Polyphasic sleep is the ability to sleep two hours a day

Polyphasic sleep is the ability to sleep two hours a day
Polyphasic sleep is the ability to sleep two hours a day

On average, a person spends 25 years of his life sleeping. For some, this thought haunts, because they do not want to waste time in vain, because they have many important or interesting things to do. It is curious that in history there were people who slept a total of two hours a day. This mode allows you to save 20 out of 25 years! Today, some have managed to learn this method, it is called polyphasic sleep. Read the article to learn about this method.

What is polyphasic sleep?

This is a technique when a person refuses a good night's rest. Instead, he falls asleep several times a day for short periods. So he can take only two to four hours to rest. It is worth noting that there are no official studies, so everyone decides for himself whether to use this time-saving method or not.

polyphasic dreams
polyphasic dreams

Those people who practice such rest have divided polyphasic dreams into several execution techniques.

So, there are modes: Siesta, Everyman, Tesla, Uberman,Dymaxion. But a person can make his own schedule or choose for himself from those that already exist. In the second form, polyphasic sleep (the Everyman technique) is practiced more often than others. In this case, at night, you can sleep for 1.5-3 hours, and during the rest of the time, after the same period of time, doze for 20 minutes three times.

Where to start

The first thing to do is to clearly calculate the time when you will go to bed and get up. Further, it is important to cultivate such habits in yourself:

  • get up as soon as the alarm goes off;
  • avoid tea, coffee, cola and other caffeinated drinks;
  • do not take alcohol.

Before you start practicing polyphasic dreams, you need to have a good sleep for the last time at night and during the day, pause for sleep for 20 minutes after an equal amount of time (calculate in advance). You can’t skip them, otherwise it will be possible to recover only after a normal sleep.

polyphasic sleep pattern
polyphasic sleep pattern

This regime will have to be observed very strictly for about five days. Do not drive during this time.

First Feelings

Almost everyone can accustom themselves to such a regime, only some will not be able to do it. But in any case, you will have to go through a time when the body goes through a period of adaptation. You will feel irritable and sleepy. The desire to doze off after the alarm clock needs to be defeated. The benefits of such a dream can only be felt by a person after adaptation.

Recommendations for adaptation time

Polyphasic dreams are goodopportunity to do a lot. But in order to learn how to live like this, strong motivation is needed at first. The days will start to feel much longer than usual, so avoid passive activities, especially at night. Reading or watching movies is not recommended.

Good planning is a great helper. For example, before the next pause for sleep, clearly decide what you will do in the next four hours after waking up.

polyphasic sleep technique
polyphasic sleep technique

Optimal if you sleep for 20 minutes. It will be difficult to fall asleep right away at first, but soon you will start to pass out. When it's nap time, turn off your thoughts, like counting your heartbeats. Never stay asleep after a call.

Pros of sleeping in this mode

Polyphasic dreams help you prioritize your life. While doing unimportant things, a person is drawn to sleep. Therefore, involuntarily, you begin to do only what is really important. You can make a list of activities that you can do in this free time. There will also be an opportunity to learn a new and exciting craft. Interestingly, in the past, it was creative people or geniuses who slept two hours a day, because they were very passionate about their work.

The advantage of polyphasic sleep will be that all household chores will be completed.

When you get used to sleeping a couple of hours a day, your time will begin to be calculated not in days, but in hours.
