth in a child;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • not enough proper nutrition or diet;
  • heavy mental stress and overwork;
  • physical training;
  • infectious diseases in acute and chronic form;
  • heavy periods in women;
  • in autumn and winter.

It is contraindicated to use the vitamin in any form with hypersensitivity. Also, the remedy is not prescribed if a person suffers from diabetes and has a tendency to thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. Ascorbic acid powder is not used with an excess of vitamin C, confirmed by laboratory tests. Otherwise, there is a risk of an overdose, which is fraught with its consequences.

ascorbic acid powder application
ascorbic acid powder application

How to take ascorbic acid powder: preparation method

Before you use the product, you need to dilute it. The ratio is one to one. Use potable water to prepare the solution. If you doubt its purity, then it is better to boil it first and cool the liquid to room temperature. Open the package and read the instructions carefully. The abstract describes in detail howascorbic acid is diluted: place the powder (2.5 grams) in 2.5 liters of water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

The solution is taken only freshly prepared. It is best to consume it after meals to avoid digestive problems.

ascorbic acid powder price
ascorbic acid powder price

Dosage for children and adults

So, you diluted ascorbic acid powder. The use of the drink requires the use of a measuring cup. Only in this way will you be able to correctly determine the prescribed dose.

  • For the treatment of vitamin deficiency, adults are prescribed 50-100 milliliters up to 5 times a day. Children need to take 50 milliliters 2-3 times a day.
  • For the purpose of prevention, use for adults from 50 to 100 milliliters a day, and for children 50 milliliters once.
  • Expectant mothers with a laboratory-confirmed lack of vitamin C or during a cold are recommended 300 milliliters for one or two weeks. Then you need to switch to the use of 100 milliliters of the drug per day.

Do not exceed the maximum daily dose: for adults it is 1 gram of the drug (4 sachets).

ascorbic acid powder 2 5
ascorbic acid powder 2 5

Ascorbic acid and other drugs

What else does the instruction for use tell the consumer about the Ascorbic Acid preparation? Powder (2.5 grams) is perfectly combined with other medicines. It is often prescribed in addition to antiviral compounds and an immunomodulator. Complex therapy with antibiotics is also carried out. Worth rememberingthe following important information:

  • the effect of the drug is reduced by taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • the drug is excreted in the urine in a larger volume when using barbiturates;
  • vitamin C improves iron absorption;
  • in high doses, it affects the acidity of urine, which is fraught with its consequences.

More information

About the drug "Ascorbic acid" (powder 2.5 g), the instruction says that the drug should be used with extreme caution in patients with urolithiasis. Due to the fact that vitamin powder enhances the absorption of iron, it may adversely affect the condition of patients with blood diseases.

The manufacturer does not recommend giving the drug to a child under the age of 3 years. But in the annotation, no prohibitions regarding the use in pediatrics are specified. Doctors often prescribe vitamin C to preschool and school-age children.

ascorbic acid instructions for use powder 2 5
ascorbic acid instructions for use powder 2 5

Vitamin reviews

What can patients say about the remedy described? Ascorbic acid reviews are different, but most of them are still positive.

Consumers report taste of medicine. The solution after preparation has a sweetish-sour taste. Not every person can use it without difficulty. Therefore, some users add sweeteners to the drink: honey, sugar or sweeteners. The manufacturer does not prohibit these actions, since they do not lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug. Honey in turn oppositehas an additional immunomodulatory effect on the body.

What do users say about the effectiveness of ascorbic acid? Consumers say that this substance helped them cope with illnesses during the cold season. After all, it is then that the peak of colds begins, the infection spreads. Ascorbic acid increases the body's resistance. It has a good effect on general well-being, improves blood composition. Taking the medication does not oblige the consumer to receive negative emotions. You can simply drink a drink instead of tea: the product is not bitter and does not leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

Children also like to take this medicine, especially if the child has prepared it himself. But doctors warn: it is possible to give ascorbic acid in powder to small patients only as directed. Arbitrariness is not allowed here. An overdose of the drug may cause unpleasant reactions.

The negative effects of therapy are most often manifested by allergies: rash, urticaria, pruritus. Less commonly, swelling of the mucous membranes occurs. When using large doses, a disorder of the digestive function may occur. At the same time, the patient has flatulence, increased urge to defecate, liquefaction of the stool. In patients with prolonged use of the drug, blood pressure may increase, urine turns dark (reddish). Usually, all unpleasant reactions go away on their own after the cancellation of the vitamin powder. In rare situations, gastric lavage and the use of sorbents are required.

ascorbic acid powder2 5g instruction
ascorbic acid powder2 5g instruction

Let's make a conclusion

From the article you were able to learn about the drug "Ascorbic acid". The powder, the price of which is given for your reference, is used in many industries. It is used even in gynecology to reduce the level of acidity of the vagina and restore the correct microflora. In cosmetology, powder is used to prepare masks that have a tonic effect, increase skin elasticity, and improve complexion.

Reviews about the drug are mostly good. Consumers are satisfied with the intake of the vitamin. Only in rare cases, ascorbic acid is spoken of in a negative tone. This is more common among patients who self-medicate. Therefore, for proper therapy and selection of the correct dose of the drug, be sure to consult a doctor. Good he alth and strong immunity to you!
