The arm does not unbend at the elbow after training: causes, consequences, first aid and expert advice

The arm does not unbend at the elbow after training: causes, consequences, first aid and expert advice
The arm does not unbend at the elbow after training: causes, consequences, first aid and expert advice

Many athletes have encountered a problem when, after training, the arm at the elbow does not unbend. The condition is accompanied by pain when lifting weights or with any, even a small, load. Why does this happen, how can it be avoided, what to do in this case and which specialist to turn to for help? You will learn all this by reading this article.

Main factor

Often people decide to go to the gym before the summer beach season and think that after a month of intense training their unprepared body will take on wonderful forms. However, exorbitant loads can harm the body that is not accustomed to such frequent activities.

pain when bending the elbow
pain when bending the elbow

Therefore, traumatic situations most often happen to beginners. Sometimes the causes of pain and the fact that the arm does not unbend at the elbow after training can be pathology of the joints, which a person could notsuspect until they make themselves felt after an increased load.

Common causes of pain

Coming to the gym for the first time, a novice athlete diligently performs all the exercises given to him by the coach, so that he would not be ashamed in front of experienced "rollers". Naturally, the body, not accustomed to such loads, responds with pain throughout the body. Beginners believe that if the whole body hurts, then they have worked hard. But this is completely the wrong approach.

elbow hurts when stretching
elbow hurts when stretching

After training, the athlete should feel a pleasant fatigue in the muscles, but not severe pain. Let's look at what happens in the human body after heavy loads:

  • if the muscles are poorly warmed up and stretched, and a person starts working on weight machines, then pain may appear due to microcracks in the muscles, which eventually become inflamed and hurt a lot;
  • a person may experience burning pain. This indicates that you are overworked. The tissues produce a lot of lactic acid, which prevents normal blood circulation. At this time, there is a lack of oxygen, and the muscles refuse to perform contractile movements, which leads to the fact that the elbow does not extend after training. Most often, this problem appears after enhanced exercises for the biceps;
  • stretching of the ligaments occurs with sudden movements of the hands, for example, when jerking at the moment of lifting the barbell. This happens when the athlete spent little time warming up and warming up the muscles, notdid stretching exercises;
  • dislocation of the joint also causes severe pain and limb failure to move. Here you definitely need to contact a specialist for help;
  • poor metabolism in muscle tissues. This is a chemical process that breaks down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to provide the energy needed for exercise. In this case, toxins are released, which are normally excreted through a network of capillaries. This requires a lot of oxygen. If the release occurs slowly, then all these decay products accumulate in the tissues, which leads to pain and failure of the elbow joint.

Appearance of edema

Swelling may be the reason why the elbow does not fully extend after a workout. Swelling of the elbow joint can occur for the following reasons:

  • the body is not yet accustomed to physical activity;
  • overexertion after intense training can cause microtrauma and sprains, leading to swelling;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints.

Pathological factors

It may be painful to extend the arm at the elbow after a workout due to diseases of the spine and joints:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic. Although mobility in the elbow is maintained, it is very painful to extend and bend the arm.
  2. Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. This is an inflammatory process of the tendons after strong physical exertion. It is manifested by pain in the elbow with grasping, rotational movements, lifting a load. External changes are not visible, however, on palpationsoreness occurs.
  3. Arthrosis may be the result of a past injury or hormonal disorders in the body. The pain occurs during flexion-extensor movements, sometimes accompanied by a crunch. If treatment is not started in time, then bone growths form on the bones, which can subsequently lead to the fact that the elbow will generally cease to unbend to the end.
  4. Arthritis inflammation of the joints can lead to the fact that the arm does not extend at the elbow after a workout. The painful area swells and the skin color changes.
bursitis of the elbow joint
bursitis of the elbow joint

5. Bursitis can develop due to arthritis. Edema appears on the back of the elbow from the accumulation of fluid in the synovial sac of the olecranon.

Identification of the cause

To understand the true reason why the arm does not unbend at the elbow after training, you can after consulting a doctor. If the pain is temporary, then the correct organization of loads, a good warm-up before the main lesson will help. After training, it is advisable to massage the limb, rub the muscles to get rid of lactic acid in the tissues.

why does the elbow not flex
why does the elbow not flex

A hot shower will help to relax, and s alt baths will help relieve stress and inflammation from the elbow. If the pain is severe and prolonged, then there is no need to hesitate, it is better to go to the therapist and check the condition of the joint.

First aid for swelling

It hurts to unbend the elbow after a workout in a he althy person may be from the accumulation of lactic acid in the tissues. To relieve pain, reduce swellingin the elbow joint and return the former activity to the movements of the hand, you need to know how to provide first aid after training.

swelling with inflammation of the elbow joint
swelling with inflammation of the elbow joint

A fitness trainer may recommend that an athlete take a warm bath with sea s alt added. This will relieve tension from the muscles and inflammation of the joint. It will take 15 minutes to complete the procedure.

Self-massage after a workout will restore blood circulation, remove numbness of the limb and speed up metabolism. A steam room with a broom will help you recover well.

If swelling is accompanied by discoloration of the skin or a hematoma, then you need to urgently go to the doctor.

First aid for a torn ligament

If after a workout you find that there is a sharp pain in the elbow, swelling, a bruise, it is impossible to move the arm and elbow, and the deformity of the elbow joint is visually visible, then most likely you have a torn ligament. First of all, you need to apply cold to the sore spot, for example, ice wrapped in a napkin, and immobilize the arm, fixing it with a splint.

cold compress for torn ligament
cold compress for torn ligament

A light massage can be done around the elbow, but only where there is no pain. This will speed up blood flow and reduce pain. It is strictly forbidden to take a hot shower or warm the place of the gap. After a couple of days, when the pain subsides and the swelling subsides, you can apply warm compresses and start working out the hand with smooth movements.

If it was not possible to cope with the problem at home, and the pain and swelling, on the contrary, only increase, you need to contactsee a doctor.

Help doctors

Possibly a dislocated joint or a sprain. Radiography will help to understand the cause of the inflammatory process, whether there are pathological changes in the joints or bones.

In any case, you can not continue training. If your elbows do not bend after a workout, give your arms complete rest and consult a doctor immediately. If the pain occurs only in the left elbow, then this may indicate the presence of heart disease. The doctor in this case will prescribe an ECG.

If a general blood test showed the presence of a coccal infection, then the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If a nerve injury occurs, the athlete will be referred for a consultation with a neurologist.

If the x-ray shows that there is a crack or fracture on the elbow, the surgeon will apply a plaster cast. Then special exercises will be required to develop the joint and restore its mobility.

Now you know the possible reasons for not bending the elbow after exercise and will be able to provide first aid to yourself and your comrades in time. Stay he althy!
