"Simpatil": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues, reviews

"Simpatil": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues, reviews
"Simpatil": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues, reviews

Sleep problems and constant stress contribute to the development of many diseases. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your psycho-emotional state.

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sympathized instructions for use

To calm and normalize sleep, many patients take special sedatives. One of them is "Simpatil". The price of this medicine, reviews about it, analogues and the way it is used will be presented below.

Medication description, composition and form

The medicine "Simpatil" goes on sale in the form of tablets. They have a blue film shell, as well as a round and biconvex shape.

This preparation contains dry extracts of hawthorn and escholcia, as well as magnesium oxide. In addition, this product contains microcrystalline cellulose, micronized stearic acid and sodium carboxymethyl starch. As for the blue film shell, it consists of a protective glaze, colored powder, macrogol 6000, indigo carmine, azorubine and iron oxide yellow.

Simpatil tablets are packaged in blisters and packs of thick paper, respectively.

Features of the drug

What is remarkable about the drug"Cute"? Instructions for use indicate that this remedy has a sedative effect, and also eliminates tachycardia, anxiety and autonomic disorders associated with them. In addition, taking this medicine normalizes sleep.

The active substances contained in hawthorn extract are flavonoids and triterpene compounds that have an antispasmodic effect. They selectively expand the vessels of the brain and heart, and also reduce the excitability of the myocardium and central nervous system.

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Eschscholzia extract also has a sedative effect. In addition, it has an anxiolytic effect, improves the quality of sleep in dyssomnia (mild forms) and reduces the time to fall asleep.

As for magnesium, it improves the regulation of transmembrane exchange of potassium and sodium ions, and is also an antagonist of calcium ions. Also, this component reduces the ability to contract striated and smooth muscles, to conduct excitation through synapses (neuromuscular) and has an antispasmodic, neurosedative and anxiolytic effect.

Drug kinetics

Are Simpatil tablets absorbed? Instructions for use informs that magnesium oxide in the stomach is converted to magnesium chloride. It is absorbed in the small intestine by a passive absorption mechanism. Its suction rate is no more than 50%.

Magnesium is excreted in the urine.

The action of herbal ingredients is difficult for kinetic studies.


When should a patient be prescribed the drug "Sympatil"? Instructions for use informs about such indications of the drug as:

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  • sleep disorder (mild)
  • a state of stress and emotional tension that is accompanied by anxiety, irritability and irritability, fear, anxiety, palpitations and excessive fatigue.


Simpatil tablets, reviews of which are described below, should not be taken when:

  • severe kidney failure;
  • underage;
  • hypersensitivity to drug ingredients.

Preparation "Simpatil": instructions for use

See your doctor to determine the dosage of this medicine. If this is not possible, then you need to study the instructions.

As a rule, the drug in question is prescribed in the amount of 2 tablets twice a day. They are taken orally in the morning and at bedtime (before eating, drinking water).

The course of treatment with this remedy can last up to 3-4 weeks. The interval between treatments should be 21 days.

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Side effects

The drug "Simpatil", the price of which is indicated at the end of the article, is well tolerated by patients. Sometimes, against the background of its reception, problems with the digestive system may occur. As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea and pain in the epigastric region.

Drug overdose

About where to buy this drug, we will tell below. Taking it in high doses can lead to problems with urination, namely urinary retention. To treat this condition, rehydration and forced diuresis are used. Kidney failure requires peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis.

Interaction with other medicines

How do Simpatil tablets interact with other drugs? Reviews of experts say that it is highly recommended not to combine this medicine with medicines that contain quinidine. This is due to the fact that this combination helps to reduce the renal excretion of quinidine due to alkalinization of the urine. It is also possible to develop an overdose due to an increase in the concentration of quinidine in the blood.

Special Recommendations

The attending physician is obliged to warn the patient about the aggravation of any of the side effects listed in the instructions or about the appearance of other undesirable reactions that were not mentioned.

During the period of treatment with this remedy, extreme caution should be exercised when engaging in hazardous types of work that require special attention (including driving vehicles).

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liked analogues

This medication should not be taken while breastfeeding or during pregnancy.

Conditions of purchase, storage and shelf life of the medicine

Where to buy the drug we are considering? According to consumers, it is sold in all pharmacies.

This medicine is available without a doctor's prescription. Store it in a dry place protectedfrom the sun's rays. Its shelf life is three years. After this time, it is forbidden to take the drug.

Analogues of the drug and its cost

The price of such a sedative drug in different pharmacies may be different. When buying a French-made medicine in the amount of 40 tablets, you will have to give about 250-300 people.

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What can replace the drug "Simpatil"? Analogues of this agent with the same active substance are not available. If you need to replace it, you should consult a doctor.

Quite often, instead of the drug in question, patients are prescribed medicines that contain hawthorn and other herbal ingredients. This medication includes "Novo-Passit" in the form of tablets. However, it should be noted that the cost of this sedative significantly exceeds the price of Simpatil. For 30 Novo-Passita tablets you will have to pay about 400 rubles.

Reviews from consumers and doctors

Doctors say that the drug in question is a very effective sedative. Its herbal ingredients help to quickly calm the patient, as well as eliminate anxiety and irritability.

As for consumers, their opinion completely coincides with the opinion of specialists. Patients claim that regular intake of this drug really improves their psycho-emotional state. In addition, this medication normalizes sleep, making it stronger.

However, it should be noted that taking "Simpatil"for a long time is not recommended. Although it contains herbal extracts, it may be slightly addictive.

Does this tool have negative sides? They are rarely reported in reviews. According to patients, the disadvantages of the drug "Simpatil" include the fact that it should not be given to children under the age of majority, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers.

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medicine sympathized

As for obvious advantages, this medicine has several of them. First, it effectively copes with its direct task. Secondly, in the process of taking pills, patients almost never experience side effects. Thirdly, this medicine does not have an impressive list of contraindications, and therefore almost anyone can use it.
