Essential oil "Breathe": instructions for use and reviews

Essential oil "Breathe": instructions for use and reviews
Essential oil "Breathe": instructions for use and reviews

During the cold season, which falls in autumn-winter, it becomes dangerous to visit public places. The rapid spread of SARS can lead to an epidemic. This is facilitated by cold and slush, windy and rainy weather. With hypothermia, the body's defenses are reduced, and infection can easily enter the body.

The complex of essential oils "Breathe" will help prevent the disease or stop its development at the very beginning. Inhalation of air saturated with vapors of essential oils contributes to the disinfection of the respiratory tract and prevents the penetration of microbes into the body.

breathe essential oil
breathe essential oil

Essential oil "Dyshi" ("Biosphere") is known for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tonic and immunostimulating properties. Each component of the drug is natural and, performing its functions, enhances the effect of other components.

When to use Breathe essential oil?

It is important to remember that the oil is effective only at the very beginning of the disease, when the first signs appear, and also if you are cold orcaught in the rain.

But even if the disease is already in full swing, the Breathe essential oil blend will help relieve symptoms such as nasal congestion, headache, sore throat, and also protect the rest of the family from infection.

Inhalations with "Dyshi" oil perfectly help with rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis.

Composition and properties of components

The dominant component in the composition of the drug is peppermint menthol oil, which helps to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, narrow the vessels of the respiratory tract mucosa, reduce swelling and secretion of mucus. In addition, it has an invigorating and analgesic effect, acts as an analgesic (eliminates headaches) for colds.

Antimicrobial and antiviral effect is provided by eucalyptus oil as part of the preparation. The vapors of this oil, when inhaled, reduce inflammation, have an antipyretic effect and increase the body's defenses.

Cajeput oil, which is obtained from a tree called cajeput (also called white tea tree), is used to disinfect the air and increase the tone of the body, has antiseptic properties.

Wintergreen oil is useful for respiratory diseases, relieves inflammation and sensations of itching and sore throat.

Clove oil has a detrimental effect on viruses, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

essential oil breathe instruction
essential oil breathe instruction

Juniper oil is a natural antiseptic. His couplesprevent the spread of viruses, have an immunomodulatory effect.

The presence of naturally occurring menthol (levomenthol) in the composition helps to reduce the severity of symptoms in conditions such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. It has a moderate antispasmodic effect, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties.

How to use

Essential oils are safe and easy to use. Everyone can choose the most convenient form for themselves - drops, spray or patch. The bottle of oil is convenient in that it can be carried with you and used as needed. To flavor the air in the room, two or three drops are applied to a napkin or cloth.

Essential oil "Dyshi" (spray, 30 ml vial) is suitable for indoor air disinfection. It is sprayed in the air (1-2 sprays are enough), repeated 2-4 times. If a member of the family falls ill, you can spray the curtains with a spray, which will help spread the vapors of essential oils throughout the room.

Before going into public places, you can sprinkle a few drops of oil on your scarf. Essential oil "Dyshi" will not leave marks on the fabric. While at work or school, you can spray the oil around you.

breathe essential oil blend
breathe essential oil blend

For acupressure use a small amount of oil (1 splash), which is applied to the pulsation zones. Do not apply to the head and face.

Application Features

Like any medical product, essential oil has its own characteristics of use"Breathe." Instructions for its use says that:

- oil is not applied to mucous membranes and skin that has wounds or scratches;

- if oil gets into eyes, rinse them with plenty of water;

- if unusual reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a physician;

- if the oil has expired, it cannot be used.

Benefits of Breathe Oil

  • Naturality. Essential oil "Dyshi" is a completely natural product.
  • Safety. The non-contact method of applying the oil contributes to the fact that there is no overdrying of the mucous membranes. Another plus is that "Dyshi" essential oil is not addictive. The instruction says that the drug can be used for a long time. Approved for use by children 3 months and older.
breathing essential oil complex
breathing essential oil complex
  • Efficiency. The drug can be used both as a prevention of SARS, and to reduce the symptoms of the onset of the disease. According to studies, the use of oil significantly reduces the duration of SARS, quickly relieves the symptoms of nasal congestion.
  • Frugality. Even if you use the oil daily, one bottle will last for 1-2 months.

Use in children

Starting to attend kindergarten or school, children often get sick. The reasons for this are the disturbed daily routine, increased loads, short daylight hours, rains and slush. All these factors affect the immunity of children. In addition, alwaysthere is a risk of infection from an already ill peer.

The use of "Dyshi" oil as a prophylactic agent can reduce the incidence of ARVI, as well as alleviate the course and shorten the duration of the onset of the disease. In addition, it prevents the development of complications. Inhalations using oil are useful for normalizing nasal breathing.

breathe essential oil spray fl 30ml
breathe essential oil spray fl 30ml

To protect your baby during the day, just sprinkle some oil on a scarf or collar of his clothes. If the child attends kindergarten, the oil can be applied to a favorite soft toy. The pleasant aroma of pine needles will be an invisible defense that will protect against viruses and bacteria.


Judging by the reviews of those who used the "Dyshi" essential oil, this remedy perfectly copes with a runny nose, allows you to breathe freely. For those who are very sensitive to odors, it is important not to exceed the recommended doses, as the product has a sharp aroma. In addition, many note that the use of oil during the period of colds helps not to get sick, even if you often have to be in public places.

essential oil breathe biosphere
essential oil breathe biosphere

Of course, this remedy will not be as effective if the disease has already taken its toll, but it will help to improve well-being, make breathing easier and increase immunity.
