Wasps are a representative of two-winged insects that live on almost all continents. That is why many of us have met them, and the pain of their bite is quite difficult to forget. The poison that enters the body when bitten has a number of features and can affect the human body. Anxiety, in some cases panic, is caused by the situation when the wasp bit the tongue. The body in such a case reacts much faster, and the symptoms appear brighter, since the tissues of the oral cavity are not protected, the mucous membrane is thin. What to do if a wasp stung on the tongue?
Deep penetration of the poison
In the oral cavity, the tissues are soft, the sting can easily penetrate very deep. This moment determines the penetration of a large amount of poison. If an insect has flown into the oral cavity, it can bite several times in a confined space. A lot of poison and its deep penetration leads to a quick reaction and even to a state of shock. Therefore, in most cases, only those around you can help, for which you need to know thatdo if bitten by a wasp in the tongue.

How can a wasp get into the mouth?
Some people, when considering what to do if a wasp stung on the tongue, are unaware of the high prevalence of such a situation. There are many reasons why an insect enters the mouth:
- May accidentally fly into the mouth, as it moves quite quickly and in different trajectories.
- Even at a distance of several tens of meters from a hornet's nest, there is often a mass attack of insects, in which there is also a possibility of a similar situation. In this case, the insects randomly attack anyone near the nest.
- Unnoticeably, you can bring an insect into the oral cavity along with sweet foods that wasps love very much.

The above points determine that the situation in question can happen to almost anyone. Therefore, you should know what to do if a wasp has bitten your tongue.
Wasp sting
The tongue has unprotected muscle tissue. Therefore, when bitten, the sting enters completely, and it is impossible to get rid of the insect quickly, a lot of poison penetrates into the tissues.
When a poison enters the body, the following happens:
- Swelling develops more as the fluid formed when the toxin enters the soft tissues faster.
- Strong burning sensation, which may be accompanied by itching, there is a desire to scratch the bite.
- Alsoheadache starts.
At the same time, many people have an emotional factor - the fear of death. In each case, the allergic reaction takes place in different ways, in some of them the tongue may increase so much that it does not fit in the oral cavity. What to do if bitten by a wasp? Help with a bite should be provided by the surrounding people or doctors immediately for the following reasons:
- Verbal communication is disrupted.
- Unable to swallow.
- Difficulty chewing food.
- It is possible that the poison will cause symptoms of an allergic reaction associated with disruption of the cardiovascular system, as well as breathing problems.

Even in the absence of pronounced symptoms of an allergic reaction, there is a chance of difficulty breathing, which occurs with numerous bites.
Recommendations from doctors
Doctors give a lot of advice, answering the question of what to do if a wasp has bitten. The rules for first aid are to seek medical attention in the following cases:
- If an insect stung in the face.
- If the affected area is the tongue or larynx.
- If several insects attacked at the same time, as there is a possibility of toxic poisoning.

For a normal bite to the hand, if the allergic reaction is not severe, it is not necessary to seek medical help.
Allergy group
Life-threatening symptoms can be caused by the venom of the insect in question in 2-3% of people bitten. It is possible to identify an allergy to wasp venom when undergoing a special examination or after the first successful attack of an insect. In an allergic person, a bite outside the mouth can cause serious symptoms: dizziness, a feeling of suffocation, disruption of the digestive system and vomiting, nausea. The most dangerous manifestation can be called anaphylactic shock and loss of consciousness. In such cases, you should seek medical help without fail.
What to do if bitten?
When a wasp stung the tongue, what should the victim do in this situation if there are no people nearby who can help? When this situation occurs:
- We need to move away from the place where the attack was. The main thing is to avoid the attack of several insects, which is possible when you are near their nest.
- You should call those who can help. It is important to understand that an allergic reaction can begin suddenly, accompanied by a significant deterioration in the condition. Therefore, the victim cannot help himself on his own.
- When bitten in the tongue, all doctors recommend seeking help immediately. Therefore, in the absence of such an opportunity, an ambulance should be called.
- The sting must not remain in the fabric. It should be removed if possible.
- Cold helps to slow down the process of edema formation. Therefore, cold should be applied if it can be done.

Allergy sufferers should immediately take the medicine and call an ambulance, as the bite itself in the tongue is life-threatening. Drugs that reduce inflammation in the body are prescribed in a medical institution after passing a certain examination. Therefore, only prescribed drugs based on examinations are highly effective.
How to help the victim?
If a person nearby is bitten on the tongue by a wasp, what should I do in this case? It should be immediately taken into account that such a situation can be life-threatening if first aid is not provided in a timely manner. Wasp stung, what to do? First aid for a bite is as follows:
- First, you should ask the victim if he is allergic. If yes, then you need help to take a special drug. In the absence of the drug, you should immediately call an ambulance.
- If the victim does not belong to the group of allergy sufferers, then you need to determine the affected area. Wasp bitten in the tongue, what to do in this case? In case of severe swelling, you should again call an ambulance or help the victim yourself to get to the first-aid post.
- If the swelling is small, and other symptoms characteristic of allergy sufferers do not appear, then you need to remove the sting. To do this, use tweezers. Immediately after the bite, the victim should be in fresh air, as there is a possibility of difficulty breathing.
- After removing the sting, ice can be applied. Cold slows down the development of edema and slows down the passage of inflammatory processes.

It is recommended to observe the condition of the victim within an hour, as it may suddenly worsen.
How long does the edematous condition last and how to treat it?
Swelling usually does not subside for several days or even a week. It all depends on how the body reacts to the toxin. There are quite a few recommendations that can help if the problem in question occurs:
- A cut onion applied to the bite site reduces swelling in some cases.
- An antihistamine due to its composition can help with swelling. This reduces the time it takes to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
It is impossible to quickly remove swelling or stop the passage of the inflammatory process. We have to wait, over time, in many cases, everything returns to normal on its own.
What not to do?
- Search for the sting by picking open the wound.
- Squeeze the poison out of the wound.
- Scratch.
- Increase the dose of anti-allergic drugs in the hope of reducing swelling.
- Restrict yourself to food.
- Drink alcohol.
It is important that first aid is competent.
If a pet is hurt?
In the summer there is a danger that a wasp or a bee will bite a dog or a cat. At the same time, dogs quite often catch insects with their mouths for fun. If you get a wasp, definitely expect trouble.

Like people, pets can tolerate the ingestion of poison in different ways. In any case, you must immediately remove the sting, which remains with the bag. It contains poison. In some cases, doing this on your own is not only difficult, but dangerous, since a wasp sting is accompanied by itching and pain. The dog was bitten by a wasp on the tongue. What to do in this case? It is recommended to seek the help of a veterinarian, as the dog may become aggressive due to the pain experienced, and it will be dangerous to remove the stinger from the mouth.
Some drugs can slow the development of allergy symptoms. Therefore, dog owners who like to go outdoors with their pet should have the following preparations with them:
- "Dexamethasone".
- "Suprastin", "Tavegil".
- For severe swelling use magnesium sulfate or Lasix.
When bitten into the tongue or oral cavity, the drug should be applied immediately, since abundant salivation and a strong increase in the size of the tongue are of great danger. In this case, it is recommended to use injections, as they have the desired effect several times faster than tablets.
The most important rule in cases of wasp sting is that it is not a cause for panic! In their right mind, it is much easier to come to the aid of the victim and eliminate negative reactions after the bite.