Signs of a headache are familiar to many. There is such a violation for a variety of reasons. If a headache often occurs, then a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out to determine the provoking factor, as this may indicate serious disorders in the body. Treatment is carried out with the help of medications and folk remedies.
There are several different types of headaches, including:
- vascular;
- cluster;
- muscle tension;
- neuralgic;
- liquorodynamic;
- hallucinatory;
- hangover;
- mixed genesis.
Vascular headache manifests itself in the form of migraine, and also occurs with hypertension. Migraine is a condition in which attacks of severe throbbing pain appear. It is also possible the appearance of nausea, sound and photophobia. Young women often suffer from migraines. In addition, it is importanthereditary predisposition.
When blood pressure rises, there is a pressing, heavy, throbbing pain. It is mainly localized in the back of the head and neck.
Cluster types of pain are a pronounced pain syndrome in the area of the brain. It occurs spontaneously and is observed irregularly. The intensity of the pain is so severe that it can lead to suicide attempts in order to get rid of it. Among the main reasons, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- lack of sleep;
- spirits;
- tobacco smoking;
- stress;
- consumption of certain foods;
- temperature increase.
Tension headaches are considered the most common. Muscle contraction affects the blood vessels, thereby preventing normal blood circulation. This provokes a lack of oxygen in muscle tissues and the accumulation of toxic substances that provoke severe pain. As a result, a rather severe headache appears.

It mainly occurs in the back of the head and spreads to the frontal part. The pain is dull and non-pulsating. It creates a feeling of strong tension on the top of the head or in the forehead and temples. Often, the muscles of the shoulders and neck, as well as the skin of the skull, also hurt. The pain is usually bilateral. It affects both sides of the head equally.
Liquorodynamic headache occurs for the following reasons:
- head injury;
- volumetric neoplasms of the brain;
- inflammatory diseases,such as meningitis, encephalitis.
The neuralgic type of soreness has a number of characteristic features. Among the main signs of a headache, it is necessary to highlight the fact that it lasts for several seconds or minutes, but the attacks follow one after another at short intervals. This makes a person suffer for several hours or even days.
There are also certain areas, the irritation of which provokes a very strong attack. Even just touching this area can cause a severe headache. Discomfort also extends to neighboring and distant areas. The pain is mostly sharp, sharp, penetrating. At the moment of its appearance, a person freezes and is afraid to make an extra movement.
Pain can occur as a result of mental strain, acute or chronic stress. It is often fixed in people with a high level of anxiety. The pain is constant, it is squeezing, squeezing, without a clear localization, weak or moderate intensity.
Reasons for appearance
A variety of factors can provoke such a symptom. Headaches and migraines can cause even a simple visit to the steam room. In addition, the provoking factors are the following:
- head injury;
- brain tumor;
- inflammatory diseases;
- cold;
- psychic overstrain;
- increase or decrease in pressure.
Provoke an attack of pain may be taking or canceling certain medications. Certain chemicals also cause it. You can go to theminclude alcohol, insecticides and many others.

It is quite common to experience a headache after exercise, as this provokes muscle strain. Any problem in the skull, teeth or ENT organs can also provoke a severe attack. Headache appears with osteochondrosis of the cervical region. It is localized in the temples and the back of the head.
Additional symptoms
Often there are other signs of a headache, which include the following:
- fainting and dizziness;
- nausea and vomiting;
- temperature increase;
- weakness;
- pain in the neck and throat;
- tinnitus.
If the headache was provoked by problems with the vessels, then their pathology leads to fainting. Often a similar symptom appears with a migraine, which also causes throbbing and numbness. If a person refuses food for a long time, then his he alth will only worsen.
Such a condition is also possible in the presence of a tumor in the brain, but at the same time, bursting pain is felt from the inside.

Nausea and vomiting appears with vegetovascular dystonia, increased pressure. This is considered a crisis, so urgent medical attention is required, as there is a risk of dangerous complications, up to the death of the patient.
High fever and headache are mainly observed in colds and inflammatory processes. Each of them has its own specific symptoms. For meningitisthe head hurts very much, and the muscles of the back of the head are in tension all the time. In the event of vomiting, it is important to urgently hospitalize the patient. With flu and colds, the headache is localized in the temples, eyes and forehead.
If there are signs of a headache, then it is imperative to undergo a diagnosis to determine the cause of such a problem. You should immediately contact a therapist who will conduct a survey to clarify its localization and intensity of sensations, as well as conduct an examination, after which he will refer you to specialized specialists:
- otolaryngologist;
- oculist;
- neurologist;
- psychiatrist;
- to the dentist.
Due to the use of modern diagnostic techniques, the diagnosis will be much faster. An electroencephalogram shows the general state of the brain, vascular damage. X-ray helps to identify trauma, hydrocephalus, sinusitis. MRI makes it possible to determine the tumor, damage after a stroke and cerebrovascular accident.
CT shows a change in the structures of brain tissue, hemorrhage, allows you to identify a blood clot, cyst, atherosclerosis, aneurysm. Electromyography is designed to diagnose damage in the tissues of the nervous system. Laboratory studies will determine whether there are foci of inflammation or autoimmune processes in the body, as well as metabolic disorders.
Providing treatment
Headache mainly acts as a symptom of various pathologies and disorders in the body. To eliminate them, you need tocomprehensive activities that consist of:
- drug therapy;
- physiotherapy;
- folk remedies.
Depending on the type and cause of headaches, treatment is selected strictly individually after a comprehensive diagnosis. Tablets or injections have an analgesic effect, eliminate inflammation, and provide local anesthesia. Often, over-the-counter drugs are enough, but with a serious problem, special tools simply cannot be dispensed with. In this case, a drug blockade with hormonal drugs is prescribed.
Physiotherapy involves the use of ultrasound, alternating and direct current, thermal procedures, magnetic field and many other techniques. They are considered the most effective in the treatment of headaches. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, this is the only method that can be used.
In addition, you can use folk remedies, but before that you need to consult your doctor. It can be homeopathy and lotions. They will not always be effective, and during pregnancy and lactation it is better to refuse them so as not to harm the child.
Medicated treatment
To eliminate a headache attack, you can take the following drugs:
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- antispasmodics;
- analgesics;
- muscle relaxants;
- combination drugs;
- multivitamin complexes.
Anti-inflammatory drugs help not only to eliminate pain,relieve fever and inflammation. These drugs include Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ketorolac.
According to the instructions, "Spasmalgon" from a headache is used in the presence of spasm of muscles and blood vessels. In addition, antispasmodics should include such drugs as Drotaverine, No-Shpa, Spazgan.

Analgesics help eliminate even a very severe headache, which is provoked by fluctuations in blood pressure. These include such as "Analgin", "Nebalgin". It is very important to take additional drugs to normalize blood pressure or vasodilators.
Combined products include Novigan, Solpadein, Pentalgin. These medicines should be taken if a person has a very severe headache. With hypertension, you need to take drugs to normalize pressure, as well as muscle relaxants. They help eliminate muscle spasm, as well as normalize blood circulation in soft tissues.
If the pain is very acute and other medicines do not help, then the doctor may prescribe Stugeron or Trental for migraine. They must be taken very carefully, as they can provoke serious side effects.
The drug "Amigrenin" helps to alleviate the symptoms of migraine. Instructions for use says that the effect of the drug is based on the elimination of serotonin imbalance in the body. Indicated for the relief of acute headache attacks with or without aura. According to the instructions for use, Amigrenin has certain side effects, causesincrease and decrease in pressure, so it should be used carefully and only after consulting a doctor.
Additionally, you need to drink multivitamin complexes that help strengthen the immune system. In addition, some of them may act as antipsychotics.
Non-drug treatment
You can get rid of pain with the help of not only medications, but also other methods of treatment. Alternative techniques include:
- massage;
- acupuncture;
- balneological treatment.
During the massage, points on the hand are affected. This technique helps to get rid of headaches quickly and effectively, as it helps to relax muscles and improve blood circulation. Balneological treatment is carried out with the help of water at the right temperature. This includes water gymnastics.

You can also act on the vital points on the hand from a headache by conducting an acupuncture procedure. Alternative techniques are used for long-term therapy and to prevent the onset of an attack.
Folk remedies
You can use such techniques only with the permission of the doctor, so as not to provoke a deterioration in the condition. Folk remedies for headaches with pressure require long-term use. In addition, you can drink infusions and decoctions only if there is no allergy.
Alcohol tincture of propolis helps well. Take 20 g of raw materials, pour 100 ml of alcohol. Let it brew and you can consume readyremedy, dripping 40 drops on bread. Take 20 g of wormwood root, chop, pour boiling water and let stand for 20 minutes. Filter and drink three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Instead of tea, you can drink a decoction of mint, coltsfoot, lemon balm, oregano. You can quickly eliminate a headache with the help of a lemon peel. It should be applied to the area where the pain is greatest.
Pregnancy headache
This is a rather characteristic condition during the period of bearing a baby. In addition, if the headache went away after vomiting, then this can be considered the first sign of pregnancy. During this period, the body becomes more sensitive and reacts sharply to any changes.

Headache often appears in late pregnancy, which is associated with changes in hormonal levels and an increase in the volume of circulating blood required for normal nutrition of the fetus. In women, fluctuations in blood pressure are often observed, and chronic diseases are exacerbated. In addition, with the onset of pregnancy, migraine may begin.
What could be the consequences
In addition to disability and the inability to lead a normal life, there is a risk of complications from the underlying cause that triggered the headache. If the pathology is not detected in a timely manner and treatment is not carried out, then the therapy may not be effective enough.
The best prevention is early diagnosis, identification of the causeheadache and its elimination. It is not always possible to prevent its occurrence due to a change in weather, depression, nervous strain. That is why it is better to avoid situations that can lead to violations.
It is very important to get enough sleep, not to overwork, to give up alcohol and drinks that can provoke an increase in pressure or problems with blood vessels.