In the article, we will consider how to do inhalations with Hydrocortisone.
With the change of weather, colds happen every season. This problem is especially relevant for the parents of children, a small body is not so stable, it must be treated with reliable and at the same time gentle drugs. Especially for this, "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation is suitable.

What is inhalation?
This is the use of drugs by inhalation through the nasal cavity. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of such diseases: tonsillitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the larynx and ligaments, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, laryngopharyngitis; for the prevention of pathologies; ARI with sore throat and cough.
Steam helps reduce inflammation, spasms, swelling. Promotes hydration and removal of bronchial mucus. As a result, the disease is "removed" from the human body with the help of frequent expectoration.accumulated sputum.
Characteristics of the drug
The drug "Hydrocortisone" is a strong hormonal drug, which is one of the glucocorticoids. A natural analogue of the hormone cortisol, located in the adrenal cortex. Each package contains instructions for inhalation. You can buy the drug at the pharmacy.
It must be remembered that the medicine is recommended for use only with a prescription from a specialist.
Inhalations with "Hydrocortisone" act simultaneously in several directions: against shock, itching, inflammation, toxins and allergies. There are the following forms of release: tablets; lyophilized powder; hydrocortisone suspension.
Most popular drug
The most popular drug for inhalation is Hydrocortisone Richter. The medicine is produced in Hungary, is available in the form of ampoules, with a long stay in one position, a precipitate forms at the bottom. The volume is five milliliters, it is used for the treatment of serious illnesses, since it contains many excipients. Lighter forms of diseases require the drug "Hydrocortisone Acetate" (in the form of ampoules of two milliliters). Shake before use. Often used simultaneously with lidocaine (intramuscular injections).
Hydrocortisone inhalation solution is made exclusively from ampoules, no other form of the drug is suitable.

Features of the action of the tool
The drug is produced both in its pure form and mixed with lidocaine. Represents a localan anesthetic that reduces the heart rate and eliminates spasms. An otolaryngologist or pediatrician may prescribe just such a combination.
For example, Hydrocortisone Richter for inhalation contains lidocaine. This drug is aimed at suppressing inflammation and reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins, which ensures the elimination of spasms and pain.
Specificity of glucocorticoids:
- eliminate puffiness;
- eliminate allergic inflammations and reactions;
- thinn sputum, help to separate it and remove it more quickly;
- provide immunostimulatory function while maintaining interferon production.
“Hydrocortisone” in ampoules is used for acute attacks, tangible effectiveness is observed after 10-15 minutes. This result is explained by the focal effect of the drug. Patients note the elimination of spasms, easier breathing, improved expectorant effect.
Experts say:

- the use of these glucocorticoids has few side effects; the most important thing in the procedure is to follow the proportion exactly;
- specialist will make the correct calculation; before use, you need to inform him about all the pathologies that are among the contraindications (if any).
What else does the instructions for use for Hydrocortisone for inhalation tell us?
Indications for use
The drug is a synthetic analogue of naturaladrenal hormone from among glucocorticoids, is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, eliminates inflammation and swelling.
Otolaryngologists and pediatricians prescribe an emulsion for use in a nebulizer - a special device that sprays medicinal substances into a special reservoir for inhalation.
Besides being highly effective, Hydrocortisone inhalations are very easy to use. Such a procedure is assigned in the following situations:
- With bronchitis, that is, inflammation processes that occur in the bronchial mucous membranes. The disease is characterized by the appearance of mucus, has a non-infectious, viral or bacterial origin.
- With laryngitis - a pathology that affects the larynx. It is caused by incorrect thermal conditions (overheating or hypothermia), ligament tension and infection in the body.
- With laryngotracheitis - inflammation that covers both the larynx and the upper tracheal sections.
- With bronchial asthma, which is characterized by shortness of breath and narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, possible whistles or wheezing in the sternum, wet cough. Most often, an allergenic origin or develops due to the excessive susceptibility of the patient's body to certain irritants.
- In acute attacks of coughing, which are accompanied by spasms. It is very important to use the drug in the form of ampoules for inhalation only in a scheme strictly defined by the doctor. Since the manufactured drug in ampoules, in accordance with the instructions, is not intended for inhalation.

Instructions for use in the form of inhalation
How to dilute "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation?
In the steam method, water is heated in a saucepan and brought to a boil. Then, the tip of the drug ampoule is broken off, and a suspension is drawn into the syringe (depending on the patient's age and condition). Further, "Hydrocortisone" is dissolved in water, the liquid cools. Then you can start inhalation.
When using a nebulizer, you should pour boiling water over its container before the procedure. The next step is to open the ampoule and pour the medicine into the machine using a syringe. Next, in the same way, you need to add saline to the container. For adults, the ratio of drugs is 2:1, and for children, on the contrary, it is 1:2, that is, there should be more saline. When everything is ready, you can turn on the nebulizer and inhale.
You can use improvised means - a towel, boiling water and a regular saucepan. You can carry out such manipulation in the same way as breathing over potatoes. Care must be taken when adding the drug to boiling water, the amount is specified by a specialist.
The time of inhalation of the drug for children is determined by the age category (five years - five minutes, nine years - nine, etc.) In adult patients one time - 15 minutes.
It is permissible to carry out no more than five procedures per day for 5 to 10 days. If there is no effect after this, you need to contact a specialist again.

A more correct and reliable way -use a nebulizer for inhalation. This is a special apparatus into which the solution is poured, it emits steam in a dosed manner.
Inhalation in a nebulizer with "Hydrocortisone" is especially recommended for children with illnesses. It is necessary to dilute one milliliter of the drug with two milliliters of saline, place the solution in the device. The device has several nozzles that are designed for point therapy of inflamed areas. In this regard, the number and time of procedures is reduced by half.
In order for the procedure to work as necessary, you need to carefully read the instructions for using the Hydrocortisone suspension, which describes in detail the stages of the procedure. In addition, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed:
- inhalations are carried out thirty minutes - an hour after eating;
- 30 minutes before the manipulation, you can not exercise, the patient's body must be at rest;
- need to breathe properly; if the disease affects the nose, then through the nose, and in diseases of the respiratory tract and larynx - through the mouth;
- after inhalation, you can not talk and eat for an hour, go outside and smoke - two hours;
- carefully monitor the temperature of the steam; for children for inhalation, it should be thirty degrees, and for adults, patients can be warmed up to seventy.
You need to breathe calmly, it is forbidden to talk during the procedure. This task is especially difficult for young patients. The use of this drug alone does not guarantee recovery. This will require a completetreatment that includes antibiotics and other treatments.
Consider the instructions for "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation for children.
Features of the use of inhalation for the treatment of children
Children are not prescribed inhalations as often as adults. This remedy is hormonal, and it is used with caution to treat a growing body with reduced immunity. The dosage of "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation is very different from the adult dosage. Only a doctor can prescribe a drug for babies up to two years of age.
One milliliter of substance can contain up to five milliliters of saline. The dosage depends on the condition of the child's body and the severity of the disease. "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation to patients under two years of age is prescribed in extreme cases - with laryngeal edema or lung pathology. The number of inhalations - no more than two per day for five days. If the disease continues, the doctor prescribes another drug. Emulsion "Hydrocortisone" is prescribed for therapy no more than once every six months.
It should be noted that when used twice a day, the drug can be used for three days. From the fourth, it is necessary to switch to a single inhalation and gradually abandon it (rules for stopping the use of hormonal drugs).
The doctor will tell you exactly how to properly dilute the remedy for children's inhalation, based on the individual characteristics of a particular child. Using inhalation for severe cough or acute pain, the patient will feel the effect in ten minutes. It is advisable to do this at night, as the child willwake up less often, his sleep will become more sound.
Inhalations for laryngitis with "Hydrocortisone"
The drug is diluted with saline in the same proportions as in bronchial asthma or bronchitis. Using it for laryngitis, one should take into account the following feature: the steam must be inhaled through the mouth and nose, as the larynx becomes inflamed.
Combined preparations help eliminate puffiness and speed up the healing process. If the body is not sensitive to the composition, a mixture is prepared for inhalation: combine one milliliter of Kalanchoe juice, an emulsion of "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation, a solution of chinosol (1%), a solution of ethonium (2%).
When asking a specialist how to properly inhale a hormonal agent, you need to know that this type of treatment is not in itself a guarantee of recovery. It is effective only with an integrated approach prescribed by a doctor.

Use during pregnancy
Use "Hydrocortisone" during pregnancy is prohibited at any time. This stops the development of the fetus or provokes a spontaneous miscarriage. The current pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs that are approved for lactating and pregnant women. However, this medicine does not apply to them, including its analogues.
Are Hydrocortisone inhalations always safe for adults and children?

Contraindications and side effects
When using the emulsion not according to the instructionsthe disease may worsen. In addition to the violation, an allergic reaction to the components may also occur. In this case, insomnia, nausea and vomiting are observed.
- frequent nosebleeds (weak nasal vessels);
- high temperature (over 37.2);
- lung pathologies caused by tuberculosis, emphysema and oncology;
- pregnancy;
- diabetes;
- patient age over 60;
- diseases of the stomach;
- breastfeeding.
Combination with other medicines
"Hydrocortisone" in ampoules does not combine well with other drugs. It is able to enhance the negative properties of paracetamol, which is contained in most antipyretics. Accelerates the excretion of antibiotics from the body, blocks the effect of cardiac drugs. When other hormonal substances are used at the same time, the combination with Hydrocortisone causes acne.