Pressing headache is a common occurrence that every person has to deal with, regardless of age. As a result, this leads to depression of the general condition, which is expressed in sleep disturbance, decreased performance, lack of mood and increased irritability. The causes of this condition can be different, ranging from banal lack of sleep to the development of diseases in the body.
Features of pressing headache
If the discomfort is temporary, which passes without any inconvenience to the person, then this should not cause any alarm. This may be caused by vascular spasm. But in the case of prolonged pressing pain that prevents a person from fully living and working, one should pay attention to this and find out the cause of the pathological process.
Pressing headaches fall into 2 main categories:
- primary - unrelateddiseases;
- secondary - as a symptom of concomitant pathologies.
The most dangerous are uncomfortable sensations that appear suddenly without provoking factors and do not subside over a long period.
Main reasons and location

Discomfort can be triggered by certain diseases. You can identify the cause of pain by its localization.
- Increased intracranial pressure. In this case, there is a pressing headache in the forehead, spreading from the top of the head to the eyes. Discomfort manifestations are often felt and have a aching character. This type of pain may be a symptom of a stroke.
- Concussion, head injury. In this case, a severe headache presses from all sides. Unpleasant sensation appears the day after the injury or after 2 weeks.
- Influenza, SARS. These diseases cause a pressing headache that can spread throughout the head or be localized purely in the forehead, eyes, back of the head or temples.
- Meningitis. The disease is manifested by a severe headache that presses on the eyes. A characteristic difference in the pathology is fever and a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition.
- Hypertension. In this case, the headache presses on the temples, spreading initially from the back of the head. Additional symptoms include fever in the head, tinnitus and nausea.
- Viral respiratory diseases. In this case, the cause of a dull headache that presses on the eyes,are toxins that accumulate as a result of the vital activity of viruses. This provokes swelling of the vessels and their further squeezing by adjacent tissues.
- Cervical osteochondrosis. An uncomfortable sensation appears after sleep, if a person slept in an uncomfortable position, and can also occur as a result of a sharp turn of the head. In this case, the pain is felt on one side and is accompanied by tinnitus, flickering "flies" before the eyes, or hearing loss.
- Anemia. Pathology is characterized by a critical decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, the function of which is to transport oxygen throughout the body. In addition to pain, anemia is accompanied by dizziness, fainting and general weakness.
- Migraine. In this case, the headache appears on one side in the region of the eyes and forehead, and subsequently it spreads to the top of the head. The discomfort is often accompanied by photophobia.
- Inflammation of the nasal and frontal sinuses (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis). Against the background of these reasons, the headache presses on the eyes or there is a feeling of fullness inside the head. This is facilitated by the accumulation of mucus inside the skull, which does not find an outlet due to swollen adjacent tissues.
Provoking factors

In addition to diseases, the appearance of discomfort can be caused by a violation of the usual lifestyle or external influences:
- Bad habits. This factor negatively affects the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and also provokes an increase in cholesterol levels to a critical level.marks. This can provoke the development of a heart attack and stroke.
- Hunger. In the absence of glucose, which nourishes the brain, a headache also appears. Discomfort can be provoked by various diets.
- The effects of the cold. The appearance of pressing pain in the forehead and a little higher may be a reaction of the body to low temperatures in the absence of a headdress.
- Reaction to the heat. A sharp rise in temperature by 5 degrees increases the likelihood of a migraine attack by 7.5%. This occurs against the background of the expansion of blood vessels located under the trigeminal nerve.
- Alcohol intoxication. As a result, severe pressing headaches are felt, which are caused by a lack of oxygen in the brain.
- Unbalanced diet. Spicy, fatty and s alty foods, as well as those containing a large amount of preservatives, provoke the formation of cholesterol plaques, which reduce vascular patency.
- Depression. In this case, a pressing pain in the head is a somatic sign of a depressed state that develops against the background of a critical decrease in serotonin ("happiness hormone") in the body.
- Excessive consumption of caffeine. For an adult, it is enough to drink no more than 2 cups of coffee during the day. Exceeding this limit can cause a headache.
- Hormonal failure. Discomfort appears due to changes in the body during adolescence, during pregnancy and menopause.
- Stress, overwork, hard physical work, lack of proper rest. Regular loads are negativeaffect the general well-being of a person. Therefore, the body sooner or later begins to fail, signaling this with a headache.

Pressing head pain is difficult to confuse with other types, as it has certain features.
Key features:
- initially there is pain in the temples and in the forehead, and then it spreads to the back of the head;
- often discomfort is accompanied by discomfort in the neck, which subsequently migrates to the eye area;
- most often, pain is observed on one side and is achingly monotonous;
- Bouts last from 15 minutes to several hours.
Dangerous accompanying symptoms not to be ignored
In addition to the pressing pain in the head, there may be additional discomfort. Therefore, it is important to monitor the patient's condition and respond to dangerous symptoms in time, as they can lead to serious he alth consequences.
Main signs requiring hospitalization:
- body temperature 39 degrees and above;
- incoherent speech;
- constant sleepiness;
- loss of consciousness;
- vomiting without relief;
- decrease in visual acuity;
- loss of sensation;
- h alt breathing;
- Headache that does not subside after taking analgesics.
The presence of at least one of the listed symptoms in combination with pressinga headache should be cause for alarm and call an ambulance.
First Aid
To stop an unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to use drugs that have a quick effect.
In this case, the following medicines are most effective:
- "Fanigan";
- "Ketanov";
- "Aspirin";
- "Sedalgin";
- "Ibuprofen";
- "Spazmalgon";
- "Paracetamol".
But you should understand that these drugs provide only first aid and temporarily relieve pain. They are not suitable for the treatment of the disease. With the frequent occurrence of attacks of pain, it is necessary to undergo an examination.
Homemade recipes to fix the problem

In the event of a one-time attack of a pressing headache that was provoked by an external factor, you can use some recommendations to eliminate the unpleasant sensation.
- You should lie on the couch and take a comfortable position. At the same time, it is important to relax as much as possible and not burden yourself with mental work, so you should stop listening and watching anything.
- Wet a towel in cool water, wring it out and put it on your forehead. This will help relieve nervous tension.
- It is also recommended to wash your face with cool water and wipe the neck area. If possible, take a cool shower. After that, you can drink cool water or cold tea if there is no nausea.
- Ventilateroom, opening the window, but so that there are no drafts.
- After the pain subsides, it is recommended not to burden yourself with any work during the day.
If later the seizures resume, then you should not put off going to the doctor any longer.
How important is specialist help?

Headache, pressing on the eyes or on another area of the head, is often only a symptom of the disease. Therefore, the sooner the main cause of its appearance is identified and treated, the less painful it will affect he alth.
Frequent occurrence of pain should be a reason to see a specialist, as any ignoring the problem, as well as self-treatment at random can only significantly aggravate the situation.
To identify the cause of discomfort, you should consult a therapist. The doctor will first of all interview the patient for the presence of concomitant symptoms in addition to the headache.
The following examinations may be needed in the future:
- CT (computed tomography) - helps to find areas in which the movement of blood flow is disturbed, and also confirms or refutes the presence of injuries;
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - helps to identify the tumor;
- laboratory studies - confirm and refute the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
After all the studies, the doctor establishes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment.
Medic altreatment

Based on the established diagnosis, drugs can be prescribed to treat a disease that provokes a pressing headache:
- antispasmodics;
- antidepressants;
- antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and pain medications;
- antihypertensive drugs;
- antiviral drugs;
- venotonic drugs;
- iron products.
Some of the listed medicines can be used simultaneously to relieve pain and treat the underlying disease. But how to combine them correctly and in what dosage to take, only the attending physician can clarify.
Folk Therapy
Complementary medicine can be used to relieve a headache attack that presses on the back of the head or in another area. Their action is especially relevant when an unpleasant sensation appeared due to some provoking factor.
- 10 g of cinnamon pour 50 ml of hot water. After 30 minutes, add 10 g of sugar to the mixture. Drink the remedy for 1 tbsp. l. every hour until the pain subsides.
- 20 g of valerian root pour 250 ml of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 30 minutes using a water bath. After that, leave and let it brew for 1 hour, strain. Drink the product three times a day before meals, drinking 50 ml of the drink at a time.
- Apply fresh lemon peel to temples and forehead until the pain subsides.

To preventrepeated bouts of pain, simple recommendations should be followed. They include the basic ideas of a he althy lifestyle that will help maintain and improve he alth.
- Sleep should be 8 hours.
- Constantly control your posture to avoid curvature of the spine.
- Practice exercise, which will help normalize blood circulation.
- Perform regular light massage of problem areas that cause discomfort.
- Exclude heavy and junk food from the diet, giving preference to fruits and vegetables.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- Regularly take walks in the fresh air.
- Enable the body to fully relax after exercise.
Pressing pain in the head is not the norm, as it signals a failure in the body. Therefore, the sooner the cause of its appearance is revealed, the faster the person will return to his usual way of life.