Pine essential oil: properties and use in traditional medicine

Pine essential oil: properties and use in traditional medicine
Pine essential oil: properties and use in traditional medicine

In the world of cosmetology and medicine, various essential oils, extracts and extracts are widely used. Most of them actually have healing properties. One such remedy is pine essential oil. To date, there are more than 125 species of this plant. Each has similar beneficial properties. The most common in our strip is Siberian pine. Let's take a closer look at what pine essential oil is. Properties and applications in traditional medicine will also be described in the article.

pine essential oil properties and uses
pine essential oil properties and uses

The history of oil

Scientists believe that the pine is one of the oldest trees in the world. It's no secret that the pine forest gives cheerfulness and light breathing, this plant really has a special energy.

Even before our era, people learned to extract fragrant substances from pine trees. About 15 recipes were published in the Sumerian state 5000 years ago, which were successfully used in cosmetology and in the treatment of various diseases.

And in ancient Egypt, the extract was used as an inhalation forbronchitis and pneumonia, have been successfully used in the fight against tuberculosis. In addition, the Indians used pine extract as a remedy for scurvy. And in the Renaissance, experts began to use the drug as a cure for the plague. Fresh resin has been successfully used for skin diseases, including lichen.

Today, specialists have begun to develop in the field of chemical processing of wood, therefore, they produce pharmacological agents based on natural esters.

pine essential oil
pine essential oil


Pines are evergreen trees that can be found in the northern and central strip of the Russian Federation. Essential oil is obtained by distillation (pomace) from pine. And the process is really not easy.

  1. A slightly yellowish or clear liquid comes out first. It is practically odorless, is a fluid and volatile liquid.
  2. Impurities are added to the oil.
  3. To get half a liter of liquid, you need to process more than 4 kg of wood.

Despite the serious costs of the plant during production, the price of a bottle of essential oil is minimal. For example, a tube will cost you about a couple of dollars. The price depends entirely on the region, place of purchase and manufacturer. Considering all the useful properties of pine, the price is really minimal.


According to legends and myths, oil appeared due to the influence of the Gods. In ancient times, there lived a beautiful girl named Pitya. And the God of the northern winds Boreas fell in love with her. Hewanted to capture, to completely dominate the beauty. But Pitya decided to hide from the hated groom and ran away to the pine forest.

When God found out about this, he became angry, began to shake the crowns of trees with incredible strength. The girl tried to hide in the crown of a tree, but the icy wind Boreas turned her into branches, and her tears turned into resin. Tears of the unfortunate - this is the essential oil of pine, the properties and use of which are widespread in the modern world.

pine essential oil properties
pine essential oil properties

Extract properties

Scotch pine, or rather its oil, has a bactericidal effect, helps to cope with viruses, microbes and bacteria. Undoubtedly beneficial in the treatment of colds and coughs. Eliminates fungi on the nails, helps to cope with household odors, has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. At the same time it gives tone, adds energy. Scotch pine, essential oil have analgesic, wound healing properties. That is why they are used to successfully treat wounds, eliminate wrinkles, remove excess fluid.

Already from the foregoing, it becomes clear that in addition to benefits for hair and skin, Siberian pine essential oil is excellent in the fight against various diseases.

Rules for using the extract

In the treatment of colds, inhalations with the addition of an extract are widespread. Literally two drops per liter of water give positive results. Before use, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Notit is recommended to use more than 7 days due to the strong action.
  2. Forbidden to use for gastrointestinal diseases, kidney disease.
  3. Pregnant women should not use oil, as it affects the tone.
  4. Do not take orally on an empty stomach, consult your doctor before use.

Pine essential oil: properties and uses for the body

The extract strengthens the body, creates a barrier to the ingress of pathogenic microbes. Heals wounds, eliminates pain, improves blood circulation, thereby helping to cope with varicocele. Pine essential oil relieves muscle spasms, nervous tension.

The skin improves elasticity, smoothes, looks young and well-groomed. The extract protects against chapping, freezing, and the smell repels insects.

What about the hair? The oil cares for the hair, making it shiny and strong. Helps to effectively cope with the problem of baldness.

Helps with loss of strength, vitamin deficiency and general weakness. The pleasant aroma of the extract helps to cope with depression and strengthen the immune system.

Beneficial effect of oil on hair

There are many recipes that use pine essential oil. For hair, in order to give them strength and shine, you need to take 10 milliliters of the base solution (it can be conditioner, balm), add 3-4 drops of oil. Before use, it is necessary to stir the resulting product well so that the droplets of ether are evenly distributed. Apply to hair for a few minutes, thenrinse with warm water.

pine essential oil for hair reviews
pine essential oil for hair reviews

The remedy is excellent for baldness. To do this, you need to boil a liter of water, add dry burdock and 5-6 drops of pomace. Rinse the pre-washed head with a decoction and dry it. This decoction helps to strengthen the hair roots, restore hair follicles. At the same time, the hair itself becomes stronger, no brittleness, shine and elasticity will appear.

For baldness, you can also massage oil into the scalp to activate growth and get luxurious, lush and shiny hair.

To forget about dandruff, add 5 drops of oil to the shampoo. Then rub into the roots and ends of the hair, rinse. There is also 2 way: apply to a comb and comb your hair every evening.

In addition, the oil can be applied to the comb every evening and simply run through the hair: starting from the tips, moving to the roots. It helps with dandruff.

Cosmetologists often use pine essential oil for hair, customer reviews are extremely positive. Since the oil really helps to get rid of dandruff, strengthens hair, copes with baldness.

Beneficial effect on the skin

For face care, you can add two drops of oil to 10 ml of the usual cream, apply to the skin once a day. With regular use, you will notice that the skin will smooth out, fine wrinkles will gradually disappear.

For massage, you can add 4-5 drops to a jar of massage agent. The positive effect willnoticeable after the first procedure. The skin becomes soft, velvety and tender.

How does oil affect hands? You can add a couple of drops of the extract to your daily cream. The skin will become soft, the hands will be well-groomed.

Pine essential oil: properties and uses in traditional medicine

For angina pectoris: 9-10 g of pine oil is diluted in half a liter of water, mixed and drunk. After half an hour, the remedy is repeated, only the number of drops is reduced to 7.

For eczema: the patient should prepare a cream. To do this, you need 30 g of oil, 20 grams of goose fat, 2-5 drops of the extract. We mix all the ingredients, apply once a day to the skin in the form of an application. No need to rinse.

Compresses: a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers is added to 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for an hour, after adding 2-4 drops of ether.

Gynecology. For oral administration: take no more than 5 drops of pine oil per glass of boiled water. Drink every time before meals. This solution can be used for douching instead of oral administration.

Periodontosis. Take 2-3 drops of extract in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth up to 4 times a day.

Sciatica. To prepare a healing cream, take one tablespoon of lard, honey and wax. Add 10-12 drops of pine extract. Boil for 30 minutes in a water bath, then grease the back.

Siberian pine essential oil
Siberian pine essential oil

Cold diseases. Positive effects give inhalations with the addition of oil. Inhalations are done by adding 1-4 drops of the extract, while breathingit takes about 7 minutes. You can use a mixture of oils: lavender, pine, eucalyptus, thyme and ethyl alcohol.

Properties of pine essential oil:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • wound healing.

You can openly declare that the healing tree is a pine. The essential oil, the use of which in medicine shows positive results, contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient.

Using the extract in everyday life

Many women have learned to benefit from medicinal plants. The extract helps to simplify housekeeping, get rid of strong odors.

To destroy pathogenic microflora, many housewives resort to pine oil. It has an antibacterial effect, which is why it helps to destroy harmful microorganisms.

In the kitchen, always useful for accidental burns. Add 5 drops to dishwashing detergent and wipe floor surfaces.

Plumbing can be cleaned without problems! You just need water (150 ml), add 25 ml of detergent, 4 drops of pine extract and 20 alcohol, 25 g of citric acid to it. This tool, in addition to helping to remove bad smell, will also get rid of limescale.

pine essential oil
pine essential oil

Suitable for laundry care: when ironing, add a couple of drops to the iron as well.


Negative feedback on the use of pine extract can not be found. Since the tree hasantibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and other properties. A universal remedy is pine essential oil. The properties and uses of the extract are described above. All this allows you to use it not only in everyday life, but also in professional beauty salons and medical institutions.

No adverse reactions - an added plus when using. Exception: individual intolerance.

Summing up a little, we can say: pine essential oil is an effective and safe remedy. Feedback can only be found positive.


As with any remedy, pine extract should be used with caution during pregnancy, as it affects the tone of the uterus. Only a gynecologist can assess all the risks for a woman.

It is undesirable to use in diseases of the kidneys and liver.

In addition, an allergic reaction is possible with individual intolerance.

pine essential oil
pine essential oil


We examined in detail what pine essential oil is, its properties and use in traditional medicine. As well as the use of the extract in cosmetology and in everyday life. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that Scotch pine oil is a tool that is really in demand in the market of cosmetology and medicine. Since ancient times, people have determined that Scotch pine (or rather, the essential oil that is obtained from it) has a bactericidal effect, helps to cope with viruses, microbes and bacteria. That is why it is widelyin demand. Truly, one can call the pine tree the tree of life.
